snuggle time

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rachel woke up early to find sebastian awake looking at her.

"morning"rachel said

"a very good morning to you"sebastian said and kissed her

"last night was perfect"rachel said

"it was it really was though you know there aint nothing wrong with morning sex infact its a great way to start the day"sebastian said

they did just that afterwards rachel was once again laid in his arms sebastian started to sing ne yo's let me love you to her as he stroked her arms.

" so would you be wanting breakfast" sebastian asked

" depends what you were thinking of making" rachel said

" so coffee and muffin at lima bean it is come on get dressed my little lust bunny" sebastian said

rachel got dressed after a quick shower and they headed to lima bean as they entered they waited in line to order sebastian wrapped his arms around her waist pulling into him from behind and he was whispering in her ear. they ordered they drinks and got their muffins and went to a table they had fifteen minutes before she had to leave for school. sebastian didnt care about been late.

"so i will see you tonight"rachel told him kissing him before she had to set off for mckinley.

at mckinley rachel saw santana watching her from her locker she walked over to her.

"you okay"rachel asked

"yeah i was just thinking you look happy"santana said

"i am happy lets just say my relationship as moved up a notch"rachel said happily

"so you slept with him"santana asked beforecshe could stop herself

"yeah"rachel said

"right well i need to see britt about something catch you later rachel"santana said walking off rachel thought it was weird but given the developements with sebastian nothing was gonna get her down today.

later on at school rachel saw noah she went to say hi to him.

" hey noah" rachel said

" hi princess"noah said

"why are you staring at me"rachel asked

"you got a sex glow about you"noah said

"what"rachel said blushing

"its weird i thought it was a puckerman making a chick glow but preppy boy must have somw moves to give you a glow im proud of him"noah said

"noah shh and yes i have hd sex with him"rachel said

"i didnt know he had it in him"noah said

"well i cant complain thats for sure" rachel said

"wait did he pressure you"noah asked looking serious

"no noah he didnt i want to"rachel said

"did he hurt you"noah asked

"no he was gentle"rachel said her face burning

"gentle youngot that glow from gentle"noah said

"noah can we please talk about something else"rachel said

"wait hold up was he covered he dick i mean"noah asked

"yes noah we were safe"rachel said

"good i cant imagine that smirk on a baby"noah said

"speaking of babies gave you seen beth lately"rachel asked

"at the weekend she is growing she looks like quinn"noah said

"thats nice"rachel said

"she asks after you your mom i mean i told her you had a boyfriend she was pleased think she would like to see you rachel"noah said. noah was the father of quinns baby daugther rachels birth mother shelby had adopted her.

"suppose it would be nice to see her"rachel said

"you dont have her number do you i have give me you phone"noah said putting the number.

" you could co e with me next time i see beth if your nervous of been alone with her" noah said

" thank you noah i think i would like that" rachel said

" bring blazer boy with you" noah said

" i might do" rachel said.

then it was time for their last class of the day after that class rachel was at her locker and sebastian came up behind her.

" guess who" he said making her turn around rachel couldnt help but notice the looks sebastian was getting

" hey what you doing here" rachel said surprised to see him

" im hers to see you" he said kissing her

" did you ditch class" rachel asked given dalton was over an hour away

" yes" sebsstian said kissingnher again while moving her hair out of his way.

" hey there"noah said making them break the kiss

" hello" sebastian said alitle quietly given puck had threatened to remove his balls the last time they spoke.

" i got something for you"noah said to sebastian who looked at rachel.

"here"noah said handing sebastian a pack of condoms

"thanks"sebastian said

"use them wisely"noah said

"will do"sebastian said as noah left them.

" he said he could tell i had sex"rachel said

"really"sebastian said before kissing her again.

"you cant be here warbler"quinn said but the ingored her and kept kissing

"stop thst nobody needs to see that go home"sue said and the left the school to head to rachels house.

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