relax baby

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its monday and rachel as just arrived at school she is worried santana will be funny with her ans then ofcourse there is blaine. rachel made her way to her locker.

"morning" blaine said behind her she turned

"oh morning"rachel said she wasnt expecting him to talk to you.

" listen rach i wanted to tell you i dont want things between us to be weird i cant say im happy about everything and i have to say i am concerned about you but i do understand rachel if you feel for him the way i feel about you i know nothing and no one would could stop me from wanting to be with you" blaine said

" blaine i ...." rachel srarted to say

" no rachel its okay i wasnt trying to make you feel bad i just want you happy and i want you safe" blaine said before hugging her he held her longer than he maybe should have but at least he wasnt avoiding her. rachel headed to math and was pleased for the fiest time ever to be i. math as santana wasnt in her class. the day wasnt to bad she kept seeing santan in the halls but she wouldnt look rachels way. then it was time for glee rachel wasnt looking forward go this as she walked in she saw santana talking to quinn. rachel was  a cheerio but she wasnt friends with quinn. rachel went to sit at the back which got a few stares as she usually was sat front and centre blaine walked in and sat next to her.

" right then guys todays lesson..." mr shue started to say

" mr shue i think todays lesson should be about loyality" quinn said

" why quinn" mr shue asked

" because some of us dont understand what it means" quinn said looking as rachel

" woah quinn hold up whats going on" mr shue asked

" rachel is dating the enemy" quinn said

" quinn leave it" santana said seeing rachels face

" quinn" mr shue said

" rachel is dating sebastian" quinn said the gasps were immediate

" oh hell to the no" mercedes said standing up to face rachel

" rachel is that true" mr shue asked

"yes" rachel said

" girl your crazy he is trying to make us lose at regionals" mercedes said

" isnt that against the show choir rules" artie said

" he almosted blinded blaine" kurt coughed up

" hang on wasnt he aiming for you" tina said

" look rachel i think you really need to think about this" mr shue said

" what is there to think about it should be ended now" quinn sais santana seemed to regret telling quinn

" what the hell berry why him" mercedes said

" guys chill its up to her" puck said

" shut it puck." quinn said

" guys come on calm down rachel can i have aword please" mr shue sais walking outside

" rachel you need to really think hings over what if he wants our set list or he is trying to distract you" mr shue said

" you havent even met him" rachel said to him before walking back into the choir room.

" im not working with a traitor" quinn said

" look rachel come on girl he aint right for you"mercedes said

"guys lets start the lesson"mr shue said

"right todays lesson is uplifting"mr shue said

" carefull mr shue as tge warblers will know doubt hear anything ypu try to teach us"quinn said

"you know thats it quinn shut your face you cant tell me what to do or whomi can or cant date your not my friend you just some two bit slut who got knocked up and now gets off picking on other people when your the one who as screwed up your life"rachel said

"girls"mr shue said

"you know what guys ha e fun winning regionals without me cause i am sick of you all" rachel said storming out she heared two sets of footsteps running after her she ran faster incase it was quinn.

" rach" blaine shouted she stopped as she got to her car and saw ot was both blaine and noah who had followed her.

"rach are you alright"blaine asked catching up to her

"you cant quit"puck said

"yes i can"rachel said

"but what about nyada screw those guys but thunk of your future" puck said

" look im leaving now maybe if i cool off i might reconsider" rachel said as she hot in her car and set off for home it was sebastians turn to come to hers.

rachel arrived home and was just unlocking the front door as sebastian pulled up in his car rachel waited for hi. tomget out of his car.

"hey sexy" he said wrapping his arms around her it was then he saw she had been crying

" oh babes whats wrong" sebastin said as they went inside he pulled her into a tight cuddle.

"santana told quinn and she announced it in glee club almost all of them had a go at me" rachel said crying into his chest.

"almost  all"sebastian asked looking confused

"apart from blaine and noah"rachel said

"i quit but noah asked me to change my mind said i should think of nyada nd not them" rachel said

"sounds right to me" sebastian said befors kissing her.

" come on"he said taking her hand and leading her upstairs once in her room he indicated she should sit on the bed as he went to the ensuite. he was in tere for ten minutes rachel was starting yo worry as he opened the door came towards took her hand and lead her to the ensuite she saw he had ru. her a bath with mounds of bubbles and lite candles and as she was taking all this in he put on a barbra streisand cd dpfor her to sing a long or listen too.

"thank you"rachel said kissing him.

"just relax baby"he said leaving her to get in as she sunk underneath the creamy bubbkes into the hot water rachel instantly felt better she had placed her hair in a clip as se didnt want to get it wet. as she laid there relaxing she heared the door open and saw a shirtless sebastian walk in. rachels bath was a stand alone bath so as sebastian came in her knelt behind her on the floor he kissed her nwck as he placed his hands on ner neck and began rubbing her shoulders it was fair to ay rachel was relaxed she was in heaven. it was these moments that made her love him people might not think it but sebastian is a very attentive boyfriend.

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