"i love you"

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BUILDING LIGHTS ILLUMINATED (Y/N) and Peter's faces as they swung past them

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BUILDING LIGHTS ILLUMINATED (Y/N) and Peter's faces as they swung past them. They past building after building, not even knowing where they were going to end up. The wind blew through (Y/N)'s hair, as she giggled at Peter's comments on the city. They ended up at the edge of New York; (Y/N) pointed at the Staten Island Ferry. Peter made a comment about destroying it once and, before she could get a better look, Peter swept her off her feet and began to swing again.

"Pete! This is amazing!" (Y/N) smiled. She was wrapped in Peter's arms, flushed against his body. They were literally on top of the world: the highest building in Queens.

"It is isn't it? It's like this every night" he smiled. His mask was in his hands, his arms were tight around her waist as hers were slung around his neck.

"I'd never get sick of this" she looked around.

"I don't"

"Do you even have time to look at the city?"

"Sometimes. But normally I just wish for you to be with me. And now you are"

"Pete," she looked back at him. "Really?"

"Yeh, I love you. So much"

"I love you, too. So much." Both Peter and (Y/N) leaned in. Their lips were millimetres apart before a loud explosion rung throughout their ears. Peter's head snapped round to where the sound came from. He quickly looked back at (Y/N) and her hands were already off his neck.

"Pete, go. Just dropped me off somewhere and I'll see you afterwards, okay?" He nodded straight away. His arms came from the back of her body and he pulled on his mask. He wrapped his arm tightly around (Y/N)'s waist as hers wrapped around his neck again. He swung down and gently placed her on the floor. She gave him a kiss on the cheek before he swung off once again.

But (Y/N) wasn't going to wait for him, she set off straight for the fire instead.


Once she got there, it was manic. People were screaming and shouting at others. There were people running in and out of the burning building. There were people carrying bodies - dead and alive - out onto the cement ground. The heat was unbearable, (Y/N) pulled off Peter's hoodie and pulled it tight around her waist. She could lose Peter tonight, no way was she losing his hoodie too.

It seems as if the whole city had turned out for the occasion: one big party everyone was invited to. A deadly one at that. She was stopped by police barricades and tape. There was no way around it. Her eyes searched the building, watching everyone rush in and out. In and out. In and out.

A flash of blue and red appeared on the ground. Spider-man's name erupted from the restless crowd. Their arms waved and the hands shook as they tried to get the crime fighting spider's attention. Peter talked to a police officer, completing ignoring all the attention he was receiving. He stole a quick glance at the crowd, only one face standing out.


Her bright (Y/E/N) eyes and slightly dirty face made his heart almost break. He didn't want her here, he didn't want her near the danger. It took everything in him not to pick her up, swing back home and lock her in his room. She didn't deserve this. No one did. Peter snapped back into reality and shot his web on a building next to him. His body disappeared from (Y/N)'s sight as he slipped through a window into the building.

"No! PETE!" She screamed, pushing her way to the front of the crowd, her arms stretched in front of her. The noise was too loud of anyone to hear her voice. No one turned and looked at her; no one was curious of the young, teenage girl shouting out to the crime fighting hero. She was scared for his life, and there was nothing she could do.

Peter came stumbling out the building moments later, a man thrown over his shoulder, a cat in his arms.

"He hates cats" (Y/N) whispered to herself, grateful he was alive. He began talking to the same officer, speaking with his hands as he pointed at the building. Peter gave a thumbs up before leaving the officer and walking away from the crowd. Everyone was too busy watching the firefighters tackle the growing flames and missed Spider-man leaving the scene.

(Y/N) once again shoved her way through the crowd, desperate to find Peter. She had no luck. The fire was out before she found Peter. People began to leave the scene as ambulance sirens disappeared into the darkness once again. The tape and barricades were removed and a few officers were searching the ground floor of the building.

"Peter!" She called out, dodging in and out of people leaving and searching.

"Peter!" She called again. No luck. She had no phone to call him, no way of communicating with anyone. A tear rolled down her cheek; she let out a shaky breath. (Y/N) looked around: she was around the back of the building, no one was there watching her. She pried open the door and slipped inside, hoping Peter would possibly be in there.

She stepped over broken glass and ashes. The smell of smoke still strong in the air. A beam of light came into view and she dived into a room. The door slammed violently. The room shook. (Y/N) looked up before hearing and almighty CRASH! and the weight of the world fell onto her body.

In the near distance, Peter heard the crash. His heighten senses making it easier for him than for others. He sprinted back to the building and saw the fallen wall straight away. He ran in the room and saw a hand under the rubble. He recognised it instantly. It was (Y/N)'s.

Peter fell beside it, his hands wrapping around a pipe and pulling it upwards. He moved concrete and bricks off her body before finally finding her beautiful face. Her eyes were closed; her breathing was soft and shaky.

"(Y/N)," he shook her slightly, pulling the dusty mask off his head. "(Y/N), please" a tear fell onto the floor.

"Pete," she whispered breathlessly.

"I'm here," he sniffled. "I'm here"

"Don't do anything stupid. I love you"

"I love you too." A small smile filled (Y/N)'s face as her eyes fluttered close again, her chest slowing down.

"Pete," she whispered again.


"My nose is cold"

"Your nose is always cold" he sniffled, leaning closer to her head. "Your nose is always cold" he whispered.

"I love you" tears fell from his brown eyes, his head falling onto her still chest.


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