proving his point

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rachel had recieved a text from sebastian had she was having lunch on wednesday to tell her to come to dalton after school.

rachel had a shit day thanks to santana and quinn making comments but she had tried her best to ignore them. she was looking forwaard to seeing him as she always was.

after school she headed to her car and was wondering why she was meeting him at dalton sure she mwt him thekr a few time if hia parents were away but they werent they were  at home.

she drove and parked up and fwlt a little nervous as shw spotted noah's moterbikd in the parking lott what was he doing here and then she saw blaines car that made her really nervous.

as she walked into the school building she instictibly went to the warbler room and not his dorm as she went in nobody was there she was about to turn and head to his dorm when kurt walked in.

"hello rachel please have a seat" kurt said pointing to one of the couches rachsl did as he asked and sat down as she did kurt left but returned a minute later with the warblers including sebastian who walked over to her and kissed her before returning to the rest of the warblers who were all lined up infront of her with sebastian directly infront of her. she then saw puck and blaine amd sam all join in the line. then the music started they alk began to sing what makes you beautiful by one direction with sebastian singing the lead as they sang each guy came and handed her a pink rose apart from sebastian eho was singing away to her.

once the ong finished her walked over to her and they kissed before he took out a box which had the dalton crest on it. he opened it to show his dalton warbler ring.

" rachel i wanted to get you a promise ring and while i have seen some lovely rings i then thought of this its such a personal ring to be it marks my life here at dalton and your the biggest part of my life so wil ypu accept tjis as a promise ring because i can promise to always love you because i know i will. there isnt another like you your not odd rachel your unique and there is a big difference"sebastian said begore putting the promise ring on her hand.

" yes. rachel said accepting he ring.

" and thank you guys for helping me now i think i shall take her upstairs for a more private celebration" sebastian said

" good for you" hunter said

" yeah good on you seb" wes said

" use protection" puck said as tney passed rachel stopped and hugged himand then hugged kurt infact she headed up hugging them all even blaine who was hovering. before she let sebastian lead her to his dorm.


after arriving up in sebastian dorm rachel wrapped her arms round him and kissed him he deepened the kiss and pick her up carrying her to his bed.

" so then miss berry what shall we do now" he asked while laying on top of her.

"what do you think we should do" rachel giggled

" i cant think i think a little inspiration is in order" sebastian said prompting rachel to kiss him.

" aee thats just wont do" he teased before liftig up her cheerio uniform and caressing her inner thighs.


after having fun in his dorm they had gone to taco bell for dinner then were on their way to rachels hpuse when they decided to stop and get some ice cream the car park of the ice crea stors was deserted it was only his car in the parking lot.

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