you cant be serious

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its monday and rachel is at school she is paranoid that people arw talking about her behind her back but she tries to let it not bother her. she walkes to the toilet to fix her make up before heading to class.

she stands by the mirror fixing her lipstick as santana and quinn walk in

" hello rachel" santana said rachel ignores her

" you know what i have been trying to think of ways to split you two up butnthe thhruth is i dont need to all i have to do is give sebastian a little reminder and he will bw on me within seconds" santana said

" i dont it he had to get tested after the last time"rachel said

"oh how clever now you listen to me i want sebastian for myself you have kniwn me a long time can you recall a time when i didnt get what i wanted"santana asked

" yes last week when brody dumped you" rachel said

" he was nothing but a puppet anyway so was of little issue that he ended it" santana said

" look santana i dont exceot someone with your brain function to u dertand this but sebastian loves me okay and it doesnt matter how you throw yourself at him he isnt interested your nothing to him do you gwtvit nothing but a bad mistake whereas i am his girlfriend im thw one he thinks about im the one who he sleeps beside me not you" rachel said before walking out.

its now lunch time and rachel is at her car as she forgot to get her lunch box out of the trunk.

" i need to talk to you"santana said

" im not having another conversation with you" rachel said

" i thought you might have wanted to know i just arranged to meet sebastian tonight"santana said

"oh really and how did you get his number"rachel said

"he gave me it over the weekend"santana said

"what face to face"rachel said trying to look upset

"yes"santan said

"thats funny because school finished on friday he was with him all weekend there wasnt a z7ngle minute we were not together" rachel said

"alright you got me but i will get him" santana said

" hey whats going on" puck asked

" she is still going on about sebastian" rachel told him

" santana leave it" puck said

santana stormed off.

rachel didnt see santana for the rest of the school day but she saw quinn who was smirking at her rachel had a very bad feeling about that.


sebastian was at dalton he had just left his last class of the day and was making his way out of the building to his car when he saw hunter waving over to his car instead.

" i cant stop im meeting rach" sebastian said to hunter

" look at your car" hunter said

sebastian turned and saw santana sat on his bonnet swinging her legs.

" oh god" sebastian said

" you gonna talk to her" hunter asked

" i cant if i do she will tell rach i was talking to her and she has only just started to trust me again" sebastian said

" you want me too" hunter said

" no she is losing her mind i dont want anybody else getting involved" sebastian said

" you can use my car if you want to go see rach" hunter said at that point sebastian saw santana walking over to him.

" hello sebastian" he said smiling at him. he said nothing

" not talking to me has berry got ypumon such a short lease that you cant even talk to me" santana said

sebastian tuck out hos phone

" you ringing schwimmer"santana asked

seb: hello police please im been stalked

fifteen minutes later the police arrived santana was still there as she had thought he was faking sebastian informed the officers about what she was doing they escorted her off the dalton land and sebastian headed to his car and set off to meet rachel who huntef had left to go see so she knew he was telling the thruth.

at the lima bean rachel was sat with hunter waiting for sebastian who finally arrived he walked straight over to her and they kissed.

"what did the police say"rachel asked him

"well as there isnt any proof of ehat she has bern doing there wasnt anything they cwn do but she is band from been at dalton including the car park"sebastian told her

"we need to start getting evidence like recording her"rachel said

"i cannhelp you with that cime to mine"hunter said

they went to hunters he had quite a collection of recorders that could easily fit into a pocket he cpgave then both several. rachel had to admit that she felt better knowing if santana spoke to her agai. she could get proof and maybe get help from the police.

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