"and im never leaving, got it?"

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(Y/N) WOKE TO a loud knock on her window

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(Y/N) WOKE TO a loud knock on her window. Her eyes opened quickly and her body jerked upwards. Her bedroom was how she left it the night before: clean and tidy. The only problem, she couldn't see what was banging on her window at 10:56 that morning. Her hand grabbed the quilt and pulled it off her body. Her legs swung round off the bed and she stood up. The white blind was lifted shortly after to reveal a red and blue suit.

"Well, good morning to you Spider-Man" she giggled as she pushed open her window.

"And a good morning to you too, Miss (Y/L/N)" he helped close the window as it was stiff sometimes. The blind fell back down to its original position as Peter lifted the mask just above his mouth. He leaned forward and pecked (Y/N)'s lips.

"What brings you here so early and as Spider-Man?"

"Early morning robbery. Same old same old"

"Fair enough. Rolled out of bed, stopped the bad guys and greeted your lover all before 11am? Nice job Spidey." By then, (Y/N) had wrapped her arms around Peter's neck and he had fully removed his mask, discarding it somewhere in the room.

"Of course. Just doing my job" he winked, picking (Y/N) up and spinning her around quickly. The giggle he loved filled the room.

"And now," she started, trying to stop her head spinning. "Your job is to help me plan a funeral." A frown appeared on his face.

"I knew, Pete. But it has to be done" she mirrored his facial expression. "Clothes in the same place as always" she walked into her closet and changed while Peter did the same. His red jacket was thrown on her bed with his blue pants and shirt, his red socks and shoes and his web slingers. He ran over to the window, checking it was locked before raiding through (Y/N)'s draw to find some clothes.

(Y/N) was ready before him. She walked out in grey pants, a white shirt and white socks. Her hair thrown into a messy bun. When she closed her closet, the sight of her boyfriend in only his boxers made her giggle. She stood and admired him for a minute as he stepped onto some jeans and pulled on a shirt over his head. He ran a hand through his curls and ruffed them, making them messy, making no effort that day.

His head turned to her leaning against her door frame. A smile was planted on his face as she walked over to him.

"Ready?" She wrapped her arm around his waist.

"I think so" he replied, resting his arm around the back of her head and onto her shoulder. The pair walked out of (Y/N)'s room, leaving the bed messy, and travelled to the kitchen. Peter was the first to sit down while (Y/N) grabbed her laptop and placed it in between them. Peter turned it on as she grabbed two bottles of water, sitting down as close to Peter as possible.


They searched for hours. Places to hold the funeral, getting a coffin, flowers, food, everything they could think of. All this time, neither one of them shed a tear. It wasn't until they shut the laptop that it hit (Y/N). Her eyes glossed over with her tears. Her head was hung low, concentrating on Peter's knees. He realised what was happening, quickly lifting her head to make her look into his eyes.

"Please don't cry. I know it's sad, but I'm here, okay? And I'm never leaving, got it?" He whispered close to her face.

"I know," she sniffled. "I know, Pete. Thank you"

"It's okay" he placed a delicate kiss on her lips. "Now, lets get some food, alright?"

"Okay. Come on" she smiled slightly. She stood up, grabbed her laptop, and Peter's hand, and pulled him up with her.

(Y/N) left her laptop upstairs. Peter had begun to make dinner for the two of them with whatever was in the house. As (Y/N) got to the kitchen, the sight of Peter brought warmth into her heart. The day they had had was tough, but having Peter by her side all the time helped her.

Her left side rested against the door frame. A light humming noise came from Peter's mouth. His eyes concentrated on the toast he was making, his tongue poked out of the side of his mouth. When he did so, a giggle escaped her mouth. This caught his attention.

"So, you like sneaking up on people, huh?" He smirked, leaving the countertop and moving in front of (Y/N).

"Maybe. Only to certain people" her face mirrored his as her arms snaked around his neck, his going round her waist.

"Well, I'm glad I'm one of them" he gave (Y/N) a toothless grin, tilting his head to the side slightly, closing his eyes and puffing out his cheeks. A laugh escaped her mouth before Peter broke his expression. (Y/N) rested her head on his chest, the vibrations from his laugh shaking her whole body. Peter's head rested on top of her own, their laughter dying down after a few seconds.

(Y/N) let herself bask in Peter's embrace for minutes after their laughing fit finished. She held onto Peter a little tighter when she felt him plant a kiss on her head. His grip tightened as well; he wanted to hold onto her for as long as possible.

The ping of the toaster scared the both of them. Peter let go of (Y/N), much to both their dismays, and got the butter out the refrigerator. (Y/N) grabbed two plates, a knife and placed them next to the toaster. Peter took the knife from her, lifted out the toast and began to butter it. (Y/N) got two glasses of water and placed them next to each other. She sat in front of one of them while Peter brought over the two plates of toast, put the butter away and sat next to (Y/N).

"Bon appétit" Peter smiled, picking up a piece of toast and 'cheering' it against (Y/N)'s piece. He smiled before opening his mouth and biting into the piece. She giggled while biting into her own piece.

"This is delicious, thank you, Pete" she leaned in and pecked his lips.

"It's only toast" he chuckled.

"I know, but I'm just happy you're here"

"I'll always be here. Always"

"And that's what I'm thankful for" she leaned her head on his shoulder, eating her toast.

"And I'm thankful for you"

"I love you"

"I love you, too. And I love this toast. Oh, my God, am I an amazing cook or what?" He shoved an entire piece in his mouth. (Y/N) lifted her head and laughed while watching him eat the piece. When he opened his eyes, he saw her laughing, making him smile, exposing half chewed toast in his mouth. This made her laugh even harder, bringing tears to her eyes.

Peter saw this and instantly swallowed his toast, bringing his hands up to wipe away her tears.

"You okay?" He questioned.

"I'm fine, Pete," she giggled. "I'm fine"


"Good" he smiled.

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