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its the next day santana is at her locker feeling awful she hadnt meant for quinn to fi d out she ad brittany had been talking about rachel and quin had over heared them but rachel doesnt know that she thinks santana openly told quinn santana wanted to see rachel she spotted her talking to puck. she went over to them.

" rach can we talk" santana asked

" whats the point" rachel snapped at her

" look rach i didnt tell quinn brit and i were talking she heared us im sorry" santana said

" you told brit" rachel asked

" well she was there when sebastian told us about you" santana said

" i really am sorry about her" santana said

" yet you agree with her dont you" rachel said

" im sorry rachel i cant help but not trust him he only wanted sex from me how am i supposed to believe he is different with youmim not mad at you rach im worried for you" santana said

" well im a big girl" rachel said.

rachel walked away she hated been at odds with rachel she was like a sister to her and she felt bad about it.


its the end of the school daybamd cheerios practise rachel was dreading it as it would mean queen b would be there. rachel mad eher way to the training area and waited for sue to arrive santanz wasnt there yet quinn walked in and shot rachel a look. santana walked in not long after and stood next to rachel who gave her a small smile. thankfully they werw tryingnout new moves so rachsl did. hve to be involved with quinn though she was painfully aware quinn was talkig about her.

" ca. we get coffee afterwards we really need to talk tl clear the air i dont like not been friends" snatana said

" okay" rachsl agreed

" berry come here" sue said rachel walked over

" i have been informed that you are ettingnlff with a dalton boy" sue said

" so" rachel said

" its pissingnoff the glee club i hear" sue said

" yes it is" rachel said

" you know what berry that attitude is what i want in a head cheerio your been promoted" sue said smiling at her .

" listen up guys as of ne t practise berry is head cheerio" sue said abd she left meaning the training was over

"what"quinn yelled but sue ignored her.

half an hour later rachel and santana arrived at lima bean santana got the coffees as rachsl got the table.

" so" santana said sitting down

" so" rachel replied it felt awkward

" right im gonna lay it out and you lay out what bothers you" santana said

" okay" rachel said

" im worried he is gonna hurt you again i was hoping you would be with blaine your a nice person you dont deserve to be used" santana said

" okay i see a different side to sebastian thatvyou havent sen if you had you would believe me that he loves me. i understand your concerns if it wws the other way round i would be the same as you. its hard for me knowing you slept wih him" rachel said

" it bothers you" santana asked she had expected to doscuss rachels relations with sebastian bit her own.

" yes your beautiful  im not and it makes me self consious plus the fact that the guy i love as been thst personal with my best friend and as we sit her the fact that you know whatvhe is like at sex you have seen his dick it feels wrong" rachel said

"your beautiful rach if your right and he does love he never loved me he finds you more attractive than me as its you who he is dating. as for the other things it was dark i didnt see much" santana said.

" well its just weird i am angry at him for been with you he knew you were my best friend and he still persued you" rachel said

" i cant answer that only he can"santana said

after they had finished their coffees and were leaving guess sho walked in sebastian.

" hey babe" he said kissing rachel

" hey" rachel replied

" hi" santana said to him he hadnt seen her he looked awkward

" oh hey" he said

" im gonna go" santana said sebastian stared at the ground not looking at her.

" i wanna talk" rachel said to hi. her merly nodded they went and sat at a table

" look rach i ....  sebastian started to say

" no im gonna talk if we are gonna work out we need to be open and  honest woth each other. i cant belive you slept with her when ylu knew how close her and i am it feels like you stabbed me in the back ots made my friendship with her differcult beacuse i am picturing you with her" rachel said

" rach i  sorry im not trying to justify it butni never thought you would give me another chance i know thats no excuse i wonder myslef why i did it. i pursued her i dont kmow whatbto say may e because she is your friends i thought in some wierd way that it would be like been with you. butnit only made realise only been with you is like been with you. i havent dated since we first dated i was acting stupid and i regret it more than you know" sebastian said

" is it becuse she is prettier than me" rachel asked

" what no she isnt i love you for me it will always be you" sebastian said

" have you slept with anyone else" rachel asked him

" no" sebastian rsplied

" its so messed up" rachel said starting to cry sebastian moved round the table so hug her he pulled her to him.

" im so sorry" sebastian said

" you have treated me like shit" rachel said

"let me make it up to you"he pleaded

"lets go to the movies take your mind off things"he added rachel nodded she was starting to get an headache.


santana was at home she was feeling mixed up but when rachrl said about he having been with sebastian she was remembering it. it was the best she had ever had she hated to admit it but the thought of it was turning her on she even tried doing home work tomdistract herself she scolded herself for thinking zbout hi. like that he was her best friends boyfriend after all.

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