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sebastian was at dalton his last class the day was over he was heading to his dorm to change and go see rachel its friday they are meeting at he mall as rachels birthday is coming up and he wants ideas as to what to get her.

he headed to his car and set off for the mall he sees rachels car in the parking lott and hurries in to meet her only as he sees her where they said they would meet she isnt alone she i talking to a guy now being six foot 2 sebastian doesnt normally get intimated but this guy though shorter than him his musclar and his sheair in a mowhawk makes him look like thug. he is concerned for rachel's safety until he sees she is laughing with this guy. sebastian walkes over to them.

" hey rach" sebastian said putting his arm around rachel and kissing her cheek.

" hey seb this is my friend noah puckerman" rachel said

" oh puckerman he is in the new directions yes i recognise him now" sebastian said

" and this is my boyfriend sebastian smythe" rachel says to puck

" nice to meet you" puck says shakimg sebastians hand but giving him a funny look which radhel doesnt see.

" well im gonna go to the little girls room back in a moment" rachel said and walks away.

"right then you listen to me preppy i care about rachel you her me"puck said

"okay"sebastian said

"we are close because of our religion and not just that i am protective of her" puck said

" i understand" sebastian replied

" now i know what you did to rachel and if it were that you were not her boyfriend you wouldnt be stood here you wouldnt be able to stand. now as you are her boyfriend and she loves you i will let you off but if you hurt her again you will kiss goodbye to your balls"puck said

" okay" sebastian said he didny know how to reply to that

" im back"rachel said

"right well i will see you on monday rach have fun you two" puck said and left them rachel linked sebastians arm and they set off round the mall.

" so you got any idea what you want for your birthday" sebastian asked her

"nope"rachel said

"goid job ihave some ideas"sebastian told her rachel looked at him excitedly.

" ooh i love surprises." rachel said

" so how was the film last night" he asked her

" great it was funny i think you would like it'rachel said

" awe look at that rachel said staring at cage with a african grey parrot inside outside of a pet shop

"you want it"sebastian said

"no have you seen the price" rachel said

" never mind the price let me worry about that do you want the parrot" sebastian said rachel squealed

"thats a yes well you best check with your dads first"sebastian said

rach: hey daddy

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