"and i didnt know oprah was black"

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PETER'S HEAD INSTANTLY shot up. The mention of her name caused him to worry, especially since the kid had said (Y/N) was missing. Everything around him went silent. His sight blurred. He didn't notice Mr Gunddell had left the classroom.

Everyone stood up. The chatter grew louder and louder as people took advantage of the fact that they were left alone. Peter was taken out of his trance when his shoulder was knocked. He stood up straight away, grabbed his bag and ran to the door. He looked back and noticed no one saw him. He ran straight away, away from the group of teachers crowded to his left.

He stormed down the stairs and pushed the doors open. The football field came into view as he jumped over the high fence of the school. He ran as fast as he could into the streets of Queens. He past faces he'd seen before, market stalls he'd seen before, shops he'd seen before. He passed restaurants he and (Y/N) eaten in before, crossed roads he and (Y/N) crossed before.

He finally came up to his apartment building, his breathe shaky. He ran up the stairs, skipping one each step. Finally, he made it up to his floor stuffing his hands into his pockets, pulling out his keys. He found the key for (Y/N)'s apartment. It fit in the lock and he turned it round. The lock clicked and he pushed open the door.

"(Y/N)! Are you here?!" He called. He walked further into her apartment. His feet took him to the stairs and down the hall to her door. It was quiet behind it. He knocked and heard footsteps shuffling and doors shutting. Peter turned the doorknob and found the room empty.

"(Y/N), please" he begged. He walked to her closet, slowly grabbing the door handle. He turned it and was faced with (Y/N); stained cheeks and red eyes.

"What?" (Y/N) snapped.

"Why'd you leave school?"

"Because you saw Howard, and his friends, and you didn't stop him" she sniffled, pushing past Peter and sitting on her bed.

"(Y/N), I didn't know he was bullying you"

"And I didn't know Oprah was black. Peter, everyone knows Howard bullies me, just like everyone knows Flash bullies you" her hands fell into her lap and her eyes followed.

"(Y/N). I'm sorry, okay? I don't-I got," he sighed. "I got a text, from Mr Stark"

"What did it say?" She looked up at his big, brown, doey eyes, the ones she fell in love with.

"He said he was gonna give me my suit back because he thought I left you. I told him I didn't, and I wouldn't leave you for anything. Then I asked for my suit back and he said I shouldn't have it. He advised me to leave you, and that you'd only get hurt in the end" his eyes fell and filled with sadness.

"Oh, my god, Pete. I'm so sorry," she hugged him tightly. "It's all my fault. I should leave you, you deserve the suit more than you deserve me"

"(Y/N), don't say tha-you called me Pete"

"I did" she let go of him. "Look, just please go, get your suit back, be Spider-Man. I'm holding you back"

"You called me Pete"

"Yes, I did, now listen to me"

"You called me Pete!" He stood up front the bed and picked (Y/N) up. He held onto her tightly and spun her round.

"Oh, my god, Pete. Put me down, please"

"You called me Pete" he whispered after putting her on the ground, leaning close to her.

"I know I did, calm down" she giggled.

"That's what I like to hear" he whispered, pressing his forehead against hers lightly. "Now, why'd you leave school?"

"Because I didn't want to deal with Howard after Saturday, and even when he did talk to me, you saw and didn't stop him"

"I know, and I'm sorry about that" he wrapped his arms around her small body.

"I can't stay mad at you, Pete" she looked down and smiled slightly.

"Next time, I promise I'll stop him, okay? I don't care if he fights me, I wanna be there for my girl"

"Thanks, Pete. Erm, by any chance do you still have the hoodie I threw at you?"

"Yeh, it's in your locker at school" he smiled.

"Thank you. I love you"

"I love you, too. I think we should get back to school" he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Sure. Come on, let's go" she smiled, pulling Peter by his hand, starting to walk out her door.

"I'm coming" he smiled back.


The bell rang at 14:59. Students piled out of classroom, charged down the stairs and burst out the front doors of Midtown school. (Y/N) and Peter walked out hand in hand, Ned by Peter's side. Ned walked with them up to the subway station and stayed until their train arrived. Ned waved goodbye as the doors slid shut.

(Y/N) grabbed hold of a handle bar above her head; Peter did the same. He stood behind her letting her back rest on his chest as the swayed with the train. When they reached their stop, they pushed past a few people and fell out the door. They laughed as they tripped over thin air and almost tumbled down the subway stairs. They laughed all the way home from the station and almost fell into Peter's apartment.

"What's got you two so happy, huh?" May giggled at them while stirring her stew.

"Oh, nothing" (Y/N) giggled, looking at Peter.

"Yeh, nothing" he laughed with her.

"Okay, you two just tell me when you've finished your laughing fit"

"There's nothin-"

"Pete," (Y/N) interrupted him. "Maybe we should tell her" she whispered.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. May'll be cool with it" she said, a little too loudly.

"May'll be cool with what?" She smirked.

"Aunt May, we, erm, I-(Y/N) and me, we, kinda, well, I don't know. We kinda, like, I-we"

"We're dating, May. That's what Pete's trying to say"

"Really?! Oh, Peter!" She ran over to him. He let go of (Y/N)'s hand and hugged May back as she squeezed his body. (Y/N) stood and giggled as Peter tried to breathe.


"Oh, sorry. Sorry. (Y/N)!" She pulled her into a bone crushing hug. "I'm so happy for you two. Congratulations. Since when?"

"The night Peter came home" he wrapped his arm around (Y/N)'s waist.

"So did you, like, bribe him back or something?" She winked.

"What? No! No, nothing like that. No"

"And I'm guessing you weren't ill the next day, huh? You stayed over for something else..?"

"No! Aunt May, oh, my god. This is embarrassing" Peter hid his head in (Y/N)'s neck.

"Okay, okay. I won't ask anything else on your relationship. Just look after one another, okay?"

"We will" the both replied before turning around to Peter's room.

"And remember," she pointed her spoon at them. "I'm only next door"

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