"please not a strip tease"

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WHEN (Y/N) EMERGED from the shower, her phone screen lit up

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WHEN (Y/N) EMERGED from the shower, her phone screen lit up. She'd missed four calls from Peter, fourteen text messages and seven snapchats. A smile appeared on her lips as she opened her phone and looked at the texts he'd sent to get her attention; she listened to the voicemails he'd sent to tell her the plan for the evening and she looked at the faces Peter was pulling to get her to laugh. She opened up her camera, pulled an equally funny face and sent it to him - mainly so he knew she replied, but also to keep their streak. As soon as she sent it, Peter had opened it and sent one back of him complaining that (Y/N) wasn't ready. All she did was chuckle, send one back and got ready.


It had been fifteen hours since then. (Y/N) had been ready for Peter to pick her up since 10am. From 9am onwards, she had no contact from Peter at all. Her Sunday had consisted of helping her grandma out about the house, homework and feeling abandoned by her best friend and the boy she loved. Little did she know, Peter had been planning all day what he was going to do that night. He'd planned it out perfectly; he'd get (Y/N) at 11pm, sit under the stars for a bit and tell her what he wants to. Hopefully, she'd agree after he left her all day.

Little did he know, she'd do anything for him, even if he left her all day.

Just before 11pm, (Y/N)'s phone rang. It startled her awake and she groggily picked it up. She didn't even see the caller ID and anxiously answered.

"Hello?" she mumbled.

"(Y/N)? My god, how amazing it is to hear your voice. Ive missed you all day" he, Peter Parker, giggled.

"Ive missed you, too, Pete. Why've you ignored me?"

"Ive been planning for tonight"

"Isn't it a bit late for that now? I mean it's..." she checked her phone, "22:57"

"Exactly, so, you better hurry and meet me outside your apartment in three minutes"

"Peter, I am not going out at this time"

"(Y/N), please. Just trust me, okay?" (Y/N) contemplated this for a minute or so. If she didn't go, she wouldn't have seen Peter all day - but if she did go, she didn't know how long they'd be there for, especially since it was a school night.


"I'll go. I'll be ready. 11 sharp, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am, yes" she and him chuckled.

"See ya soon, (Y/N)"

"Seen ya soon, Pete" she smiled and ended the call. As soon as she registered she had a minute, her body jolted up from her bed and changed from shorts to leggings; something a little more appropriate for night weather. She threw on a hoodie, grabbed her keys and phone, silently closed her door, tiptoed to the front door, unlocked, opened, closed and locked it. When she turned around, Peter was right behind her in a massive winter coat and sweat pants. (Y/N) tried to contain her laughter at the sight of her best friend in front of her.

"Pete. What is that for? It's winter, not the antarctic" she eventually breathed out.

"Ah, ah, ah, that's the surprise" she smirked.

"Please not a strip tease" she placed her hands together and faced the ceiling while Peter laughed at her usual behaviour.

"Nope, no strip tease. Not tonight anyway" he smiled as (Y/N) pretended to vomit.

The two walked through their apartment building side by side, quietly catching up on their days. Nothing interesting has happened for either of them, but it was nice to be speaking to each other once again. It all felt natural to (Y/N); nothing seemed forced in any conversation with them. She didn't realise where Peter was taking her. She'd lived in the complex for almost six years, and she'd never found, or been on, the roof. Peter easily opened the trapped door and motioned for her to go first.

"Ladies first, as always"

"Thank you, Pete" she smiled and kissed his cheek, which made him blush, even though he managed to hide it.

When (Y/N) first stepped foot on the roof, she was blown away by how beautiful the night was and how Peter had set it up for them that night; there was a picnic blanket laid out near the edge with a couples of candles placed neatly in the middle and around the blanket and there was a big wicker basket holding what she guessed was food.

"Pete, you did all this for us?"

"Yep, do you like it?" he asked anxiously.

"Like it? I love it!"

"Thank god! Come on, let's eat" he guided her over to the blanket, sat down and opened the basket. First, he pulled out strawberries dipped in milk and white chocolate - (Y/N)'s favourite - then pulled out hot chocolate in a flask, two mugs and what seemed like millions of mini marshmallows. (Y/N) couldn't believe Peter had done all this for her; it shocked her to the very last detail. After Peter had pulled out the food and drinks, they ate it without any complaints and finished off every last bit - there was nothing left to even scrap off the box it came in.

Peter packed everything away, blew out the candles and walked with (Y/N) over to the side of the building where they sat, feet dangling over the edge and sides touching. She could tell that Peter was anxious to tell her something. She wished it was what she thought. There was no way in telling whether she was right or not until Peter blurted out what seemed to be eating him up from the inside.

"Pete?" she finally perked up and questioned his shaking hands.


"Are you okay? You're shaking in a winter coat when it's 77 degrees out and you seem anxious"

"Yeh, I'm just nervous about something..."

"Which is?"

"Okay, you know when we started being friends we promised to tell each other everything, no matter how bad or good, everything mattered?"

"Yeh, I do. What've you done?" (Y/N) questioned cautiously.

"I-okay, erm- well, you see...there's only one way to say this-right, okay. Basically, I'm, erm, I'm Spider-man"

"What? No you're not!"

"I am, look" Peter stood up, undid the various buttons and zips, opened the coat slightly to revel a red and blue suit underneath. All (Y/N) could do was gasp. Her best friend was Spider-man. She couldn't believe it herself.

"So...it's 11:26, you're spiderman, we have school tomorrow and we're on top of a building?"

"Ye-yeah, i guess"

"And you continue to surprise me, Peter Parker" she smiled at him.

"And you the same, (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)"

"Good, I'm glad we're on the same page"

- - - - 
sorry it's late, i'm watching spider-man 😁

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