"please dont leave it like this"

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"YOU LET HER die!" (Y/N) screamed at Peter

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"YOU LET HER die!" (Y/N) screamed at Peter.

"I didn't do anything!" he fought back.

"Well, you obviously didn't because she's dead! Nobody knew who she was and I had to go to the station all on my own to identify if it was her! I was forced to look at my grandmother's dead body, all because some IDIOT couldn't save her! Do you know how disgusting that is? It's awful!"

"(Y/N), I'm sorry, you know I am. Just please, calm down"

"Calm down? Calm. Down. You expect me to calm down! Peter, you killed my grandmother and you expect me to CALM DOWN?!"

"OK, I didn't exactly kill her but-"

"Get out" (Y/N) cut him off.

"What?" he asked, gobsmacked. He'd never been told to get out of her apartment, it had always been Aunt May dragging him home.

"Get. Out. Peter. Right now" her eyes closed.

"OK, OK. I'm so sorry, (Y/N). Please, don't leave it like this," he walked backwards from her and picked up his bag, "I'll see you tomorrow" he opened the door, stepped outside and gave her a long look before turning and closing the door.

As soon as Peter closed the door, she broke down. Her breath got caught in her throat, her eyes cried harder than ever before and her nose ran. Peter could hear the sobs and choking noises coming from behind the door, wishing so hard to be in there. But instead, he sighed, turned and walked to his apartment. A tear falling from his beautiful brown eyes as the key turned in the lock.

Her apartment was silent. She had nothing to do. The creaks of the floorboards emerged from the floor into the silent atmosphere. (Y/N) wandered around the house, thinking what to do. She had to sort out the funeral and rummage through her grandma's room for anything valuable. She didn't want to do anything. There was nothing she felt like doing without her grandmother or Peter there. All she could think about was the inevitability of her grandma never coming home.


(Y/N) sat on her messy white bed sheets, her eyes glued open, staring at her slightly ajar wooden door.

Her head was everywhere. She didn't know whether to clean the house, go for a walk, buy something or do anything other than what she was doing. Finally, she decided to leave her room and clean her grandmothers. When she entered, Elizabeth's room was mainly tidy; she'd cleaned her wardrobe, her floor was clean - even though it normally was, her table tops were almost empty (like normal) but her bed was unmade - something unusual for her.

When that chore was done, she went back into the kitchen. She noticed Peter had left his phone and would most likely come back to get it. So before he could even knock on the door, (Y/N) grabbed it, walked over to her door and opened it to reveal a red-eyed Peter.

"Here's your phone" she mumbled without looking into his eyes.

"Thanks" he sniffed, exploring her face as much as he could before she slammed the door on him. She moved away from the door and sat at her kitchen table while Peter stayed by her door, wishing he could go in. He left shortly after that; his watch went off signifying that someone needed Spider-Man to save the day. He contemplated whether or not to go. There was never a time he did this, but seeing as the person he loved was like how she was, he didn't want to. He eventually gave in, ran out of the building, into an alleyway, changed into his Spider-Man suit and swung through Queens.

Inside their apartment complex, (Y/N) watched as Peter swung further away from her. Knowing there was no one around that she knew, she collapsed against the wall and broke down. She'd lost her grandmother and best friend in one day: the two most important people in her universe.

Her body raised her up from the floor, she knew crying wouldn't bring back anyone. Her feet dragged against the wooden floor as she made her way to the carpeted stairs. One by one, she made her way up them. When she arrived in her room, her plain sheets, although messy, were inviting to her at the moment. She changed into shorts and a sports bra, scuttled into bed and pulled up the sheets. As she laid down in bed, she closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh.

"Night" she whispered to no one in particular.

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