brody's girl

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the mext morning rachel woke up in sebastians arms feeling great she turned slowly to watch him while he slept. god he was hot she thought those eye lashes those eyebrows how can a guy have such sexy eyebrows and those lips which were also very talented she hought as memories of last night came back to her. she lean into him and placed her lips lightly on his and kissed him for a few swconds becore him arm came up to her neck as he deepened the kiss.

" you were awake" rachsl said as they broke the kiss

" yeah but i love you i wasnt gonna ruin your enjoyment of checking me out" sebastian said finally opening his eyes.

"  i wasnt chwxking you out i was seeing if you were awake or not" rachel said feining innocence.

" true if you were checking me out you would have done this" sebastian said throwing the bed sheets off so she could see everything.  rachel giggled and he laugh pulling her to him and kissing her breasts. rachel thought his lips were talented but they were nothing compared to his tongue.

an hour later and they were ready to head downstairs and were surprised to see hunter waiting for them.

" enjoy yourself " hunter said to sebastian

" what" ssbastian said

" the warbler room is soundproof your bedroom is not" hunter said lauthing rachel was blushing deeply sebastian hugged her.

" right well are you ready i have been ringing you but you clearly couldnt here tour phone over all tbe moaning" hunter said

" shut up" sebastian said he too was alittls pink in his face.

" well we are to meet with brody at lima bean" hunter said

" meet him why isnt he just coming with us" sebastian asked as they headed out to hunters car

" he didnt come home last night" hunter said

" oh" sebastian said. hunter drove them to the lima bean and they headed inside.

" there he is" sebastian said spotting him across the shop rachel nad to admit brody was goodlookimg she thought he had a look of sebastian similer eyes as tney went over to him.

" hey sebby" brody said getting up putting sebastian in a head lock and roughing up his hair.

" hello brody" sebastian sais after he was released.

" and who is this pretty lady" brody said kissing rachels hand.

" this is rachel. sebastian said

" hello rachel and  you his girl i take it" brody asked

" yes she is" sebastian said

" ooh so i detect a little jealousy you dont need to worry as of last nigt i got myself a girl she just went to the bathroom she will be out in a minute" brodya said as tney sat down

"  rach why dont you and i go bet the coffees" hunter said and she did.

they got the coffes and headed back to the table the shop was packed this morning as they  ade their way over to the table rachel saw sebastian looking angry and then as she got nearer she saw why. because there sat on brodys knee making out with him was santana.

" oh hey rach" santana said with fake smile on her face rachel womdered what the hell was going on.

" you guys know each other" brody asked seeing rachels face

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