tears and fears

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rachel ran to her car and drove home still in her cheerio uniform she just wanted to get as far away from santana as possible. she called kurt.

kurt: hey barbra

rach:oh kurt

kurt: oh diva whats wrong

rach: can you come round i need my friend

kurt: yeah ofcourse on my way.

an hour later kurt what hers they were up in her room.

" kurt thank you for coming." rachel said sobbing into him.

"rach" kurt asked worried

" its santana i never told you this but before seb and i got  back together he slept with santana it was a one off but santana wont leve him alone" rachel said

" wait hold on he slept with her" kurt asked

" yea but she told me she wa ted to be my friend amd i thought everything was getting better but it turns out she has been watching him at dalton and now shs is dating his cousin brody who looks like him. she was mean to me at cheerio praxtice she says sebastian is her man" rachel said

" i cant believe this"kurt said

" these last few weeks i have felt bad for her thinking t that he used her and all the while she as been ready to pounce on him." rachel said

"  well he is your man rach im gonna be honest he isnt my fravorite person but even i can tell he loves you he worships you" kurt said

" but what if she doesnt stop" rachel said

" well she will have to eventually sebastian wouldnt date her even if you guys split up" kurt said.

"blaine"kurt said suddenly

"what about him"rachel asked

"their cousins tney are close tell him he could get her to back off" kurt said

" noah" rachel said

" yes he wont let her hurt you." kurt said

" and you should ring sebastian" kurt said

" i will" rachel said

" he needs to know that she has upped her quest" kurt said

" he knows trust me" rachel said.

twenty minutes later sebastian arrived unawhare she had a run in with santana.

" oh hey kurt oh rach baby whats wrong is it santana" sebastian said kneeling infront of her taking her hands in his.

" yes" rachel said

" you know im not interested in her at all" sebastian said

" i know that i trust you" rachel said he could but smile at that.

" i told her to tell blaine and she said about puck" kurt said

" yes do that hunter is home talking to brody right now" sebastian said

" i cant believe this any of it i mean i have been best friends with her since i was eight i trusted her more than well almost more than you kurt but your my best bestie" rachel said.

"i know its unbelieveable"kurt said

"i am so sorry for all of this i just wish i could run back in time and change it"sebastian said

"yeah its funny you look like grant gustin who plays barry allen aka the flash who can run back in time"kurt said

"sebs hotter"rachel said while wiping her tears away as hunter walked in her room.

"hey your dads let me in so i spoke to brody he at first thought i was on something but then she texted him like twenty times in five minutes asking if he thought she was pretty he started to think okay maybe she is unhinged"hunter said

"so has he dumped her"sebastian asked

"doing it in about an hour"hunter said

"though it wouldnt surprise me if he doesnt he thinks alot of himself and he cant believe a girl would be with him for any other reason but his body"hunter said

"well as long has he knows she is using him and he doesnt get hurt "rachel said

"brody is a big boy he can handle her trust me he as been with some right bitches"hunter said

"why dont we all go to breadstix"kurt said

"but what if she is there"rachel said

"she will be heading to meet brody"sebastian said

"okay then"rachel said sebastian kissed her and helped her up off her bed and they all headed out to their cars.

"can i invite trent"kurt asked

"sure"rachel said

"oh lonely hunter it is"hunter said getting into his car.

"why hasnt he got a gitlfriend"rachel asked sebastian once their were in his car.

"he is in love with a girl from mckinley an asian girl tina blowen something"sebastian said

"tina cohen chang"rachel said

"yeah "sebastian said

"she is with mike chang"rachel said

"hence the reason he is single"sebastian said

"thats a shame"rachel said.

they arrived at breadstixs sebastian held her hand as they walked in they got a table and waited for hunter. kurt had gone to get trent to bring him as his car wasnt working.

once they were all there they ordered a large pizza to share between the plus some sides and hd a nice time rachel was sat stroking sebastians knee while they waited for desert. he responded by kissing her neck rachel had all on to stop her eyes rolls boy was his mouth talented.

"uh um"kurt said

"they stopped rachel saw kurt trent and hunter watching them

"got a little carried away thrn didnt you "kurt said

"its not my faukt she is tastier than the menu"sebastian said rachel giggled.

after they finished the all set off in the own directions sebastian had decided to stay at rachels so thry headed to hers.

once there the briefly watched tv with her dads before going to her room .

"come here"sebastian said to her as they got to her room

"okay"rachel said cuddling into him.sebastian started kissing her neck again rachel ran her hands up and down his back under his shirt. he started to suckle her neck rachel began to moan.

"hello"broadway said they both laughed and carried on rachel knew he was gonna leave a mark but she didnt care she wanted everyone to know she was his. they spent most of the night having sex before going to sleep cuddled up.

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