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its the afternoon and almost time for rachel's birthday bbq her dads her and sebastian are all getting things ready as they first guest arrives. rachel goes to let them in.

" hey hot jew happy birthday" puck  said to her

" hello noah" rachel said hugging him

" here you go princess" puck said handing her a card and a bottle of vodka

" noah" rachel said

" what its your birthday you wanna have a little drink nothing wrong with that"puck said

"thank you"rachel said

"so is blazer boy here"puck asked

"yes noah he is"rachel said as she linked his arm and walked into the kitchen

" hey there" puck said to sebastian

" hello" sebastian said he seemed weary of puck. the door bell rang rachel went through and let tina and santana who had brought brittany with her.

" hey happy birthday" tina said hugging rachel and passing her a card

" come on through" rachel said as they walked into the kitchen which lead tl the garden they heared laughing and saw sebastian and puck  laughing together.

" whats so funny" rachel asked

" puck was just telling me about the time he fell into a pool he was cleaning and  his trunks got caught in the filter" sebastian said

rachel was pleased sebastian and puck werw getting on though she had dated puck for a week two years ago he was like a brother to her now it was important to her that he and sebastian got on.

" right im gon a start working in my tan" santana said walking outmof the kitchen. over the next forty minutes all the guests arrived there was only like a handful rachel didnt have many friends.

rachels fathers were trying to get the grill going

" you guys want me to handle it" puck asked

" thank you noah" leroy said

rachel was sat on sebastians knee giggling as he was whisperingnin her ear.

" hey"blaine said sitting down next to them.

"hey"sebastian said cautiously as rachel still didnt know he and blaine had met up.

" so you got some good presents kurt tells me" blaine said

" yeah"rachel said showing her locket

"and you have a parrot"blaine said

"yes broadway later you can meet him" rachel said

" kurt said it la ded on his head" blaine said

" it was funny" sebastian said

" i can imagine and loud " blaine said as santana came walking over to them

"hey guys"santana said

" hey anyone want another drink"she asked

"no thanks"blaine said

"please"rachel replied santana then fixed her eyes on sebastian who was looking everywhere but at her

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