"when does the ground stop spinning?"

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"MORNING, PARKER" (Y/N) smiled as Peter opened his locker right next to her

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"MORNING, PARKER" (Y/N) smiled as Peter opened his locker right next to her.

"Morning, (Y/L/N)" he returned the smile.

"How's life?"

"Alright, I guess," he shut his locker and turned to her, "last night was amazing, thanks for not freaking out on me"

"Its okay, Pete. I'm just glad you told me. I'll help with whatever" she replied in a hushed tone.

"Thanks, (Y/N). I knew I'd kept you round for something" as she was about to reply, the bell cut her off. The two smiled, waved and walk off in separate directions.

The walk to English seemed to take forever. She was dreading the next hour in lesson; her only true friend in the school was Peter and she longed to be by his side every minute of the day. As soon as she walked into the classroom, she beelined straight to her seat, well, tried to anyway.

"Hello, (Y/N)" Howard smirked as he blocked her pathway.

(Y/N) sighed and replied, "Yes, Howard?"

"'Yes, Howard?' Ha! You hearing this, boys?" he turned around to his gang, laughed and looked back at (Y/N).

"What do you want?"

"You done my homework?" he placed out his grubby, oversized hand.

"Yes" she handed it over.

"You with Peter yet?" he smirked.

"No" she frowned.

"Your bruises gone yet?" he pressured her.

"No" she turned her head away.

"Guess that wild night was really wild" he, again, turned around to his gang, laughed and turned back to (Y/N).

"You want to go for round two?" he raised his fist above his head, his goons following it as it rose.

"No" she cowered away.

"You're such a chicken! You should've seen your face!" he terrored her and repeated her actions. Before she could say another word, her English professor walked in and stared down Howard. Now that was his time to cower away while him and his friends sat at their allocated seats. (Y/N) quickly walked to her seat at the very back, away from Howard: away from her problems.


The gruelling hour didn't seem to end. A sigh of relief escaped her lips when the second the bell went. Her feet carried her out the classroom before Howard could get another heckle in. She darted to her locker where she knew Peter would walk pass. The only thing was was that he never showed. (Y/N) wasn't sure if he'd been lost in the crowd and neither of them had seen each other, or he simply hadn't walked past her locker. Or he didn't go anyway at all.

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