how it all started

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santana is at the hospital waiting to see her cousin blaine yesterday the new directions and the warblers had meet at an underground car park to have a sing off. however as the song came to a close sebastian had gotton a slushie and thrown it in rachel berry's direction blaine been a gentleman had jumped infront of her and ended up shouting in agony on the floor. santana knew something was bad because the warblers ran off in a hurry blaine was taken to hospital and had to have eye surgery.

" hey tana" blaine said as he laid in the bed with an eye patch on.

" you okay" santana asked

" yeah""blaine said

" they will pay for this" santana said

" leave it tana its not worth it" blaine said

" how can you say that your in love with rachel though you will not tell her you deny it yet you throw yourself infront of her to protect her you couod lose an eye how is that not worth it blaine" santana said

" i will tell rachel in my own time"blaine said

" and your eye" santana said

"look the surgery is this week lets just see how that goes"blaine said

" no blaine no imwill not be pushed around or have my familyvhurt by those stuck up snobs im going to confront sebastian and thats final" santana said before leaving blaines hospital room.


santana had driven straight to rachels house to see if sge was okay rachel was blaming herself for blaines injury saying it was meant for her it should have happened to her.

" hey how is his" rachel asked as soon as santana was inside

" he is okay bet he would like to see you" santana said

" no im the last person he would want to see" rachel said

" he wants to see you but thats not why im here" santana said

" oh really" rachel asked she seemed confused

" im going to dalton to confront the warblers i need you to cover for mecwith mr shue tomorrow i have to go see them during the school day" santana sais rachel thought for a moment then nodded.


santana was waiting for the bell to ring then she would be in het way over to dalton and would be wiping that smirk off his gorgeous face.

the bell ra g and  off she went driving over once ag dalton she entered the building and was walking around she headed to the famous warbler council room but they were not in tnere then she heard singing she followed the sound. it lead her to the music room as she pushed the door open the lesson was ending and she was faced with the warblers stood looking at her then she saw him smug looking sebastian he started walking over to her so she set off to meet him halfway.

" well well look what the cat dragged in" sebastian said

" look here you might look like an eighties villian from a cheesy movie but i will wipe this well shined floor with your wannabe disney prince hair" santana said

" oh really im surprised your here and not visiting that sad pathetic cousin of yours" sebastian said he was getting close to her face whe couldnt help but feel flushed he was so hot she thought but told herswlf to focus she hated him for almost blinding blaine.

" he needs surgery you know and what has berry ever done to you" santana said

" look its a shame about blaine the slushie was meant for rachel why you should ask her" sebastian said

" you know what lets settle this right now" santana said

" you think you can take me on" sebastian said

" lets keep this on point" santana said

" you guys clear out i dont want you to see me make a girl cry"sebastian said as the warblers left sebastian gestured to the two cello players who had been sat in the middle of the room to stay.

" so" santana said

" let me santana do you have your cheerio uniform under that jacket" sebastian said smugly smiling at her

" lets get this over with" santana said. the cellist started playing smooth criminal  santana sat down and gave hin her best bring it on face. sebastian started to sing he walked round the badk of her and ateoked her shoulders making her shiver she wondered if he inew the grin on his face made her think he knew exactly what she felt at that moment. santana got up and walked round thw room as she turned he was right behind her he turned away a she startsd to sing she reached and grabnbed his tie and he turned back to face her she flicked her hat and looked her up and down as they sang. as the song came to an end they were face to face. santana was feeling hot as his eyes bored into hers.

" i was bet....  " santana started to sayas sebastian crushed her mouth with his santana was court off guard and found herself kissing him back. sebastian then beoke thw kiss and looked at her

" so think you agree i was better" sebastian said and turned to walk towards to door

" what was in that slushie" santana demanded

" rock salt" sebastia. said befors he walked out of the room leaving her flustered for an numbers of reasons she was also very confused the kiss had been intense but tender aswell did that mean he had feelings. santana left dalton  angry at herself how could she have kissed him back he almost blinded her couson who was one of her closet friends.

she headed home she wanted to ask if people thought his kiss meant anything but how could she they all hated him dhe hated him her family despised him for hurting blaine. she wondered why it mattered to her like she would date the guy who harmed her family member.

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