bed rest and bro hugs

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its a week later and sebastian has finally been allowed home he is laid in his own bed with rachel curled up next to him.

"seb"rachel said quietly

"yes my love"he answered

"what did noah say when he came to see you"rachel asked it had been bugging her for a week but she didnt want sebastian to get stressed so she had waited until he was fit enough to go home to ask.

" oh that it was nothing" sebastian said rachel knew he was lying

" your a lot of thigs sebastian a good liar your not" rachel said

" look babe all will become clear later" sebastian said

" im worried" rachel said

" dint be its nothing bad" sebastian said and given the smile on his face rachel believed him.

they spent the day watching tv and having several long make out sessions whi h was all they could do as the location of his wound meant they couldnt have sex rachel resisted his pleas that he would happily suffer the consequences.

as they day wore on several of sebastians friends came to see him and hunter and brody brought pizza at dinner time and sat on the bed eating wih them.

" so any news on the psycho"sebastian asked them and hunter and brody looked at each other

"what is it"rachel asked

"well you know how i met santana and i didnt come home that night" brody said

" well you know she took an overdose" brody added

" yeah" sebastian said

" well it turns out she is knocked up and the baby survived the overdose" brody said

" how far on is she" rachel asked sebastian looked at rachel

"i dont know but i think its mine"brody said

"your joking"rachel said

"nope in not rach i am gonna have a pregnancy perternity test done next week" brody said

" how do you know she is pregnant" sebastian asked

" her mom told me while i was visiting you in the hospital i didnt want to stress you out" brody said

" i cant believe this i thought it was over" rachel said getting tearful

" it is rachel she is in so much trouble" hunter said

" you dont think their would let her off because of the baby" rachel said

" babe come here give me a cuddle its alright" sebastian said.

" its just it never ends" rachel said

" babe it has ended we are togther she aint ever breaking us up" sebastian said

brody and hunter left not long after as sebastian was getting tired rachel was staying the night so they snuggled up to each over. while sebastian thanks to his painkillera slept well rachel didnt she spe t he night praying the baby wasnt sebastians. shw had nightmares where the baby was his. she woke up crying sebastian held her he assumed it was flashbacks of what happened that were making her restless and upset.


rachel woke up after a crao nights sleep to find sebastian was laid awake watching her he smiled as she looked at him and they kissed.

" you okay" he asked

" yeah" rachel said

" im not they onlymone who cant lie" sebastian said

" its just oh seb"rachel said starting to cry

"what"he said holding her

"what if the baby is yours"rachel said

"its not"sebastian said

"how do you know that"rachel said

"dont youmthink if she was pregnant by me she would have mentioned it" he said

" what if she didnt know until she was in hospital" rachel said

" i used a condom" he said

" 97% affective"rachel said

"babe its not mine"sebastian said

"i hope not i dont think i could cope if it was" rachel said

" babe" he said hugging her as their was a knock on the bedroom door.

" come in" sebastian said and in walked noah

" hello you two" noah said smiling at them

" rach you okay" noah asked sitting on the edge of the bed

" well"sebastian asked puck who nodded.

"whats going on"rachel said

"shall i bring it in" puck said to sebastian

" right rach well after what happened i thought you needed some protection so" sebastian said then pointed to the door as puck walked in with a puppy a labrador puppy.

" oh wow" rachel said as puck placed the puppy in her arms

" meet warbler" sebastian said

" warbler" rachel said

" yes i took the liberty of naming him after you called your parrot broadway" sebastian said

" is he mine" rachel asked

" he sure is" sebastian said

" how did you guys plan this" rachel said

" well i texted puck to come to the hospital" sebastin said

" so this is what you guys were talking about"rachel said

" i was worried they might release her on bail while i was still in the hospital s8 i wanted you to have a guard dog i know. a puppy osnt much of one but i thoughtnit would keep you company while i was in there and your dads are more than happy about it" sebastian said

" i cant believe it" rachel said as they puppy licked her face.

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