at his house

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its still friday its 9pm rachel is with sebastian at his house they arw in his room laid on his bed making out they have a dvd on but they havent bothered to watch any of it they have been much more interested in each others tongues. asthey kiss sebastian holds her neck and moves so he is almost on top of her as he deepens the kiss. his hands roams doen her arm and side and rests on her bum. after a few minutes he slides his hand up her short skirt rachel freezes santana'a voice ringing in her mind about him only wanting sex.

" you okay" he askes feeling her tense up

  " yeah but i think we should cool off" rachel said removing his hand from her inner thigh sebastian looked surprised.

  " is this about santana" he asked

" no" rachel replied to quickly

" look rach i told you i a had sex with her it was a one off it didnt mean anything we werwnt together then you cant be mad as me for it" sebastian said

" its not they though as she is one of my best frie ds i think i can be alittle mad at you but its what she said thats bothering me" rachel said

" what did she say" he asked her

" she said you only want sex and once i sleep with you you'll leve me again" rachel said

" rach what else can i say i told you i was scared last time im not now so why would i leave you" sebastian said

" you pursued santana so she would sleep with you"rachel snapped

" yes and i admit that but thats different than us with her it wasnt about feeling it was i wanted sex thats all i wanted from her you i love you its not the same thing what else can i say to make you trust me"sebastian said

" nothing its just i need ti e before we you know go further" rachel said sebastian sighed but nodded in agreement.

" so can we aleast make out i love your lips" sebastian said and they started kissing again


is now at brittanys house and she has told brittany everythjng about her and sebastian and rachel brittany is shocked by it all.

" do you think he loves rachel" brittany asked her

" no i dont i think he is using her" santana said

" but what is there in it for him to use her for" brittany said

" sex" santana said

" it cant just be that thought if thats all he wanted he could have kept getting at you where as with rachsl he has to make so much more of an effort" brittany said

" all i know is he wanst bothered about her until i let slip that she had feeling for him" santana said

" rachel said thry only got togethrr yesterday they might not last very long stop stressing over it"  rittany said



blaine is finally home and santana decides to go see him as he plans to return to school monday and she would rather break the news bout rachel to him jerself than him see her with sebastian.

" hey there" blaine said as she walked in his room

" hey how you feeling" santana asked

" my eyes is zors but other than that im great" blaine said

" good" santana said

" you alright you dont look happy" blaine asked santana went and sat down next to him

" oh blaine i have to tell you rachel has a boyfriend"santana said blaine looked upset

"well its my own fault should have told her week ago." blaine said after a minutes silence

" but there is more to it you see she is dating sebastian" santana said blaines jaw almost hit the floor

"no"he simply said

" yes im so sorry" santana said

" but he tried to blind her. " blaine said

" i know think he as fed her some cock and bull storyvand she has believed him" santana said

" i cant believe this"blaine said

"its true i saw them together and questioned her its true blaine" santana said

"when did she get with him"he asked

"yesterday but they dated briefly last year so rachel told me anyway" santana said

"i dont know what to say i never ever would have imagined her with him" blaine said

" you okay to walk about now" santana asked

" yeah why" blaine said he was down she could tell

" you wanna get out of ths house" she asked him

" and do what" he asked

" we could gp to the desert store and get some cake" santana said a small smile appearing on his face

" okay your on" blaine said


rachel and sebastian were out and about they had been to the lima bean for coffee and were thinking of going to breadstixs fod din er but decided to order a takeaway and watch the dvd they didnt wagch last night somthey decided to pick up the take out plis get something fod desert. as they walked along the street sebastian took her hand making her smile.

" so we agree chinese"sebastian asked

" yes chinese and a nice cheesecake for after" rachel said

" shall we get the desert first then" sebastian asked her

" best do" rachel said and they made their way to the store only as tney walked in they saw santana and blaine at the counter rachel wanted to run but blaine had turned and seen her before she could.

" hello" blaine said quite unfriendly well unfriendly for him

" hi" rachel said she was feeling bad she didnt want blaine to be hurt that was never her intention.

" still together then" santana said rudely

" yes we are" sebastian said pulling rachel away from then to look at the range of cheesecakes

"i feel awful"rachel said once santana and blaine had left

" why" sebastian asked

"santana says blaine likes me"rachel said

"as he told you" sebastian asked her

" no" she replied

" then dont worry about it" sebastian said before kissing her.

they got their desert and head to the chinese to pick up their food and head to his.

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