"you didnt have to, i was fine!"

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PETER HAD SLEPT throughout the night after his nightmare

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PETER HAD SLEPT throughout the night after his nightmare. It had woken both of them up at around 02:00. Feeling secure in (Y/N)'s arms, his eyes fluttered closed and he settled into a deep sleep.

(Y/N) stayed awake afterwards. She couldn't understand what had caused such a stir in Peter's sleep and wondered why he had said the things he did.

Peter's head rested on her shoulder, with an arm draped over her waist. His right hand was relaxed as (Y/N) played with his fingers, her right hand smoothing through his hair.

"You're okay now, Pete," she whispered. "I'm here." Her hand continued to run through his hair as her eyes focused on one spot on her ceiling. She looked over to her bed side table, releasing her fingers from his hand, and grabbed her phone. The phone screen lit up, revealing her and Peter's faces as well as the time. 03:38.

The bright light of her phone blinded her as she placed her phone back down and rubbed her eyes. Her hand fell back into Peter's which was still wrapped around her waist. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep. The silence and darkness overpowered her and she soon fell into a peaceful sleep.


When (Y/N) woke up over 3 hours later, Peter had left her side. She was facing away from Peter's side of her bed. Her eyes remained closed as she tried falling back to sleep, only to be awoken by Peter a few minutes later. He was planting gentle kisses all over her face. A giggle escaped her lips as she turned over and captured Peter's lips with her own.

"Morning, babe" she giggled as Peter's pulled away.

"Morning, sweetheart" Peter replied.

"You slept well, how'd you feel?" Her hands wrapped around his neck.

"Yeh, did you? I felt you move around a lot" his arms were supporting his body, a hand either side of her.

"I was fine"

"Are you sure?" He questioned, tilting his head a bit.

"I didn't get to sleep for an hour or so after you did. I just wanted to make sure you were okay afterwards"

"(Y/N)," Peter leaned down and gave her a quick kiss. "You didn't have to, I was fine!" He saw her begin to sit up and rolled over to his side. He sat up as well, resting his back against her pillows and stretching out his legs. She swung her leg over his lap and perched upon it, placing her hands on his wide shoulders.

"I know I didn't have to, but I couldn't sleep after your nightmare. It scared me as well, I didn't know if you were okay or not"

"I was fine. It was only a dream"

"What happened?"


"What happened in your dream?" She moved slightly on his lap, straddling him more and moving closer to his chest.

"Well, first I woke up in a room. I was laying down and I couldn't move," his hands ran up and down her sides. "Then there were a load of spiders on the ceiling and then they were all over me. It was like a tingling feeling, it was all over me then it disappeared. It was so weird.

"Then, I was in a bright white room and Flash appeared repeating 'Penis Parker' then asked about you, saying 'Where's your little girlfriend?' I hated it. I couldn't stop thinking about you. I sunk to the ground and ended up in a chair.

"I was restrained in it, but there was nothing holding me down. Then Mr Stark came over behind me in his Iron Man suit and the entire thing with him taking my suit the first time happened. I was crying and stuff then he left and I fell to the floor and hit my head.

"A light came on and I saw you underneath it. You were dead" he looked down and his lap, breaking the eye contact with you. He sniffled. "There was a knife in your side, you were bleeding, you had bruises an-and scars and I was soaked in your blood. I tried calling your name, but you didn't reply. Then your body was gone and my body fell back onto the floor, my head facing the ceiling and my palms were on the floor. Then I was woken up by you"

When Peter looked back into (Y/N)'s eyes, they were swimming in tears. His began to fill as well as the sight of her upset made him feel worse than he did in the nightmare.

"Oh, Pete" she frowned, her hands moving up his shoulders, onto his neck and lightly held his cheeks. A tear fell onto her thumb. She quickly wiped it away and kissed his cheek gently where it had fallen.

"What did I do to deserve you?" Peter whispered as (Y/N) leaned forward and rested her forehead against his.

"What did I do to deserve you?" She repeated his question.

"I'm pretty sure I lucked out in this relationship"

"Really? I got a hot boyfriend who is a superhero and you lucked out?"

"Yeh, I mean, have you seen yourself?"

"Excuse me, have you seen yourself?" They both laughed at (Y/N)'s comment. Having repeated Peter's comments multiple times, it gave a comedic value to her words.

"I love you"

"I love you, too. Do we really have to go to school?"

"Yes! I'm dressed"

"But I'm not" she swung her leg over and got off his lap. She pushed off her bed and walked over to her closet, swinging her hips slightly while Peter watched. He sat in the same position as he had been in for several minutes and waited for (Y/N) to return.

She came out minutes later dressed and ready for school. Her smile grew as she saw Peter sat on his phone, it was raised in front of his face. He pulled funny faces as he tried the filters. (Y/N) watched in awe before giggling at more faces. He put down his phone and looked over at her. He smiled, stood up, grabbing her phone as well as his and her backpack.

"You ready?" He smiled, handing her her backpack and phone.

"Yep, are you?"

"Let's go" he held out his hand which she happily took. They walked out of her apartment, down the stairs and out the building. They waited for the train and caught the one they always caught. They jumped off at the school stop, walked down the stairs and over the field.

It was then when they were fully content.

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