making things right

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its monday and sebstian has ditched his last class in order to drive to lima he is meeting someone at lima been as he wishes to say sorry and also ask their advice about rachel. he plans to go see rachel afterwards she knows nothing of his meeting.

sebastian arrives at lima bean and sitscand waits he knows rachel is going to see a friend so there is no chance of her walking in on him and who he is meeting.

about five minutes later the door opens and they walk head first to the counter to get their coffee as sebastian doesnt know their coffee order. once they have their coffee the head towards hisvtable and sit down opposit him.

"thank you for agreeing to meet me"sebastian said he gets a nod from them.

" so firstly i want to say im so sorry about you eye blaine i was intended to ruin rachels dress nnever meant to hurt anyone i heard that rock salt can damage certin fabrics it was a stupid thing to do. my parents will cover your medical bills" sebastian said

" i dont know what to make of you but i know rachel loves you. you better not hurt her"blaine said

"thats why i wanted to see you well wanted to say sorry but also i need your help" sebastian said

" my help what makes you think i will help you" blaine said

"because you love rachel"srbasyian said

"im listening"blaine said

" because of what i have done rachel is doubting herself and i want to make her realise how special she is i want her to know she is beautiful"sebastian said

" well you dumped after she had sex with you so by not dumping would surely help" blaine said

"its not that its santana thats making her doubt herself"sebastian said

"santana what has she got to do with anything"blaine asked sebastian was shocked blaine clearly didnt know.

" before rach and i got back togther i slept with santana"sebastian said

"WHAT" blaine yelled

"it was a mistake it made me realise i loved rachel" sebastian said

" i cant believe this you slept with santana she is rachels best friend"blaine said blaine was in for a surprise as sebastian started to cry.

"it was stupid i love rachel but she is so fragile because of me its heartbreaking to see"sebastian said

"so you want my advice"blaine said it was more of a statement than a question

"if you love her like you say then you shluld sing to her nothing gets through to rachel like music so if i were you though i would never do what you have done i would pick a song or even write a song thst truly explains how you feel about her" blaine said

"you think that will work" sebastian said

" we are talking about rachel berry"blaine said sebastian nodded

" thank you" sebastian said

" also another hing that will hslp stay away from santana" blaine said

" i am i have been doing" sebastian said

"why did you want to ruin her dress anyway" blaine asked

"one of the warblers thought she and hudson were bck together i was upset"sebastian said

"you need to leave the stupid pranks and tricks behind if you want rachel to let you back in her heart" blaine said.

" i have to go but treat her well" blaine said getting up and leaving. sebastians mind was racing with song he decided it was between two songs he may even do both he headed to his car hoping hw still have his guitar in he trunk. he was in luck he had so he got in his car and headed for rachels house.

he arrived rachel must have heared him artivecas she opened the door before he was out of the car he went and got his guitar out of the trunk and walked towards her he kissed her cheek before walking to the house.

"can we go to your room"he askex her she nodded and followed him upstairs.

"right sit down rach"he said smiling at her

" right i have thought about what song to sing and i cant choose between two so im gonna sing both" he said

the first song he sang was lost without you by delta goodrem he was tearful as he sang rachel was tearful listsnig to him. when he had finished rachsl got up and hugged him they kissed before she went to sit and listen tthe next song which was somewhere only we know. this was a special song as it had played on the radio of his car on their first ever date last year. after he finished they had a very i tense make out session.

" i love you rach and im not giving up on us i will make us alright again i promise i only want you "he said before kissing her again

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