friends and foes

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its friday and rachel sebastian hunter brody  puck blaine and kurt are all at breadstixs having a meal they are planning on going to the cinema afterwards.

" so noah your seeing beth tomorrow is that right" rachel asked

" yeah i am you still coming" puck asked her

" yeah" rachel replied rachel was feeljng alittle nervous about it she hadnt seen her mom in two moths and sebastian was going with her to meet her. shelby having adopted quinn and pucks baby daughter beth was back living in lima and was a music teacher t mckinley but was on maternity as she is heavily pregnant with her second biologial child.

" so this is nice us all hanging out" kurt said

" yeah it is" hunter said

they all decided not to get desert as they was a stall in the cinema thatvdid lovely ice cream they were just waiting for the bill when who should walk in but santana she was this dave karosky. she spotted them straight away rachel couldnt help but suspect she knew full well they were there. santana amost shashayed towards them.

" well whats this a friends dinner and i wasnt invited im hurt" santana said nobody said anything

" not talking to me thats rude you might wanna keep her attitude in check sebastian its an unattractive quality" santana said again nobody spoke

" hello brody shame it didnt work out one of your family derseves as girl who is good in bed" santana said

" ha you think your good i have had more fun by myself" brody said

" you dont ,ean that i know sebastian enjoyed me"santana said

" santana go home" blaine said santana looked at him

" blainey bear i thought you were on myside we are family and families do things togther' santana said

" just go"rachel said

"public place i dont have to listen to you"santana said

"shall we go" hunter said to them all they all started getting up as hunter went to pay the bill insted of waiting for them to bring it to them.

" so rach have you been in the back of his car yet i love leather seat but they sure can stick to you when your naked" santana said

" leave her alone' sebastian said

" its okay sebastian and no because i am not the kind of girl who drops her panties anywhere."rachel said

"ha ha ha you see rach thats why i will get him in the end because your a prude it will get dull for him soon' santana

" hey just go" puck said

" you know she is using you" santana said to sebastian

" really" he said

" yeah because she wishes to be this big star but she aint talented enough so thats why she is with you rich boy you rcan look after her when her career never even takes off" santana said as hunter arrived back.

" you know what santana ypu can say whatever you want because everyone at this table knows the only job your ever gonna have is working on a pole. " rachel said and they all but blaine as he is snatana's "cousin after all clapped then sebastian putting his arm around rachel walked to the door and out into the parking lott.

" well done girl" kurt said

" well said" sebastian said as santana came out following them

"- you guy stealing bitch" santana yelled at rachel running at her sebastian stood infront of rachel as puck stood infront of santana.

" leave her alone your not gonna hurt her we wont let you"puck said

" grow up"brody said to her walking over to her.

"but its not right look at me then look at her how can she have him"santana sid

"have you heared yourself"brody said

" this isnt over i will see you at school"santan said walking back to the door.

" she is something else total bunny boiler" brody said

" im so sorry" blaine said like it was his fault his couson had behved that way.

" its not your fault"rachel said

" shall we get going"hunter said as the made their way to their cars and set off to the cinema.

they had a great time at the cinema  kurt was staying at rachel that night s there was a barbra streisand movie on in the morning they wanted to watch together.

" so then babe i will see you tomorrow after your movie. i love you dont listen to her" sebastian said before pulling rachel in for a goodnight snog befors she got in kurts car.


as rachel was driven away by kurt sebastian walked over to pucl who was getting on his motot bike.

" hey"sebastian said

" dude its okay i know what your gonn asay you want me to really watch santana and make sure rach is safe. i dont need telling she may be your girlfriend but she is my jewish princess and like all princes say no harm shall befall the princess while im around" puck said before driving off.

" thank you"sebastian yelled as puck raced off.

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