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its staturday and one weel until rachels birthday she is in her bedroom with sebastian and her parrot who she has named broadway.

rachel is letting broadway out of his cage to fly around her room sebastian is sat on her bed as broadway flying out of his cage her door o9ens and kurt walks in. kurt a former new direction now warbler but fancies blaine who sebastian almost blinded so isnt sebastians friend but is one of rachels best friends.

"hey rachie"kurt said shutting door as broadwsy flew and handed on his head kurt screamed.

"its okay kurt dont frighten him"rafhel said trying to coax broadway off of kurts head sebastian was helping the sutuation by sitting there laughing.

" get it off" kurt yelled as she span round the room radhel finally mangaged to gwt broadway off him and put him back in his cage.

" what possessed you to get that thing"kurt asked sorting his hair out

"he is a early birthday present from seb"rachel said

"i should have known meerkat was to blame" kurt said

" oh shut up drama queen" sebastian said

" it was me who chose him" rachel said stroking broadway throught the bara of the cage.

" typical"kurt said looking at sebastian

"kurt"rachel said looking confused

"well its a known fact rch rich buts treat you like crap and then think they can win you over with expencive gifts" kurt said

" kurt its a birthday present" rachel said angry as kurt was supposed to be her friends why was he trying to upset her.

" im not having a go at you rach your not the one who did anything wrong"kurt said

" kurt stop ot your thw one upsetting her now" sebastian said

" kurt your my best friend why cant you make an effort even noah is trying to get along with him"rachel said.

" yes i am your best friend i was the only one who knew about you two and i was the one that had to pick you up after he spat you out do you think i can just stand here and watch it happen all over again"kurt said

"it wont happen again"sebastian said

" i cant do this" rachel said and walked out of the room.

" kurt" sebastian said

" what im the good guy here" kurt said

" your the one who as upset her she was happy before you said anything" sebastian said

" dont you judge me you used her"kurt yelled

"yes and im trying to heal her"sebastian said

"you dont know what it was like"kurt yelled at him

"what"sebastian said.

" you broke her she stopped eating she stopped leaving her house she only went out to go to school" kurt said

" i didnt know that" sebastian sais he was taken back

" everyone thought she wa s throwing a diva tantrum but i knew the thruth it took ages to get her better get her happy and just as she gets there you come waltzing back into her life how do you think i feel about that do you honestly expect me to be happy im  terrified of what will happen to her if you hurt her again i dont think she could take another blow" kurt said sebastian was in tears.

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