first date all over again

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rachel was ready she wore the same dress she had worn for her very first date with sebastian well ot was technically their second date as he asked her for coffee butnhe did that to ask her out so as are as she was concerned their first date was when they went to dinner.

rachel heared him pull up so she went out to his car as she got in she saw he too had worn the same outfit it made her smile he hd remembered that.

" you should wear that dress more often it suites you"he said as he handed her a single red rose just like he had done previously.


rachel was nervous about going out with sebastian she kmew people would think her crazy but when she had gone to dalto. to see kurt after finn had upset her sebastian was there for her he put a smile backmon her face they had been texting and phoning each other constantly he was intentive nd supportive. he wasnt anything like she had thought he was he was sweet yes he could be cocky but when she talked to him or was with him all she found herself doing was smiling.  she heared a car pip its horn meaning he was there. she checked herself in the hall way mirror and went out. has she made her way to the car she got in to find a red rose been handed to her. she had taken it form him and they smiled at each other and he set off for breadstixs.

once at breadstixs they went and sat down it was a lovely meal rachel cpuld choose between two meals so sebastian had said for her to get one and that he would get the other so they could share. 


sebastian pulled up outside breadstixs and they made their way inside.

" hi i reserved table 21" sebastian said

" right this way" the waitress said rachel smiled to herself he also had remembered the table number tnat they sat at.

" here are your menus" the waitress said

" its okay we know what we want we would like a chorizo alfredo and a pesto and basil pasta and a jug of iced tea"sebastian said

"you remembered" rachel said as the waitress had left

" ofcourse i rememeber it was our first date i will never forget it" sebastian said he reached ovsr and held her hand over the table.

"it was a great evening"rachel admitted

"it was and so tonight shall be"sebastian said

"so are we having a complete re run"rachel asked

"nope there is some improvements"sebastian said

they ate their meals sharing like before they chatted it was the first time that rachel felt truly relaxed around him it was lovely she felt special with having his attention.  rachel excused herself to the little girls room while they waited for their deserts to arrive as she was on her way back she saw sebastian wasnt sat there she assumed he had gone to the toilet himself she sat down.

" hello breadstix we have a request to sing so allow me to introduce sebastian" the manger said over a microphone rachel looked and saw sebastian was on the stage she felt butterflies in her tummy as he tuck the microphone.

" rach this is for you" he said looking at her she felt herself blush as everyone turned to look at her sebastain started to sing an a arrangement of beautiful by christina aguilera but changing the words i am to you are. rachel fwlt herself gwt emotional but this time it was for a good reason. as he finished they customers clapped he walked back towards the table beaming at her.

" thank you" rachel said aas he sat down

" meant every word" sebastian said

their deserts arrived and like the meal they shared them too once the meal was complete sebastian paid like he had previously rachel contested just like she had doen before. as they walked out they both went o hold hands as they walked to the car as they reached it rachel turned to say something but was cut off by his lips as they dominated hers. man he could kiss rachel thought before becoming lost in the kiss.

" so i believe if my memory serves me correctly as today is sunday so we need to have our second date on tuesday we shall go to the cinema like we did" sebastian said

" okay" rachel said

" then ofcours or third date is on your birthday" sebastian said

" it is" rachel said

" think we might break with tradition for that one" he said smiling at her as they kissed again.


second date time like their first date sebastian was picking her up rachel was stood waiting for him he was running late as their was road works near his house and the traffic was bad.

he arrived and rachel got in the car and was handed a soft small teddy with a blue top on wih a big red heart on it.

" thank you i chucked the last one out of anger wished i hadnt" rachel said

" i thought as much as i hadnt seen it in your room"sebastian said

they went to the cinema and watched the conjuring a horror film as they had watched a horror before as sebastian had planned to have her cuddle up to him. the film was not bad at all it was scary aleast rachwl thought it was and like before she spent most of the film pressed againsted his chest with his arm around her. as the movie ended ghey walked hand in hand to his car as he pressed her against the car and kissed her deeply rachel allowed him to be in controll. she could help but moan as his tongue danced with hers his hands were at her waist as her hands were on his back holding lose to her.

" so miss berry like i said before we will break with tradition for your birthday so i have to ask you after that the next date will be on wednesday and that was the night that i made you mine was it mot"sebastian said he seemed awkward as after that date was when he had dumped her.

"its is true we dont want to change things to much do we"rachel said smiling as he did too.

"so does that mean what i thinkk it means"sebastian said

"yes"rachel said before kissing him.

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