"i was beginning to taste web on it"

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PETER AND (Y/N) didn't return to school that day; they missed six periods of school after Peter's Spider-man incident and spent that time walking around Queens visiting places they've been to and places they've never seen

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PETER AND (Y/N) didn't return to school that day; they missed six periods of school after Peter's Spider-man incident and spent that time walking around Queens visiting places they've been to and places they've never seen. When 15:02 came around, they were back on the school grounds to leave like every other student. If they went straight home it would take a shorter time than it would to walk from school, then Aunt May and Elizabeth would really know something was going on.

"Pete," (Y/N) groaned.


"My nose is colllddddd" she strung out the last word"

"Your nose is always cold"

Before they walked into their apartment building, (Y/N) quickly turned to Peter and gasped, "Our algebra test, we missed it!"

"Thank God!" Peter raised his arms in a celebratory fashion while screaming at the top of his lungs.

"Pete! I revised all weekend, and we missed it"

"I didn't!" (Y/N) huffed while walking up the stairs to the main reception of their building. Peter quickly followed as she went off on a rant. Her passion for algebra seemed to take over her brain while Peter followed suit up to their apartments. She was still rambling on as she and Peter got to her front door. He couldn't take it anymore and covered his hand over her mouth.

"Just shut up," he said plainly, "shut up" she licked his hand and he instantly pulled it away.

"Thanks. I was beginning to taste web on it" she sarcastically smiled at Peter while fumbling for her keys. All he did was chuckle quietly at the way she repelled at his salvia.

"So, apart from algebra, what else did you miss?" he questioned while they both walked into the apartment. There was no noise coming from any room so Elizabeth must've been asleep. (Y/N) skipped into the kitchen followed by Peter copying her actions; she went straight for a drink and he went straight for food.

"History, gym, physics, geography and chemistry. Boring, usual stuff"

"Same" he muffed through a mouth full of twinkie.

"You know we only buy them because if you?"

"I know, I put in a special order with your grandma" he chuckled.

"Wow" she smiled at the boy in front of her, stuffing his face with another sweet treat. A peaceful silence fell amongst them, but it wasn't awkward. All they did was stare at each other while making funny faces. This resulted in food and water leaving their mouths and landing onto the table.

A loud knock disturbed their silence. (Y/N) strode over and quickly opened it. The face of Aunt May appeared and (Y/N) allowed her in. She stayed outside the door, gave Peter a small smile and nodded her head. Peter's body rose like a meerkat's, he knew something was up. As quick as a flash, he was up and out of his seat and headed towards the door. A quiet goodbye escaped his lips as he passed (Y/N) and followed his Aunt across the hall. Their door quickly opened and closed as (Y/N) stood and watched. Her body turned on its heels, her hand closed the door and she never said another word that night.

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