"if it tastes as bad as it smells, call us"

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PETER AND (Y/N) giggled as they fell into Peter's room

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PETER AND (Y/N) giggled as they fell into Peter's room. He closed the door as (Y/N) walked across the room to his bed, sitting crossed legs upon it. Peter sat in his desk chair, spinning round slightly. (Y/N) giggled while his mouth made sound effects as he pushed himself around. He stopped after turning dizzy. Peter's eyes melted into (Y/N)'s, a smile creeping on her face.

"That's it now," he started getting off his chair, kneeling in front of (Y/N), resting his hands on her knees. "We've told everyone now"

"Yeh. I feel like my grandma would be happy to see us together. She would've love having you round constantly"

"Well, we could always go tell her, if you want?" He stood up.

"Really?" She stood up, taking his hand.

"If I didn't want to, I wouldn't have asked"

"Okay, lets go" she smiled, pulling Peter back out of his room. The living room came into sight, and an awful smell. May came into view, stirring her stew, making the smell stronger. She looked up after hearing them walk out.

"We're going out for a bit, May," Peter said. "And bringing back Chinese"

"Why? I'm amazing cook"

"If it tastes as bad as it smells, call us" Peter opened the apartment door, walking out with (Y/N), who shut the door behind them.


A cool breeze sent shivers down the two spines, as they walked along Queens streets in the darkness. Peter's long fingers were laced between (Y/N)'s, warning her hand up as well as his. His other was in his pocket while hers held her phone, searching for directions. She pointed the way to go as Peter continued to ramble on about being Spider-Man.

They turned one last corner and reached the cemetery Elizabeth's coffin was laid a few days ago. As the walked in, they past rows and rows of gravestones; some old, some new. Flowers stretched across the entire ground. Roses, sunflowers, lilies, carnations, peonies, orchids. All different colours. The bright green grass stood out beneath them as (Y/N)'s eyes glazed over them.

"I feel bad now," Peter interrupted the silence. "We didn't bring any flowers"

"Babe, they'll still be alive from Saturday"

"Oh, yeh. Okay, I don't feel too bad now." (Y/N) laughed lightly at his mannerism, shaking her head and watching her feet step in front of one another. She looked up and noticed the flowers she'd placed the previous weekend. A smile replaced her frown.

"There she is, Pete" she pointed.

"Hey, there's my rose" he pointed as well, squeezing her left hand. Their steps hurried further along the path, stopping in front of her grandmothers grave.

"Hey, grandma. Peter's here" she bent down, her fingers fiddling with the stems of her lilies.

"Hey, Liz" Peter followed her and bent down.

"We've something to tell you"

"Something very important, may I add?"

"Me and Peter are together"

"Yeh, Aunt May says you owe her ten bucks" Peter blurted out, earning a slap on the arm from (Y/N). "I'm joking! She said to pay in cash or a cheque, please"

"You're an idiot" she smiled at Peter's blushing face.

"But I'm your idiot"

"True" she leaned to her side and kissed Peter's lips quickly. "That's what I couldn't wait to tell you, grandma. You know how I feel about Pete and I wanted to tell you about us. I'm sorry you were the last to know"

"She won't mind, baby. She still loves you"

"I know," (Y/N)'s hand lifted up to her face, a single finger wiping her eye. "I just feel bad"

"It's okay. It'll be alright" he moved closer to her, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"I know, I know" she looked at Peter's face, smiling into his eyes. A ring filled their ears, Peter stood up and reached into his back pocket. He stood away for a second, talking in a whispered voice. (Y/N) continued to look at her grandmothers gravestone. She read over the inscription again and again, waiting for Peter to finish. The snow crunched under his feet and he made his way back to (Y/N).

"That was May. She asked us to get a Chinese"

"I saw that coming" she looked up and smiled.

"Come on then" he reached out his hand to her.

"Hey, Pete, guess what"

"What?" He questioned, waiting for her reply.

"My nose is cold"

"Your nose is always cold"

"Can we get extra chicken balls?" She gasped, thinking of her empty stomach. "Remember, cold nose"

"We can get extra chicken balls" he sighed in content.

"Okay, I'm coming" she stood up, stretching out her knees.

"So, Hong Kong or China King?" He asked as they started walking out the cemetery.


Peter and (Y/N) walked back up to Peter's apartment, bag in hand. He opened the door, letting go of (Y/N)'s and followed her in.

"May, we're back!" (Y/N) called, taking off her coat and boots. May came waking in, fixing her ponytail.

"Great. I've only just managed to get rid of that god awful smell" all three of them laughed. "Anyway, let's get this eaten. What'd you get?"

"The regular, plus extra chicken balls at (Y/N)'s request"

"Got him wrapped around your pinkie, huh?" She whispered to (Y/N) as Peter unpacked the food.

"Yeh, something like that" she giggled, catching Peter's attention, making him smiled widely.

After their Chinese had gone, Peter and (Y/N) went across the hall to her apartment. Peter closed the door after himself while (Y/N) sat at her kitchen table. Peter walked opposite her. He leaned against the table, his forearms fully on it. He inhaled deeply before speaking up, catching her attention.

"He-here," Peter shoved his hand into his pocket. "Er, this is for you." He handed (Y/N) a small card, like a credit card. She turned it round and saw a red V that had been outlined and coloured in.

"Pete, what? Oh, I get it. V-Car- you're a virgin?"

"Yeh" he nodded.

"No way"

"Yes way" he looked down at his feet, standing up straight, his cheeks flushed.

"So, erm, when can I turn this in?"


"I'm guessing that's what it's for. For me to take it forever?"

"Y-yeh, I guess"

"So, how about now? I'll give you mine" (Y/N) smirked, both their cheeks turning pink.

"Sure," he smiled. "Yeh, lets go"

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