"i dont think ill be going anywhere"

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"(Y/N)? ARE YOU okay?" Peter's voice rung through the phone

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"(Y/N)? ARE YOU okay?" Peter's voice rung through the phone.

"Yeh, Pete. Do you have any electricity?"

"No, why?"

"Because all mine just went out." She ran to the big window in her kitchen and saw no lights on in the city. A gasp escaped (Y/N) lips, a hand flying upwards to cover it.

"(Y/N)? What is it?" Peter worried.

"Pete," her hand moved from her mouth. "Look out your window right now or come over here. I don't care if it's not 8. Get. Here. Now"

"Okay, I'm coming over. Stay where you are"

"I don't think I'll be going anywhere" she breathed and hung up. Her feet stayed planted in place. She heard her door swing open and close immediately after. Peter's arm was wrapped around her waist as she heard a gasped escape Peter's lips.

"Oh, my god. What on earth?" He mumbled from behind his palm. (Y/N) moved in front of Peter, resting her back against his chest. His arms wrapped around the front of her body and rested on her shoulders. Her hands grabbed onto his forearms. Peter's head rested on the top of hers.

"What's gonna happen, Pete? There's people who need electricity to stay alive"

"Then we have to get it back on"


"Spidey can help" he smirked to himself, releasing (Y/N) from his grip. She turned around and looked over Peter's face. He was serious.

"Pete, you can't give an entire city back its electricity"

"Watch me" he ran to her door and stormed to his own, leaving (Y/N)'s door open.

"Peter Benjamin Parker, don't you dare leave!" She refused to let him leave. After he didn't appear from his door, she knew he'd gone. She ran back into her apartment, grabbed her phone and Peter's oversized blue Midtown school sweater. She threw it on, locked her door and ran down the stairs into the dark streets.

When (Y/N) left the building, she couldn't see anything. She turned on her phone and let her flashlight light up the street around her. As she lifted it up, she saw many others doing the same, helping people get to places. Her feet began to take her into the centre of the city. She skipped the subway and almost ran towards the massive groups of people down the street.

Blue and red flashing lights filled her vision. She turned her phone light off and ran towards the police cars, all gathered in a somewhat circle. Her eyes gazed over the cars and spotted a masked blue and red figure. Her (Y/E/C) eyes widened as she sprinted to Spider-Man's side.

"Spider-Man," she breathlessly said, "I'm so glad I found you"

"One second, please" he grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from the officer and into a nearby alleyway.

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