what happens now

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rachel is sat with her head resting on leroys shoulder in the corridor of the hospital sebastian is still sedated his mom is in with him. rachel as no idea where santana was taken and truth be told she is into sure she cares. she had aimed for her father then her so why should she care what happens to her rachel thought when a nurse suddenly came down the corridor and went into sebastians room.

after several minutes the nurse left and his mom came to the door.

" rach he is awake he wants to see you" his mom said

" okay" rachel said getting up she walked insode the room looking at the floor first of all.

" i will give you two some privacy" his mom said

" rach" sebastian said his voice little more than a whisper rachel finzlly looked up at him she felt her eyes fill with tears he raised his hand for her tk take it she walked over to him and tuck his hand he gave her hand a squeeze.

" i love you" he said rachel started to sob

" babe its olay im gonna be fine" he said

" it didnt have to happen to you it shoud have been me" rachel said

" no it shouldnt i caused all this rach by making a stupid mistake" sebastian said

" she didnt hurt you" he asked

" only by hurting you" rachel said

" come here" he said they kissed it was intense even though he didnt have much strength.

" have their found her" he asked after their several minute long kiss

" well actaully i was waiting for my dad to come and sit with me and i saw her been brought in on a trolley i dont know what happened to her"rachel said

"well atleast if she is hurt she cant hurt you"seb said stroking her face rachel broke diwn in tears

"hey come on its alright"sebastian said trying to calm her down.

"what if she had killed...."rachel said

"she didnt im hhere im alive plus i got a nice sext scar foe you to kiss when we are in bed" he said making her laugh. as a doctor came in along with his mom.

" hello im just gonna check the wound" the doctor said

" you might want to wait outside" he added to rachel.

" rachel is his girlfriends she was there when he was stabbed she can stay" his mom said holding rachel while the doctor examined sebastian who whinced as he touched him.

" well  its looking good" the doctor said

" really" rachel asked

" yes the wound is clean the stitches have taken nicely everything is going on okay" the doctor said

" thank you" his mom said as the doctor left.

" we are pressing charges your father is on it as we speak" his mom said

" rach saw her been brought in last night" sebastian told his mother as leroy came into the room.

"rach can i have a word with you please"leroy said

"sure"rachel said following her dad out of thr room.

"a lady has jut spoken to me said she was santana's mom she ssid santaba wants to talk to you"leroy said

"no im not im never speaking to her again" rachel said

" aparantly she took an overdose" leroy said

" thats not my problem" rachel said walking back into sebastians room

" whats happened" sebastian asked seeing rachel s face

" is it her" his mom said with vemonnin her voice

" she wants to see me" rachel said

" dont" sebastian said

" im not dont worry" rachel said

"im ringing your father im not having the person who did this to you in the same  hospital as you"his mom said before kissing his cheek and leaving.

"think the police will be coming to see you now your awake"rachel said sebastian merely nodded.


the police did infact come to see sebastian they also went to see santana who was arested and put under police guard while she remained in hospital. as sebastian was having a bed bath which he wasnt to happy about as he had informed rach he would much rather her bath him. rachel ws outside getting some more
fresh air as kirt arrived he hugged her.

" is he okay" kurt said

" yeah he is" rachel said

" do you know quinn has been arrested" kurt said

" no i didnt know that" rachel said

" well appartantly i dont know all the facts but the rumour is that the police got santana cell phone and found a voicemail from quinn telling her that the only for her to be with sebastian is to get rid of you. she sent that an hour before it happened"kurt said rachel was stood in shock.

"can i see him"kurt asked rachel nodded

she linked kurts arm as they walked to sebastians room as they were almost there they saw the nurse leaving his room.so they went inside sebastian looked shocked to see kurt but smiled at him.

"hey"sebastian said after a minute

"hi i wanted to see you to say im sorry for doubting you and to thank you for what you did"kurt said in tear as he looked at rachel.

"no need to thank me'sebastian said.

" so do you know how long your gonna be in here" kurt asked

" be a few days yet" sebastian said.

the three of then chatted for about an hour before sebastian started to fall asleep due to the painkillers he was on.

they left his room and rachel hugged kurt tightly for several minutes before he pulled away taking her hands.

" i know i havent always been the biggest fan of sebastian it was only because i cared about you rachel and i can honeslty say he couldnt have proven himself more than he has by doing that he was prepared to die for you"kurt said rachel cried.

"he really does love you"kurt said as puck turned up

"hey princess"puck said taking racheo into his arms

"its okay i got you"he said

"you got yourself a nice guy there rach he dersves you i couldnt see you with someone who doesnt" puck said

" oh noah" rachel said smiling at him.

puck went in to see sebastian without rachel which scared her alittle it was like he didnt eant her to hear what he was saying to sebastian but he wasnt in with him long.

" right then princess sebastian is awake he want you with him" puck said

" he said that" rachel saod with a smile

" no cause he doesnt have to nobody cheers people up like you rach" puck said as he left rachsl went into be with sebastian.

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