"i want this to last forever"

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THE NEXT MORNING, (Y/N) woke up next to Peter

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THE NEXT MORNING, (Y/N) woke up next to Peter. It was a cold Saturday morning, and (Y/N) was snuggled us close to Peter. Their feet were tangled under the blanket, the light hum of the TV filling the room. Her head was rested on Peter's chest, her ears concentrating on his heart beat. His brown eyes were shut as she looked up slightly at his chin.

Peter's gentle eyes fluttered open slowly. The living room was filled with his morning voice instead of the TV.

"Morning, (Y/N)" he smiled, sitting up slightly.

"Morning, Pete" she smiled back, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Sleep well?"

"Best night sleep I've ever had"

"Oh, yeh?"

"Yeh, actually. I think it was all you" she smirked while leaning closer to his face.

"Oh, really?" He mirrored her face.

"Uh huh" (Y/N) nodded, closing the gap between their lips. Peter's lips moulded into hers. They worked in perfect sync; it was soft and passionate. (Y/N) began to smile into the kiss, making Peter do the same. His lips parted slightly and his tongue ran over her bottom lip. Before her lips could part for him, Peter's phone ring filled the room.

A groan left his lips as a giggle escaped hers. His hand reached out to grab it, pulling (Y/N) along with him. The phone continued to ring while he read the caller ID.

"Hey, May" he called into the phone.

"Peter? Where are you?" The speaker phone replied.

"Chill, I'm at (Y/N)'s. I stayed over the night. She wasn't feeling too good" he winked.

"Oh, okay. Well, come home whenever necessary, and tell (Y/N) I said get well soon"

"Thanks May" she coughed, making it believable.

"Oh, sweetheart. Are you sure you don't want me to come round? Check your temperature, sort you some soup?"

"No, May. I'm fine. Seriously" she quickly replied shuffling closer to Peter.

"Okay. If you need anything, you know where I am, honey"

"Thanks May"

"Look after her, Peter"

"I will, May. I will," he kissed (Y/N)'s forehead. "I promise"

"Good, well, I'll speak to you two later, okay?"

"Okay, bye May"

"Bye, May," Peter ended the call. "Now, where were we?" They both smiled.


It was 20:49. Empty Chinese boxes covered the table in front of them. Edge of Winter was playing in the background, while soft giggles escaped both Peter and (Y/N)'s mouths. (Y/N) glanced back up at the TV every now and then but always looked back down to hers and Peter's hands tangled together in her lap.

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