"hey penis parker"

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PETER WOKE IN a dark room

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PETER WOKE IN a dark room. It was empty. Nothing but the tall, creaking walls entrapped him in the box he found himself in. He was laying flat on his back, his palms down on the floor. His head seemed to be trapped in a position, one where he was staring at the blood-drenched ceiling. He closed his eyes, immediately wanting to fall asleep and wake up next to (Y/N).

Peter managed to glance down quickly and noticed he was in nothing but his underwear. He closed his eyes, imagining what was yet to come. When he opened them again, he wished he hadn't. Spiders cover the ceiling above him. Big ones, little ones, different variations. He immediately closed his eyes tightly and hoped the spiders would stay where they were.

His heart sped up, running a thousand miles an hour. His breathe shook and was unsteady as his body heated up.

A tingle filtered from his left hand. His eyes shut tighter, if that was possible, as the tingle grew up his arm. It was a single feeling, then all at once. Peter's whole body felt strange. It was something he never wanted to feel again. His fists clenched into a ball as he tried to over come the feeling.

The feeling got stronger then suddenly stopped. Peter's eyes shot open as a bright white light entered the room. He wasn't strapped down anymore. He wasn't stripped of his clothing. But he was still alone. His upper half lifted from the ground as he tried to search the endless, white room. He fully stood up and turned around. Still nothing.

When he turned back around, he saw a small figure far away from him. And with one blink, the figure was as close as an arm length away from him. He could tell who the person was without them having to say anything. Flash Thompson.

"Hey Penis Parker," he smirked. "Where's your little girlfriend?" Peter tried to open his mouth, an answer ready in his mind. His lips were sealed shut. He couldn't even open them to breathe.

"Hey, Penis Parker" another voice called out at the same time. He spun around and saw another Flash behind him, the same length away.

"Hey, Penis Parker" a chorus began. "Penis Parker. Penis Parker" they continued.

"Penis Parker. Penis Parker. Hey, Penis Parker" the menacing voices droned on. "Where's your little girlfriend?" They questioned simultaneously as their heads tilted slightly to the right.

Peter shut his eyes and fell to the ground. Multiple Flashes towered over him as he felt himself shrinking, dissolving into the ground. The voices stopped and Peter opened his eyes. This time the room was neither light nor dark. It was dimly lit with a potentially bright lightbulb.

This time, Peter was sat in a chair. There were no restraints, but he couldn't move anything. Not even him pinky finger. He looked down and saw his Spider-Man suit covering his body. A sigh of relief escaped his lips - something familiar finally.

Like the last and first room, it was empty. He closed his eyes hoping to fall back asleep, wanting the nightmare to end. Instead, he heard footsteps from behind him. They grew louder and louder and stopped in front of him. Peter hesitantly opened his eyes, only to be met with Tony's gold and red Iron Man suit. Words hadn't even began to comprehend before Tony spoke up.

"Previously on Peter's spruced pooch, I tell you to stay away from this! Instead you hacked a multimillion dollar suit so you could sneak around behind my back and do the one thing I told you not to do" Tony started. Before Peter could answer, his mouth was already moving with his rehearsed words. 

"Is everyone OK?"

"No thanks to you."

"No thanks to me? Those weapons were out there and I tried to tell you about it but you didn't listen. None of this would've happened if you'd just listen to me!" He strained against the chair. "If you even cared, you'd actually be here." Peter had spoken too soon. Tony's suit opened and revealed Tony in a black suit. Peter felt like backing up, but stopped trying when he realised he couldn't.

"I did listen, kid. Who'd you think called the FBI, huh? Do you know I was the only one who believed in you? Everyone else said I was crazy to recruit a fourteen year old kid-"

"I'm fifteen-"

"No!" Tony raised his hand. "This is where you zip it, alright? The adult is talking. What if someone had died tonight? Different story, right? Cause that's on you. And if you'd died, then that's on me. I don't need that on my conscience"

"Yes, sir. Alright? I'm sorry"

"Well, sorry's not gonna cut it"

"I understand. I-I just wanted to be like you"

"And I wanted you to be better." Peter looked away. He couldn't face Tony like that's again. It was happening again. Peter knew it. The worst experience in his life was repeating itself.

"Okay, it's not working out. I'm gonna need the suit back"

"For how long?"


"No, no no no no no. Please please please"

"Alright, let's have it" it was Tony's turn to look away.

"You don't understand, this is all I have. I'm nothing without this suit"

"If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it, okay? God, I sound like my dad"

"I don't have any other clothes"

"Okay, we'll sort that out" Tony walked off before all the lights went out and Peter fell to the floor. His head hit the concrete floor, making his vision slightly blurry. He quickly sat up, wiping his eyes from the tears. Peter's eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness before another dim light turned on.

He looked over to where the light was then looked down and found what it had been hiding. A gasp escaped his mouth as he crawled over to the body laying in a ring of light. He grabbed the persons waist, a hand supporting their head, and carefully lifted their body onto his lap. The tears that he'd wiped away came back quickly as his hand traced the scars on their face.

Blood poured from her side, Peter's blue Midtown school jumper clutching her body. A knife was present in her side, cuts and bruises on her arms and legs. Peter looked down onto his lap and noticed his Spidey suit was gone. He was back in his plain jeans and science shirt, blood pouring onto both of them.

Her chest didn't rise nor fall. Her body didn't shake and goosebumps didn't appear on her skin as Peter placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. Her eyes were shut, making her seem in a peaceful sleep. He didn't know what to do. Nothing surrounded them but the dark abyss and the dim light. It was only them, in that single moment.

"(Y/N)?" Peter's voice was quiet and hoarse. Not even a mouse would've heard it.

"(Y/N)?" He tried speaking up. Suddenly, (Y/N)'s body had disappeared and once again Peter was on his own. His body forced him down and his eyes shut quickly. His head faced upwards, his palms flat on the ground. The light vanished and Peter plummeted into darkness once again.

"Peter" (Y/N) whispered into his ear as she gently shook him. She was sat up on her knees next to him on her bed. Her bed side lamp was on, letting a small amount of light help her try settle Peter. He had been mumbling words. Her name. No. Please. Other stuttered and quiet words she couldn't hear.

"Peter" she shook him again, more violently this time. His eyes remained shut as she rubbed hers to try open them further.

"Peter" she tried once again, almost pouncing on him. His eyes shot open to reveal (Y/N) over his face. Her hands on his bare chest, her knees touching his left arm. A smile appeared on his face as he shot up, catching her off guard, and wrapped himself around her.

"You're alive. You're here"

"Always have been, always will be, Pete"

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