saturday night

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santana has had a rough week blaines had eye surgery yesterday thankfully no permiment damage had been caused by the rock salt slushie. still she was sressed about the whole situation and then ofcourse there was sebastain she didnt know what to maks of him kissingn her her friend brittany had suggested they go out dancing. they decided to so to a club just outside of lima so know one they knew would see them. the club was called relics. they caught the bus over to the club and thanks to their friend noah puckerman thy had fake ids. they headed intot the packed club and after been let in they headed straight for the dancefloor.

" i love this song" brittany said as toxi. by britney spears started to play both girls were dancing and having a good time. then they went to the bar to get drinks.

" two vodka sodas please"santana asked at the bar as brittany was dancing with a guy they had gotton to know from coming here.

" i will get these" a voice said as santana turned and saw sebastian stood next to her.

" why are you here" she demanded

" well i wanted a good time plus i only live like four streets fodm here so your actually in my play pen sweetie" sebastian said

" dont call me that" santana said

" what would you rather me call you sexy shagable you tell me" sebastian said

" blaine had surgery yesterday" santana told him

" i know" sebastian said

" you bastard" santana said to him

" oh your hot when your angry i love the outfit you fill it out really well" sebastian said

" why you talking to him" brittany asked as she had finished danicng

" jist telling me about blaine"sebastian said

"it wasnt very nice fomyou to hurt him" brittany said

" i was aiming for berry" sebastian said like it justified his actions

" why dont you like rachel" santana asked

" cause i shagged her" sebastian said

" what" santana gasped

" it was last year her and that hudson guy were on a break i was drunk she was whining i kissed her just to shut her up well like i said i was drunk one thing lead to another" sebastian said

" your lying rachel would never do that" santana said

" no im not ask her" sebastian said shrugging his shoulders.

" but why would that make you hate her" brittany asked

" well shw told hudson he gave me grief" sebastian said

" i cant believe it" santana said

" bet your not gonna tell blaine" sebastian chuckled before walking off threw the crowd.

" you think that really happened" brittany asked santana

" i will find out" santana said

the night went by they drank had a good time then brittany got a call from her father saying they knew she was t a club and demanded she leave.  santan was sgood outside the club waiting for brittany to collected by her father however when he arrived he refused to take santana saying she was the bd influence on brittany.  santana was stuck she didnt have money to get a taxi on her own they always shared the fair and she had missed the last bus. she hoped if sebastian was in the club some of the other more friendly warblers might be withbhim and help her. she reentered the club and searched the crowd.

"looking for me" sebastian said as his arms went around her waist

"i dont have time for this i have to get home. " santana said

" whats the rush" sebastian said as he stood so close behind her his mouth at her ear as he spoke.

" britt as gone home i need to get home" santana said

" i am going to take you home" sebastian said

" why would you help me" santana said

" oh no no no santana i meant i would take you home with me" sebastian said

" what is this sebastian" sajtaha said removing his arms from her waist

" what i wanna know if all you public school girls moan like berry" sebastian said

" im leaving" santana said movimg through thr crowd as she neared the door sebastian grabbed her again.

" look i havent had a drink if you really need to get home i will take you" sebastian said

" please" santana said

" ooh never uad you down as the begging type' sebastian chuckled

" are ypu gonna help me or not"santana said

" fine" sebdtian said taking hold of her arm they left the club he took her to his car but before she could get in he pushed her against it a d kissed her santana 8ncw again kissed back sebastians hands roamed her body and settled on her bum squeezing her cheeks.

" right then lets get you home. " sebastian said letting her go they both got in his car. he drove towards lima before turningn off down a gravel lane.

" where we going" santana demanded to know

" you help me i help you" sebadtian said stopping the car

"what" santana asked

" get in the back" ssebadtian said shecdidnt know whyvshe did but she did what he said

they both climbed in to the back sebastian was at her straight a way his hands groping her breast sthen resting on the top of her thigh.

" what do uou want" santana asked

" sex " sebastian said ss he kissed her neck finding her sweet spot as his fingers lifted up her dress. his fingers found her panties and started tugging them down. santana was unable to stop him as his tongue worked its magic on her neck. sebadtian pulled awsy to remove her panties completly. he then lifted up her tight fitting dress exposing her sex to him. he unzipped his trousers and pushed them down revealing his dick. he grabbed his wallet and took out a condom and rested it on the seat. as he lowered his head to he sex santana couldnt stop the moan escaping her lips as his tongue licked at her folds, she fisted his hair as his tongued entered her. after several minutes sebastian mad his way back to her mouth and they kissed as he placed her hand on his penis she began to stroke him he deepened the kiss. after a few minutes sbastian pulled away and sat back 8n ths seat as santana leaned down on him and tu k him in her mouth it was sebastians turnnto moan moan now. she sucked him for several minutes before stopping to get her breath back. sebastian recovered quicker than she did as she sat panting he placed two fingers at the opening and thrust them inside her. he pumped them in and out a few times before removing his fingers and sucking them he grabbed thw condom and put it on before postitioning himself on top of her santana spread her legs as wide as she could as he lined himself up and pushed inside her. santana was in heaven at the feeling of bern spread by him. he started to thrust as she panted beneath him as theybboth neared the edge santana was gribbing onto his back as he pounded into her and them he slammed into her and she felt the oragasm erupt she cried out clinging to him. as he pounded a few more times before reaching his own release. they laid there panting forva while until they got their breath back and santana put her panites back on as sb0eb sorted outnos own clothes they got back in the fri0ont and he drove her homw they didnt speak the for the rest of the journey.

santana got home she felt confused she felt ashamed she had given into him but also had to afmit that was the best sex she had ever had.

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