"neither did i, youre my everything, pete"

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"WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD" Peter whispered into (Y/N)'s ear

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"WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD" Peter whispered into (Y/N)'s ear. She woke up but kept her eyes closed, turning over to where Peter's voice came from. Her eyes remained shut as Peter kissed her forehead lightly.

"Hum, good morning" she slowly opened her eyes, smiling at Peter's glowing face in front of her.

"Good morning, sleep well?"

"Huh hum" she settled further into Peter's sheets.

"Enjoy my bed, huh?" He smirked.

"Huh hum"

"You can't have it"

"Why not?" (Y/N) opened her eyes and looked into Peter's brown ones.

"Because it's mine"

"And you're mine" she gave him a toothless smile.

"And you're mine," he chuckled. "Stay here as long as you want. I'm going out for a bit" he stood up from kneeling on the floor and walked over to his bedroom door.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"

"No," he turned around, grabbing his blue jacket, his pizza shirt clinging to his body. "I'll be fine. Don't worry"

"Bye, I love you" (Y/N) called as he walked out the door.

"I love you too, bye" he smiled and left. (Y/N) pulled Peter's covers up to her nose, inhaling his scent. She sat up, letting the sheet fall off her top half, and looked over the side of the bed where Peter once was to see sheets tangled together where he had slept that night. Her hand grabbed the covers and pulled them off her legs which swung round and her feet touched the wooden floor.

She pushed off the mattress using her hands and walked to Peter's closet, finding a jacket that smelt like him and wrapping it around her. She walked out the room like Peter had done previously. Her feet took her to the kitchen. It was quiet. May and Peter were out, leaving her to her own devices.


"Hello?" Peter's voice rung throughout the apartment.

"Hey" (Y/N) smiled as she walked in the living room.

"Is that my shirt?" He questioned, walking closer to her.

"Maybe" her arms wrapped around his neck, his round her waist.

"It looks good on you"

"It sometimes looks good on you"

"Hey!" He started to press his fingers into her side, moving them around making giggles escape from (Y/N)'s mouth.

"Stop! Stop! Please!" She managed to squeeze out while Peter continued to tickle her. He stopped after he saw tears forming in her eyes.

"You okay? Are you alright?" He worried.

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