friday night equals fun

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its friday and rachel is in sebastians car they are going to a party first at dalton then onto a club its davids birthday so all the warblers are meeting at dalton then heading out.

"you look stunning"sebastian told her for the third time she was wearing a white and greay loepard print thigh length dress with black strappy heels.

they arrived at dalton and headed to the warbler council room.

"well hello miss berry"hunter clarington said

"hi"rachel said shyly as hunter addressing her likecthwt had gotton everyones attention

" welcome to dalton" thad said

"thank you" rachel said

" guys" sebastian said before leading her over to kurt

"well you look lovely"kurt told her

"thank you kurt"rachel said

"one thing even i cant deny is if sebastian smythe has made you get rid of thoughs jumpers then i may well not be so bad after all" kurt said

" so where is the birthday boy"sebastian asked

"in his dorm"kurt said

"why"rachel asked

"getting a present from his girlfriend"kurt said

"ooh"sebastian said

"well i have come to introduce myself  better im hunter clarington im sebastians cousin"hunter said

"i see"rachel saidcas hunter took her hand and kissed the back of it

"steady"sebastian said

"any way hve you heared the news seb"hunter said

"news "sebastian asked he clearly didnt know what hunter was talking about

"brody is home"hunter said

"seriously"sebastian said

"who is brody"rachel asked

"my brother well half older brother he has just got out of juvi" hunter said

" so he is a bad boy then" kurt said with a small smile

" he is but he is a good laugh too think he is coming to the club tonight" hunter said

" why was he in juvi" rachel asked

"he tried to burn down a fire station"hunter said

"omg"rachel said

"the firemen were there he lite a match and the knocked tomthe ground with their hose"sebastian said

"kurt are you okay"rachel said as kurt seemed in a trance

" firemen." kurt said after a minute.

"hi guys thanks for coming"david said bringing his girfriend with him rachel couldnt believe her eyes david was dating brittany.

"hey rachy"brittany said

"britt i dont understand"rachel said

"well i met david a few months ago and i liked him but i ingored him because he was the enemy but since you got with sebastian i figured why not get with david" brittany said

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