making up?

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its saturday morning its still quite early but he cant sleep he is upsetvthst he has hurt rachel so much having seen her break down in tears questioning herself broke his heart. he does love her he told her the truth when he said he dumped because he was scared of how he was feeling.

it always had amazed sebastian how somebody so confident and dominent on stage could be so fragile and unsure of herself off stage.

he hated himself for hurting her he himself was still trying to figure out why he had gone after santana sure she was pretty but she wsnt his rach.

he knew if he and rach were gonna work out this time he had some serious making up to do he really  needed to prove himself to her and maybe even to santana that he loved rachel. he laid in his bed wondering where on earth to start.


rachel was wide a wake she hadnt slept much she hated herself for been weak and crying infront of him though she knew she had good reason it cant have looked attractive.

she laid there wondering why love was so hard she hadnt meant to fall for him but she wasnt incontroll oh her heart.

she questioned wether she should be giving him another chance had she done so mainly because she felt lonely as finn and quinn were all over each other all the time.

she wondered if blaine was a better choice for her she wasnt in love with him but she did like him more than just a friend he was cute and thwy shared similar interests but as she thought this sebastian over took her thoughts. everyone would accept blaine yet he was not what her heart wanted. she felt her eyes fill up she pulled her bed sheets over her face and sobbed however as she did she heared her bedroom door open she didnt want her dads to see her crying so she tried tk remain still like she was sleeping then she felt her mattress dip as someone sat or laid on ner bed. the bed sheets were pulled from over her face and she saw sebastian looking at her.

"what you doing her" rachel asked

" i couldnt sleep" sebastian said truthfully

"niether could i"rachel said

"rachel im gonna make it up to you i know its gonna take a while i have to earn your trust"sebastian said

" its just so hard"rachel said hating herself for crying again. he stroked her face.

"i know if i could take back everything i have done rach i would i meant what i said i wanna make it up to you i want you to be in no doubt of my feelings for you"sebastian said

" come on get up showered and dressed i have some plans today"sebastian said it was as she got up she saw a lovely large bouquet of roses a mix of red and pink roses.

" there beautiful" rachel said

" a beautiful girl needs beautiful things" he said kissing her cheek.

rachel went in the bathroom to shower she had to admit when she saw him this morning her heart swelled alittle. she was forever questioning herself over everything but he was here she thiught he had come straight to see her that made her feel better as she climbed into the shower. once out and dried she went into her bedroom to get dressed.

"could you..."she said

" you want me yo wait outside while you dress"sebastian said

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