"and it was the best five minutes of my life"

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WHEN MORNING CAME, (Y/N) was wrapped in Peter's arms

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WHEN MORNING CAME, (Y/N) was wrapped in Peter's arms. He was awake, scrolling through his phone. Her eyes were still fully closed, not wanting to waste a single second. A loud noise came from Peter's phone. He quickly turned it off and pressed it to his ear.

"May, May-" he started, being cut off by May.

"May, I know, I know. But - shh, shhh - she's asleep. May, we're fine-" he argued back, being cut off a second time.

"No, we didn't drink. No, didn't stay too late. No, we didn't-May! You can't say that! Shhhhh. Stop shouting - shh - yes, she's still asleep. Stop, we're fine" he continued. (Y/N) giggled silently, her body vibrating slightly. Peter felt her move. Smirking to himself, he put the phone on speakerphone, letting her hear May.

"-and if you have gotten (Y/N) pregnant just because you got drunk at some stupid party hosted by Flash Thompson. Peter Benjamin Parker, you are too young to be a father. I am most certainly not going to have a screaming child in my house as long as we both shall live. And-"

"May, May, May. Shhhhhh, it's fine. We didn't even have sex. We haven't ever done it," he looked down at (Y/N) to see her looking at him, and smirked slightly. "We didn't do anything" he looked straight into her eyes.

"OK, Peter. Well, if you insist. Just come home when you want, don't be out too long, though. You've got chores"

"I won't, don't worry" he replied, still looking at (Y/N).

"Tell (Y/N) I said 'hi'. I haven't seen her in days"

"I will. Bye, May"

"Bye, Peter." He hung up and placed his phone on her bedside table. Peter shuffled his body down and laid on his back. (Y/N) placed her head back onto Peter's chest, letting her head rise and fall with it. She placed her left hand onto his chest, closed her eyes again and relaxed into Peter's body. His left arm rested around her shoulders as his right hand interlocked with her fingers on his chest.

Peter closed his eyes once again, never wanting the moment to end. (Y/N) moved her hand up towards Peter's face. She cupped his cheek and sat up to look at him better. His eyes remained closed as his arm fell behind and around her body. Her hand caressed his cheek as she looked over his face and shirtless chest.

She leaned down and whispered into his ear: "You're so hot, you know that right?" A smile creeped onto Peter's face.

"Yeh, I did" he giggled slightly.

"Easy, Parker," she moved away from his ear. "No one likes a cocky boyfriend"

"Ha, fuck you" he laughed breathlessly, opening his brown eyes to met hers.

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