"she knows"

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"(Y/N)? OH, MY GOD

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"(Y/N)? OH, MY GOD. You don't know how long I've waited to hear your voice" he sighed.

"Peter. Come home"

"I can't"

"Why not?" She asked while walking to her room.

"You hate me, I've ruined your life. You don't want to see me"

"But I do. And May does. And Ned. You can't miss school, and you can't live on the streets. Pete, please. Come home"

"You're just saying that to get me to come home," he sighed. "I want to, but I don't want to see you upset"

"I'm upset that you're gone"

"No, no. You're not, you can't miss m-"

"Pete. I miss you because I love you"

"You-you love m-me?" He stuttered.

"Yes. Oh, my God, did you not realise when I kissed you the other day? Or when I verbally told you 'I love you'?" She slightly giggled while laying on her bed.

"No, no I didn't" she could hear the smile on his lips.

"Well, I do. So please, come home so I can kiss you again. I can't stand to be away from you" a tear fell from her eye again.

"Check out your window" Peter ended the call as (Y/N) got up from her bed. She pulled back the curtains that hid her window and saw Peter in the famous red and blue suit. A smile appeared on her face at the sight of Peter.

"Hi" she smiled even wider.

"Hey" he took off his mask and smiled at her. 

"I'm so happy you're back. I missed you"

"I missed you, too" he replied, moving closer to her.

"I'm sorry for everything. For excusing you, and kicking you out, and everything"

"It's okay. It's okay. I'm just happy you-you're here and I'm here, and we're okay" he said moving even closer to her. "I'm-I'm gonna kiss you right now"


"And you can't say no because I've already started now and I'm not stopping" he mumbled while leaning in.

"Okay" she breathed before locking lips with Peter. And after two days, it was the most amazing feeling in the world. To both their dismays, (Y/N) pulled away. Peter's eyes were still closed as he tried to savour the moment. (Y/N) giggled as she hugged Peter closer. He opened his eyes to met her own (Y/E/C), and felt safe for the first time in days.

"Where've you been?" (Y/N) questioned Peter while sitting down on her constantly messy bed. They sat facing each other: (Y/N)'s legs crossed, Peter's left leg hanging off the bed, his right tucked under his thigh.

"Around. Anywhere I could find" he replied, playing with her hand with his covered fingers, his head down and voice quiet.

"Around where? Are you hurt?" (Y/N) looked at his body for any signs of damage.

"No, no. I'm fine. I missed you" he looked up.

"I missed you, too, Pete. I'm sorry for getting so angry at you," she sniffled. "It's all my fault"

"(Y/N), it's not. It was my own way of dealing with my feelings. If anything I should be sorry"

"May came round" her head lowered and her eyes watched Peter's gloved fingers.

"Oh, no," Peter gasped. "What did she say?"

"She wanted to know if I had heard anything from you. If I knew anything. I didn't but she thought I did. I lied. I couldn't tell her what happened. She knows. Everything. My grandma. What happened between us. Everything"

"(Y/N). Please tell me you didn't tell her"

"Tell her what?" she looked up.

"About me, about Spider-Man"

"No, no, of course I didn't. I wouldn't" (Y/N) looked up and out of Peter's mouth escaped a relieved sigh.

"Thank you. I-I don't even know what to do"

"I think May needs you. There's some spare clothes of yours in my draw, get changed and I'll sort out your suit" (Y/N) looked into Peter's eyes. They were full of relief, happiness and content.  Peter closed the gap between the two and gave (Y/N) a chaste kiss. She smiled when the bed lifted where Peter had previously been and saw him delve into her draw.

Peter turned to (Y/N), clothes in hand. He dropped them onto the floor and beaconed for her to go to him. She stood up from her bed and walked closer to him.

"Press this" he motioned to the spider on his chest. (Y/N) hesitantly pressed the spider and suddenly, Peter's suit was loose around his shoulders. She raised her hands and lightly pushed the suit off his shoulders and let it fall to the ground. She stared at Peter's torso, a thin layer of sweat making his abs shine. Peter smiled as he watched her eyes travel his body.

He took the suit off fully and begun to put on the spare clothes (Y/N) had for him. (Y/N) picked up his suit and laid it flat out on her bed. When she turned around, Peter was fully dressed and ready at her door.

"I don't know what I'm gonna say" he huffed as (Y/N) opened the door and held her hand while they walked through her apartment.

"You'll be fine, Pete. Just explain where you were and answer any questions without mentioning Spider-Man and you'll be fine"

By now, (Y/N) and Peter were at her front door. He leaned against the doorframe while (Y/N) stood in front of him and watched him panic.

"Pete," she called to him. "Pete. Peter. Pete" he continued to talk. "Peter!"

"What, huh?" He was taken out of her trance. (Y/N) giggled as he looked into her eyes.

"Pete, you can do this. You'll be fine okay? Talk to May, and she'll probably tell you to see me and let's pretend this whole thing didn't happen then I'll give you your suit"

"Okay, sounds like a plan" the two smiled as Peter leaned in, placing a delicate kiss on (Y/N)'s lips.

"Good luck" she smiled after Peter opened the door. As she watched Peter walk as cross the hall to his own apartment, she smiled to herself. Peter was home, and she was happy. Her door shut before Peter's opened and she could the happy comments coming from May.


(Y/N) walked back into her bedroom, a wide smile plastered onto her face. She closed the door just before a chilling breeze kissed her skin.

Her eyes averted to her wide open window, the thin curtains blowing in the wind. Then, she looked at her bed. It was neatly made with a white note delicately place on top of it.

And no sign of Spider-Man.

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