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rachel woke up on saturday to her phone ringing the screen told her it was sebastian.

seb: happy birthday babe get up im on my way got you coffee

rach: oh goody

seb: see ya soon babe

rach: im getting up.

rachel grabbed her dressing gown fed broadway and headed down stairs as she reached the bottommof the stairs she heared sebastian pull up she opened the door to see a huge budle of balloons they were while and pink and were held together by a gold glitter paper.

" morning" sebastian said feo behind them she moved out of the way to let hi. in he walked i  with the ballons ans set them down before engulfing her in a cuddled.

" happy birthday" sebastian said

" thank you" rachel sadi kissing him they started to getvlost in the kiss

" where is our birthday girl" leroy said coming out of  the kitchen with hiram.

" daddys" rachel said hugging them both as sebastian went back to his car to get something else he came back inside with a present bag which was gold glitter and matched the ballon wrap perfectly.

" breakfast is ready" hiram said as sebastian passed her coffee to her.

" breakfast can wait lets do presents" leroy said passing rachel a present

" oh wow its lovely" rachel said as her dads had gottom her a new dressing gown.

" her is another"hiram said

" thank you wow its the one i wanted" rachel said as tney had gotton her a handbag

" and ofcourse your card" hiram said rachel opened the card to fined $200 dollars in her card.

" treat yourself princess" leroy said

" now come leroy lets get the breakfast sorted" hiram said indicting to leroy hat sebastian might want rachel alone to open his presents.

" so hereyou go" sebastian said passing her a present

it was a digital photoframe which he had uploaded some pictures of her on it plus some of the two of them.

" its great" rachel said looking at the photos

" well now you can see how special you are all the time" sebastian said kissing her forehead.

"thank you" rachel said as he passed her another present it was a stylish notebook

" though you could use it for your song writing" sebastian told her

" i will do" rachel said

" and here you go"passing her another present rachel opened the little square present to find it was a jewellery gift box she opened it to find a locket with a chain.

" oh seb" rachel said

" here" he said taking it from her and opening to reveal him and her photos

" so you know im always with you and i love you" he said placing at round her neck.

" i love you" rachel said and they kissed

" now there is another present but i want you to open it toniht before you go to bed when your alone" sebastian said

" im intrigued"rachel said

" well i mean it its for your eyes only"he said winking at her rachel gad all on not to jump on him in that moment.

" breakfast is served" hiram said as rachel and sebastian made their way to the dining room

" ooh rachel thts so pretty" leroy said seeing the locket.

" thank you" rachel said.

as they were sat eatign the door bell rang hiram went to answer it and rwturned with kurt

" happy birthday barbra" kurt said hugging her

" thank you" she said as he handed her a present bag rachel opened a present it was a framed photo of barbra"

" thank you" rachel said

" well we arw goign to have a shrine to her in our apartment in  mew york" kurt said as she opened the other present in the bag which was a new head band whoch had a gold star on it.

" nice one kurt"leroy said

"thats pretty"kurt said touching the locket

"its from sebastian"hiram said

" i figured"kurt said as there was another knock on the door hiram returned with santana rachel felt awkward sebastian was staring at his plate kurt was pretending to xheck of dirt in his finger nails

" hey" rachel said

" happy birthday rachy" santana said she aas also acting odd as she passed rachel her present

" thanks" rachel said it was a lovely summer dress in aqua blue.

" its the one you saw a while ago" santana said

" yeah i remember thank you" rachel got up and hugged her.


wow this is awkward santana thought been in the same room as sebastian and rachel she and rachel had been okay the other night without him but it was weird seeing him just sat there. it was weird seeing hiz car out front as she had walked last it she had thought of their lust filled moment. she couldnt help it she didnt want to be attracted to him but she was she understood why rachel forgiven him it was hard to stay mad at someone as hot as him.

" your welcome" santana said as they broke their hug

"kurt santana would you like to join us for breakfast there is plenty" leroy asked them

" sure" kurt said

"no im gonna go but have a lovely day" santana said and almost ran from ths room.


" that was weird"kurt said

sebastian was shocked it seemed rachel hadnt told anybody about him and santana. he xouldnt helpmbut notice santana was acting strangly maybe he would have to talk to her but he tried to put that to the back of his mind today was rachels day.


" so the weather is goid forvthe bbq this afternoon" hiram said

" yeah so who from mckinley is coming" kurt asked

" tina noah and blaine and santana "rachel said

"sam not coming"kurt asked

"no he cant make it he is babysitting" rachel said

"blaine is that who you almost...." hiram started to ask sebastian

" yes and everything is fine" rachel cut in

" right then diva im gonna go do a face mask before the party" kurt said

" im just gonna take thiz upstairs" sebastian said about the present bag.

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