a perfect way to spend the weekend

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its friday and rachel is at home with sebastian her dads are away over night so he is stayjng he is laid on her bed playing with broadway while rachel is having a shower.

rachel is showering she feels happy despite the trouble with santana sje knews sebastian is right for her no other guy every made her this happy. rachel coudlnt help the feelings she got as shs stood their under the flowing water imagining him in with her. she decided to be bold.

" sebastian' she called out

" yeah" he replied

" could you come here a minute" she said

" is everything alright" he said before walking into her ensuite and seeing her stood with thd ahower door door naked and wet with a grin on her face.

" whats this is my woman feeling horny" sebastian said stripping his tshirt off and doing the same with his jeans. once naked he walked over to her rachel wrapped her arms around him pulling him to her as they started to kiss. sebastian kissed  and sucked her neck making sure he left his mark. rachel was stroking him as he branded her neck. they started to kiss as he backed her to the tiled wall of the shower his hands cupping her breasts as rachel continued to stroke his length. sebastian nelt down and pushed her egs apart before licking her rachel was panting squirming she had all on to sty stood up and he kicked her folds before suckling her clit. rachel ground herelf against him as he sucked her bud. rachel whimpering as he stopped and stood up as he stood up he tuck her nipple into his mouth  as rachel moaned. then he kissed her roughly as rachel gotmdownnon her knees and sucked his tip into her mouth she slowly curled her tongue round him before taking more of him into her mouth making full use of having reflex. sebastian was groining as she bobbed up and down his swollen member while her fingers tickled his balls. rachsl knew he was close she tuck into her troat and sucked him as he blew is load down her throat.

" oh rach" he said panting as he stood there getting his breath back rachdl grabbed his shampoo which he had left there previously and lathered up his hair before grabbing his body wash ans lathered him up all over before rinsing him off. he gave her the same treatment massaging her head as he made sure the shampoo got everywhere. then he lathered her up with her fravorite shower cream before washing it off oncw they had finished they gotmout he passed her a towel and they stood making out in the bathroom for several minutes before he pulled her towel off her and dropped his own he lifted her by cupping her bum and sat her on the counter near the sink before retrieving his wallet and getting a condom once it was in place he walked to her she instictively wrapped her legs around him as he pushed all the way insede her making her moan.

once their love  making was over they headed to her bed where they remained naked and laid cuddled up watching tv.


they woke up and got dressed having decided to go for coffee at the lima bean they headed in his car.

as they walked in they saw kurt rachel went over to sit withbhim while sebastian got there coffees.

" hey there" kurt said

" hey"rachel said sitting down

"so still together"kurt said like he actaully approved.

" hello kurt" sebastian said

"so what you two doing today"kurt asked

" not much just spending it togther" rachel said

"sounds like a good day to me"kurt said.


rachel and sebastian are back at hers after having coffee and chatting to kurt for awhile they had gone to get some things from the grocery store and were now in rachels kitchen baking together.

they were making a chocolate fudge cake as rachel was finishing putting the frostingnon the cake sebastian put his arms around her knocking her arm causing a load pf frostingnto gomall over her figers as rachel went to wipe them sebastoan simply took hold of her hands and licked her fingers clean bwfore giving her a lustful look.

" now that the cakes done how about i take you to bed" sebastian said rachel blushed she couldnt hslp it he had a way with words that could floor her sometimes.

" okay" rachel said as she proceed to head towards the stairs as sebastian picked up the frosting and followed her upstairs with it.

once in her room they stripped off quickly sebastian throw the bed sheets on the floor and laid down next to rachel woth the piping bag of frosting  he proceeed to to write mine onn her tummy. rachel giggled as the frosting touched her skin and then when he licked it off.

" delicious wizh i had wrote that on your tits though" sebastian said passing her the piping bag rachel wrote mine on his tummy too and licked ot off.

" now are you sure you got it all" he said as she finished

" shut up your turn" rachel said still giggling. he si 0mply squirted some on bothof her nipples before licking it off. as they house phone started to ring rachel got up and grabbed her dressing gown and went to answer it.

rach: hello

leroy: hello honey could you let us in about five minutes and we shall be home we forgot to take our keys

rach: sure daddy

rachel went back to her room to get dressed.

" your dads are coming home" he said looking deflated

" yep" rachel said as she was now dressed though she felt sticky there wasnt time to shower as she went to quickly tidy up the kitchen while sebastian came down stairs and helped her.

" best weekend ever" he said kissing her neck as he dads arrived.

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