"we literally just saw each other; what do you want?"

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THE PAIR SHUFFLED into (Y/N)'s apartment, predicting that she was asleep, careful to not wake her grandma

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THE PAIR SHUFFLED into (Y/N)'s apartment, predicting that she was asleep, careful to not wake her grandma. (Y/N) turned to Peter before letting him leave and closing the door.

"So, Mr Parker," (Y/N) started, "what time would you like moi for your Sunday news tomorrow evening?"

"I don't know yet, but I'll text you the dets," Peter told her with a wink and began to turn away, "bye" he smiled.

"Bye Peter" (Y/N) chuckled while closing the door. As it closed, she turned her body and leaned against the wooden door. She let her knees slightly bend and her head fell backwards as she sighed in content. She had never realised, but (Y/N) (Y/L/N) was truly, deeply, unconditionally in love with Peter Parker.

The night rolled on quickly for (Y/N); after Peter had left her, she found her grandma asleep with the TV still playing in the background. The programme had finished and all that was heard was the quiet snoring of her Gran and the fair buzz of the TV. She lightly giggled to herself; seeing this scene was normal for her, and if it wasn't this, it was abnormal. She made her way to her grandma, shook her slightly, being careful not to scare her. She stirred and her eyes fluttered open to revealed a blurry (Y/N). Elizabeth smiled as she realised it was her.

"Hello dear," she lightly yawned, "how's Peter? Is he well?"

"Yeh, yeh. He's fine Gran. He's good," (Y/N) smiled, "erm, I just wanted to wake you so you didn't fall off the sofa...again."

"Oh, why, thank you dear. You're too kind to me" Elizabeth smiled back as she slowly got up, with help from (Y/N). Her feet shuffled across the carpeted floor and they made their way up the stairs while (Y/N) watched to check she was okay. She then made her way into the kitchen and grabbed her phone while getting a glass of water. She drank almost the entire thing as her thirst was quenched. When she couldn't drink anymore, she breathed heavily as she lowered the glass from her mouth. The ringing of her phone startled her as she almost dropped the now almost empty glass. She looked at the caller ID and answered,

"Pete? We literally just saw each other; what do you want?" She quietly yelled into the phone, with a laugh at the end so he knew she wasn't mad.

"Well, I...I. Well, I just wanted to..to say night," he started being more confident for some reason, "and I hope you, a-and your Gran, sleep well. That's all"

"Oh, okay," she smiled at his awkwardness, "thanks Pete, you too, and your aunt."

"Thanks, night (Y/N)"

"Night Pete" she giggled and ended the call. Her phone then buzzed straight away, with a message from Peter.

night pizza 🍕 xxx

She smiled and replied almost instantly.

night burger 🍔 xxx

She turned her phone off after he saw it then went upstairs to her room. As she walked in, a shiver flew down her spine and goosebumps rose all over her body. She searched her room for the source and noticed her window was slightly ajar. Her feet moved quickly to close the door before it could make her night a cold one. After the wind had been locked out of her room, she shuffled over to her wardrobe to get changed. Her soft pyjamas gave a comfortable feeling as she slid into bed. As soon as her head hit the pillow, her eyes shut closed and her attempt at falling asleep had started; that night she dreamed of her meeting with Peter that next evening.


(Y/N) woke up with a start on the Sunday morning groggy and warm. The nightmare she'd previously experienced had taken over her mind and she ended up feeling abominable. The sunlight was flooding through her windows creating a warm atmosphere in her room: maybe leaving the window open was a good idea. Her first instinct was to cool down. She reluctantly pulled her covers off her, shuffled over to the window, opened it and breathed in the fresh air. Her mind raced a thousand miles an hour recalling the night she'd had and the nightmare that had followed while she rested her forearms on her window sill. The borough of Queens wasn't quiet; the regular birds were chirping, the hustle and bustle of the streets were loud even above street level.

(Y/N) had woke early from her natural body clock and knew Peter wouldn't be awake to share the beautiful horizon with her. She sighed as she turned on her heals and walked towards her bedroom door. She didn't bother to be quiet as she knew her grandmother would be awake. A few steps down the hall and she was in front of the door. As she walked in, she noticed her grandmother sat up straight knitting.

"Good morning, gran" she smiled as her hands laced around the curtains and pulled them open.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Good night sleep?"

"Yeh. Alright, I guess. Had a nightmare but nothing serious," she sighed as she sat opposite Elizabeth, "I dreamed that Peter was killed, and I was sat, strapped in a chair, powerless. I wanted to save him, but I couldn't."

"Oh, sweetheart. It's okay, you know full well that will never happen. He cares about you too much to let anything happen to him, or you"

"Thanks, gran" she lowered her head and smiled, the only smile that appears whenever Peter's name is mentioned.

"See. There's that smile, the same one I had with your grandfather. You two are very happy, anyone could see. Keep him, love. He's a good one" she patted (Y/N)'s hand with her cold one and went back to knitting.

"I'll try," she smiled, "don't be too late getting sorted, gran. Don't want to miss church" and with that, she left the room and shut the door.

Her day was only beginning.

After leaving her grandmother's room, she wandered down to her room, quickly shut the door and headed to her bathroom to get ready. The shower turned on almost immediately and thus began her preparation for the day ahead of her.


uploading this tonight bc i'm at a party tomorrow night x

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