working together

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sebastian left dalton early to get to mckinley he wanted to speak to someone about santana he drives over to mckinley and heads in he walkes around looking for puck and hoping ne doesnt run into santana.

he spots puck hangingnout in an empty classroom

" hey" sebastian said

" dude do you need more condoms" .puck asked

" no i actually can to speak to you." sebastian said

" oh okay shoot" puck said

" you know about the whole santana thing" sebastian asked

" yeah i know about that" puck said sebastian instictivly placed his hands infont of his privates.

" well santana ia starting to worry me" sebastian said

" yeah i noticed at rachels birthday party santana was making eyes at you" puck said

" yes and she is now dating my cousin but she is tormenting rach"sebastian said

"thats not cool"puck said

"no its not now after school i that big of a deal as rach is usually with me but i cant be there for her here at mckinley so i was hoping s i know your protective of rach that you might watch out for her"sebastian said

"sure thing dude butvtgere is one thing i ask in return"puck said

"money"sebastiwn asked

"i dont need money i never pay for anything anyway but your from westerville right thats a sweet area right there bet there is some foxy cougars round there see i have my own pool cleaning business if you got me a couple of pools to clean with hot mommas it would be great" puck said

" im sure that can be arranged but promise me one thing" sebastian said

" whats that" puck said

" stay away from my mom" sebastian said laughing puck laughed too.

" will do and i promise i will up my watch on rach" puck said

" thank you" sebastian said. sebastian left and was making his way out when he run into blaine

" hey"he said

" hi" blaine said

" can i talk to you" sebastian asked

" um sure" blaine said and they headed tomthe toilets

" okay what is it" blaime asked

" its about santana" sebastian

" stay away from her"blaine said

" i am its just she wont stay away from me and she is picking on rach" sebastian said

" i knew she was up to something at the bbq at rachels puck and i warned her" blaine said

" she is dating my cousin who looks like me" sebastian said

" hunter doesnt look like you" blaine said

" not hunter his half brother brody" sebastian said

" wait let me see if i got this right santana is dwting your cousin and usi g the fact they you and her you know to upset rach" blaine said

" yes" sebastian said

" is rach okay"blaine asked concerned

" she was very upset yesterday santana made her flee cheerios practice" sebastian said

" i will talk to santana but she is head strong it might not make a difference" blaine said

" but if you would it will help" sebastian said

" you really domlove her dont you rach i mean" blaine said as sebastian was leaving

" more than anyging" sebastian said then left as he did he walked smack into someone looked doen and saw it was rachel.

"hey"she said

"you okay"he asked as he had sent her almost flying

"yeah what you doing here"she asked as he cuddled her

"i came to see puck and then i saw blaine ans then i was gonna go sit in my car until you finished then take you home"sebastian said

"so your waiting for me" rachel said kissing him

" have you bern okay today"hecasked she knew he was talking about santana

"yeah she is ignoring me do we know if brody dumped her"rachel asked

"not yet"a voice said and they both turned to see brody walking towards them

"why not"sebastian said

"relax cous im gonna i was gonna do it last night but then whrn i thought of how she has treated rachel i thought why not nock her off her perch and dump her at school onftobt of people then he cant use it at rachel can she"brody said. the bell rang anf the hall quickly filled with students the the5 saw santana walkig towards them. rachel moved closer to sebastian who held her tighter.

" hey brody wow you can rwally she the family resemblence now" santana said smiling at sebastian

" yeah we do look a like" brody said

" so how about she go have animal sex at yours i know you guys like it rough" santana said

" hey im quinn"said coming over fake smiling at rachel

" hey and about that santana i dont hink its a good idea" brody said

" why not" santana said looking at quinn as if to say that this wasnt how it was supposed to go

" well i know how into my family you are but we just are not into you"brody said

"what"santana said

"well its just we like a different type if girl to you"brody said

"like rachel" quinn said with a snort

"exactly a girl with a big heart talent a gebuine smile and dare i say it sebastian but a very nice bum"brody said

"you may say it just dont touch it"srbastian said smirking at santana and quinn. rachel was blushing at what brody said

" right then now thats sorted why dont we three get out of here"brody said

"sounds good there isnt anything but rafh to interest me here"sebastian said and with thatbthe three of them turned as was in the middle sue was linking sebastian and brody linked her other arm as they walked out.

" oh that felt good" rachel said

" so rach do you have a cousin" brody said as they made their ways to their cars

" only a one called gavin" rachel said

" think i will pass" brody said and got in his car

" he is nice he didnt have to do that" rachel said

" we are a close family we have each others backs" sebastian said

"thats nice"rachel said

"speaking of backs how about we go to mine and get you on yours"sebastian said with a hopefull look.

"im not gonna say no to that"rachel said.

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