"i dont know what happened, but its gone"

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(Y/N) RAN TO her bed

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(Y/N) RAN TO her bed. The small, neat note was written in a curved font.

Dear Peter,

                    This suit is not yours anymore. You've shown me that you are not worthy of this suit and so I am personally removing it from your possession. Feel free to thank me anytime.

          You know my name.

A small gasp escape (Y/N)'s lips. Tony Stark had taken the suit. Tony Stark had been in her room.

Peter would not be happy about this.

(Y/N) grabbed the note and ran out her room. Her feet took her all the way to her front door which opened for her. Peter was behind it, holding the handle. May was in the doorway of their apartment, watching the two interact. Peter embraced (Y/N), pretending to ignoring the note in her hand with his name on.

"Just hug me, wave at May and we'll talk" he whispered quickly before he pulled away. (Y/N) looked over at May, smiled and waved.

"Have fun, guys. I'll be here if you need anything" May smiled before closing the door. (Y/N) dragged Peter in by his arm and slammed the door shut. Peter searched her face for any sign of stress.

"Pete," she breathed out. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened, but it's gone"

"What's gone? (Y/N), what's happened?" Peter questioned.

"The suit. Your suit. Here" she handed him the note. Peter read the note under his breath. His eyelids fell and his shoulders slumped forwards. Peter didn't look up and suddenly a water droplet fell onto the paper.


"Don't start, (Y/N). This is your fault!"

"How? Pete, I don't understan-"

"No, you wouldn't," he cut you off. "Because it's not something you care about that's gone! It was my suit, I'm nothing without that suit!"

"I don't understand about something I care about being gone? Pete, you left! You were gone! I care about you!" Tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

"But the suit is different! You can live without me! I can't live without the suit!"

"You can live without the suit! I can't live without you! Pete, it's a suit!"

"But I'm nothing without the suit!" He argued back.

"Then you really don't deserve it. I'm glad Mr Stark took it. I'm sorry, Pete, okay? I'm sorry. Don't run away from this, just go home"

"Gladly" Peter huffed. He strode over to the door, opened it, looked at (Y/N) and slammed it shut. When he left, (Y/N) concentrated on the ground he last stood on. Her (Y/E/C) were blurry as she turned around and walked back to her room.

She sat on her freshly made bed. How the two of them hadn't heard a grown man enter her apartment was beyond her. (Y/N)'s now tired eyes lowered to the ground. Yet another thing had torn Peter away from her. She didn't need Peter to leave again.

The image of him slamming the door after him stuck in her mind. Her head fell into her hands; her knees catching her elbows.

"Fuck my life" (Y/N) grumbled as she pushed up off her bed. Her feet took her to her door, her hand brushed against the door handle. She sharply inhaled before heaving open her door and walking down the hall.

The carpeted stairs seemed so far away.

When she arrived in the kitchen, the door handle of her front door rattled. She immediately hid under her kitchen table, the rattling becoming louder. The door swung open to reveal a breathless and red-eyed Peter.

"(Y/N)!" He called her name. She debated on whether or not to show her face.

"(Y/N)!" He called out again. This time, she rose from the ground and coughed, allowing Peter to notice her. He looked relieved. A small smile crept onto his face as he made his way over to her.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry. For earlier" he panted. "I was horrible. Forgive me? Please?"

"I don't get why you were mad at me, I didn't intend for Mr Stark to take the suit" she frowned.

"I know. And I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry"

"I know you are, it's okay, Pete. Just please stop leaving me" she threw her arms around his neck, his hands automatically going to her waist. Being taller than her had its perks: he leaned down and kissed her head.

(Y/N) and Peter remained in each other's embraces for moments afterwards. As she inhaled, a delightful smell encased her nostrils. She pulled away from Peter's chest and looked up at him with eyes full of wonder and love.

"Why do you smell better than usual today?" She questioned, her head lightly leaning to the side.

"Erm, I-nothing. Nothing at all. Nothing. I always smell this good. Amazing, in fact" he quickly replied.

"No, you're wearing cologne or something, aren't you? It smells amazing"

"No, I'm not" he insisted.

"Pete, I know that smell," she wasn't being fooled. "It was the cologne I got you for Christmas You've never worn it, why now?"

"I'm not wearing anyth-OK. I am" he huffed.

"I knew it!" (Y/N) smiled while pulling away from Peter. Her feet danced around in front of him. "By the way, I love that smell" she closed the gap between them and gave Peter a light kiss on the lips. She pulled away and looked into Peter's doey brown eyes. Butterflies erupted in her stomach as a large smile appeared on her face. Peter's face mirrored her own. Her face fell into Peter's chest, the smile still planted on it.

"What are we?" Peter asked, his heart racing behind his ribs.

"What do you mean?" (Y/N) questioned, her voice muffled by Peter's chest.

"I mean, we're friends, but we kiss and stuff and say we love each other, but we're not a couple"

"What do you want us to be?" She whispered, lifting her head and stared into his eyes again.

"More than friends. Whatever's after friends" he sighed.

"I'd like that, too" she smiled, still close to his chest.



"Will, erm, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course," she smiled. "It would be my pleasure." A look of excited and happiness filled Peter's eyes. His lips turned upwards into a toothy grin. His arms wrapped around her waist, his grip tightened and she was lifted into the air. Her arms flew to his neck and her head fit into his neck. Giggles erupted from (Y/N)'s mouth. Peter stopped soon after and let her feet touch the ground.

Her head spun slightly and her vision was blurred. Peter held onto her tightly, not planning on letting go anytime soon. Her head remained in his neck, the two of them still smiling. (Y/N) moved her head from his neck to his chest, his beating heart soothing her. He tried to control his breathing, while she tried to control her excitement.

"I love you" he whispered, placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

"I love you, too" she smiled, her eyes shut, settling further into his chest.

"God, you're unbelievable"

"So are you"

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