"oooo, dating parkers giving her lip"

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THE BELL RANG at 08:32

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THE BELL RANG at 08:32. Students piled into classrooms. (Y/N) walked into her history class, room 307, right next to Peter's. She sat in her seat, right at the back in the corner; perfect view of the clock and the door. The second bell went, signalling that class would start. Ms Grunfell opened her mouth just as the door swung open. Howard and his gang walked through, laughing and chatting loudly.

"Morning Howard, how kind of you to join us"

"Pleasure's all mine, Miss" Howard replied sarcastically, leaning back in his chair, chewing gum.

"Good to have you here, as always" she sighed, turning around and concentrating on the whiteboard. (Y/N) slid lower down into her chair, hoping to hide from Howard's sight. Ms Grunfell rambled on as (Y/N) watched Howard, hoping he wouldn't look at her. He looked towards her corner and she ducked out of view. She looked over and saw Howard smiling towards the front, some of his friends laughing. She looked down at her lap, picking her fingernails.

To (Y/N)'s surprise, the bell went. She'd been ignoring the lesson for 50 minutes until she picked up her bag and left the room last. When she left the doorway, she turned to the left, towards Peter's classroom. But instead of meeting Peter's chest, she met Howard's.

"Well, hey. Who's this here?" He chuckled, pushing (Y/N)'s shoulder.

"You know who, Howard"

"Oooo, dating Parker's giving her lip" his goons laughed.

"What's it to you?" She tried to push past him.

"'What's it to you?'" He mocked, making his gang laugh.

"Just leave me alone, Howard"

"What if I don't want to, huh?"

"Please, I'm just trying to get to class"

"Yeh, and I'm just trying to ruin your life"

"Gee, thanks" she said just before the second bell.

"Come on boys, lets go" Howard pierced into (Y/N) eyes. When they left, she saw Peter standing a few feet in front of her, mouth slightly open and feet planted in place. Her eyes began to produce tears as she looked at Peter.

"You saw that?" He nodded. A tear stained her cheek. "And you did nothing?" He nodded again. "Thanks, Pete. Boyfriend of the year award." She walked past Peter and threw his hoodie she'd taken back at his chest. She walked down the hall and down the stairs to her next class - science with Peter.

By the time Peter had arrived in the classroom, everyone was sat down in their seats. Their teacher, Mrs Goldburg, sat at her desk and her eyes followed Peter as he walked in. She knew Peter was never late and let that one time slip, not even acknowledging that fact he missed the second bell.

He walked past the front two desks before reaching his own which he shared with (Y/N). He dropped his bag under his desk after getting out his stuff. Mrs Goldburg began talking about what they were learning that day. All Peter could do was think about what he'd done. He left the hoodie (Y/N) had thrown back at him in her locker, just incase she wanted it back - maybe not in the near future.

He looked over at (Y/N) quickly. She was writing down almost everything their teacher was saying. He looked back at the board and tried to concentrate on Mrs Goldburg, but he kept looking back at (Y/N). He saw a water droplet fall onto her notes, and heard a sniffle come from her nose.

"Peter?" He heard Mrs Goldburg call. "Are you still with us?"

"Yeh, yeh" he lifted his head towards the front.

"Good. So stay with us" she turned back around and continued to write on the board. Peter looked back at (Y/N), her head was still down and she was still writing.

"Stop" she whispered.

"What?" He moved his head down nearer to her.

"Stop. Stop looking at me"

"Why?" He whispered. "It's not a crime to look at my girlfriend"

"But I don't like it. Stop it, Peter"

"You haven't called me Peter in weeks"

"And I'll start now" she snapped back. Peter lifted his head back up and looked forward for the rest of the lesson. A tear slide down his cheek every so often.

The bell rung throughout the class. Mrs Goldburg began speaking over the noise of students standing up and walking out. After Peter had gotten his bag, he looked to his right and saw (Y/N) had gone. A sigh escaped his lips as he finished packing his things into his backpack and left the classroom. The halls seemed fuller than usual as he walked to the empty lunch hall. He stopped in the middle and sat down on a seat.

He dropped his bag, rested his elbows on his knees and dropped his head into his hands. A sniffle came from his nose as tears formed in his eyes. They fell one by one, staining his cheeks with wet trails. His ears perked up at any tiny little noise, scared anyone would walk in on him in his intimate moment.

The buzz of his phone scared him. The screen lit up his face as he read the text he'd just received.

Mr Stark 11:15

Good job about letting the girl go, kid. All she would do was get in your way of being Spider-boy. The suits all yours, mind if I drop it off with your unusually attractive aunt?

Peter's breathe shook as he exhaled. Tony took the suit because of (Y/N)? Why? She didn't get in the way. He didn't even let her go, she let him go. In fact, no one let anyone go. They were still together. Peter replied back.

I didn't let her go, we're still together, Mr Stark. I wouldn't leave her for anything. Please give me the suit back, I'm nothing without it.

Tony replied back almost instantly.

Mr Stark 11:17

Like Ive said before, kid, if you're nothing without the suit than you shouldn't have it.

And I would advise leaving the girl. She'll only get hurt in the end.

Peter sighed deeply. He couldn't give up (Y/N), she was his everything. But he didn't want to give up the suit either. He was himself being Spider-Man, but he was himself with (Y/N) as well.

"No, Tony," Peter whispered. "I'm not going to take your advise." He grabbed his bag and stood up. As he put his phone in his back pocket, the bell rang. Peter left the lunch hall and filed into the school halls, walking to English, hoping he'd see (Y/N) again to sort things out.

When he walked into English, he looked around to (Y/N)'s seat and found it empty. He wondered where she was, she was never late for English. He sat down just as the second bell went, and prepared himself to listen to Mr Gunddell droning voice.

Peter was half way through drawing a spider - Mr Gunddell was half way through explaining the importance of exclamation points - when a kid in the year below Peter burst through the door.

"Mr Gunddell, sir" he puffed.

"Planker, what is it?"

"Your student, sir. (Y/N), she's missing"

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