sometimes the unexpected happens

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its friday santana is at the mall grabbing some food to her friend brittanys house as brittany had been off school today as a jump during cheerios practise had gone wrong and she had pulled her back she is okay but needs to rest. as santana had gotten the food she headed to her car as she walked she saw a couple making out and thought nothing of it until he was pulling out of the parking space abnd saw the car they were stood next to making out it was a silver bmw and who drives a silver bmw sebastian does she watches then intensly as thdy break from kissing she sees it is sebastian and theb she looks at the girl

" oh my god" santana yells relisingnits rachel she re parks her car and gets out heading towards them they dont see her the have started kissing again.

" HEY" she yells that causes them to stop they both look at her sebastian as a coxky look on his face whereas rachel looks happy.

"hey santana" rachel said

"whzt the hell are you dojping what about blaine he hurt blaine he tried to hurt you" santana said in disabelief.

"look its complicated" rachel said

" well im not leaving to i know why you have done this" santana said

" what do you mean why" rachel said

" i was talking to him" santana sais sebastian was leanimg against his car looking like nothing was wrong.

"lets go for a coffee rach you can tell me" santana said

"we have plans"sebastian said

"plans change"santana said grabbing rachels arm and walking to the entrance of the mall. tney didnt speak until they got to a coffee shop ordered and sat down santana crossed her and stared at rachel.

" well" santana said

" well what i told you i love him" rachel said

" but he tried to hurt you he broke your heart he hurt blaine how can you give him another chance after all that"santana said

"he is sorry about blaine it was a mistake he told me you told him how i fslt about him he came to ses me he sakd he feels the same about me he asked for another chance and i really do love him santana im not trying to hurt blaine i like blaine but i love sebastian" rachel said

" you honestly believe anything he tells you"santana said

" are you jealous" rachel asked

" what berry"santana snapped

" he told me about you having sex" rachel said santana was shock.

" it was a mistake" santana said

" i know it was he said so"rachel said

"but rachel think of the problems this is gonna cause blaine will be so upset the gled club will hate you"santana said

"look santana you have created in your ki d that blaine and i are meant to be but he as never told me he feels for me and i dont for him i like him like i said but my heart is with sebastian as for the glee club they will gave to accept it others have had relationship which havent gone down well but no trouble has been caused by it" rachel said

" they is a difference between dating someone who nobody like and dating the enemy" santana said

"well did you worry about that while you were doing him in his car" rachel snapped.

"he used you rachel he waited until you would have sex with him then dumped you you shouldnt give him the time of day let alone date him" santana sais

" we talked about that he told me he was scared as he was falling in love with me he had never been in love before he panicked thats why he was nasty to me whrn we would be in the same room as each other he was trying to push me away because he was scared" rachel said

" he has brainwashed you" santana said shaking her head

"no he hasnt"rachel said

"are you sleeping with him"santana asked

"no"rachel ssid

" and why is that ots because your afrais once you do he will be gone again" snatana said

" no it isnt we got back together yesterday so we havent slept together yet" rachel said

"you know what rachel i have warned you now if he breaks your heart dont come running to me for comfort you will have brought it on yourself." sanrana saidcgetting up and walking back to her care.


rachel sat there still holding her coffee for a few minutes before getting up and headin outside hoping sebastian was still there he was she walked tp his car and got in.

" hey" sebastian said

" hey" rachel said putting her belt on

"everything okay" hecsked as they pulked out of the parking space and drove past a glaring santana.

" she had a go at me told me everyone will hate me"rachel said

"true but with tome they will accept us"sebastian said

" its not you who has to face them everyday" rachel said

"look rach lets just forget about everyone and everything and rnjoy the weekend we will worry about things on monday dont lwt it spoil the next few days" sebastian said

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