fourth date

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its wednesday and rachel is at school she is feeling nervous as today is her and sebastians fourth date again. it was on their fourth date that they had sex and it was the morning after he broke up with her. rachel is looking forward to her dte be is alittle nervous about the after date moment. though she knows if she says no he wont be mad.

sebastian is picking her up from school as her car is been serviced by kurts dad burt.

rachel makes her way out of the buildimg and easily spots sebastians car after all not mny mckinley students have bmws.

" hey babe" he said kissing her as she got in. as sebastian pulled put of the parking spot rachel saw santana watching them. once they were out of ths parking lot sebastian put the radio on sia chanderlier came on.

" i love her voice" rachel said

" so babes shall do start off with what we did before" sebastian said

" sure" rachel said

"right then"sebastian said their fourth date they had gond to the local zoo and tnen ofcourse back to his house.

theya arrived at the zoo sebastian took her hand as tney walked in.

" lets do the indoor part first like last time" rachel said they went to the reptile section first.

"wow"rachel said looking at a boa constrictor that wasnt there when they came last time.

they spent two hours at the zoo rachel held an owl sebastian held an eagle they had a photo taken holding them. they had seen horses gorilla monkeys otters llama giraffe lion tiger bears.

as they made they way to the exit sebastian went to the gift shop to get their photo printed he had two copies done.

" next time at yours i will put this onto your digital photoframe" sebastian said huging her.

they set off they did just what they had done before they picked up chinese and headed to his.

as they arrived they went into the kitchen to get plates and sort out of the food the sat on the sofe eating watching the little mermaid which rachel had found in sebastians room on their first fourth date.

they sat eating watching t and chatying rachel was feeling alittle nervous now it wasnt even because 8f everything that had happened rachel had only ever had sex twice once with fin which had not been the best then the one time with sebastian which the sex had been amazing.

"you okay"sebastian asked her clerly having sensed she was on edge

"im fine"rachel said

"rach"sebastian said staring deep into her eyes with thoses gorgeous green eyes

"im nervous"rachel said

"we dont have to do anything your not ready for" sebastian said having put his food down and take hers from her placing it on the coffee table and took her hands in his.

" rach we can wait i dont need to sleep with you to class this as a great date its already great because its with you" sebastian said rachel kissed him they kissed for a long time withbhim stroking her hair.

" i want too" rachel saaid as they broke apart

" really your sure" sebastian asked her

" yes its not because its what happened last time its because i want too" rachel said sebastian stood up pulling her up off the couch and they went upstairs. as they reached his room he pulled her to him and kissed her passionately as he kicked the dor shut with his foot. rachel took controll and lifted his tshirt up over his head he followed her lead by giving her blouse same treatment as she stood infront of him in her bra rachel felt a little consious but sebastaisn hand were cupping her over her bra as he kissed her neck. he thwn slid his hand up under her bra on to her bare breast rachel shivered at his touch as he caressed her nipples before removing her bra completly.his hands tracing over her soft skin rachel reached for the buckle of his belt before pulling it off she then unzipped himand pushed his jeans dosn fesling his bulge as she did. sebastian pulled away from her to remove his jeans before tugging on her skirt and managing to pull her panties down her legs with it leaving her naked. rachel pushed his boxers down now they were both naked he cuddled up to her she could feel his  excitement pressing against her she decided to be bold and reached for his length and began to stroke him.

" oh yeah"sebastian said before giving her breast his full attention. they remained like that for a few minutes until rachel moved from hi  a d gotmon her knees she looked up and they stared into one anothers eyes she could see the lust in his eys as she tuck is penis in her mouth.

" oh rach." sebastian groaned as she curled her tongue round him.  rachel began bobbing up and down on him given she doesnt have a gag reflex she could take a lot of him in her mouth. rachel knelt there licking and sucking him for several minutes before stopping. sebastian help her up she went to go to the bed butnhe pulled her to him and kissed her roughly with need before picking her up and laying her on the bed before settling himself on top of her he kissed her again then licked her neck before gently kissing both her nipples beofre trailinbhis tongue over her tummy and down to her sex rachel gasped as his tongue touched her folds. he started to lick her slowly at first but got faster before sucking her clit rachels hands were playing with his hair before pullingbhis head to her as the feel of him was driving her crazy rachel could spfeel herself starting loose it he stopped had climbed back to her mouth where they kissed for a few mnutes before sebastian got up and got a condom from his top drawer and got back on the bed he putnthe condom on and laid on her.

" i love you" he told her

" i love you" rachel said they held each others gaze as he sunk into her. rachl was in heaven it was better than she remembered the feel of him the smell and tastemof him was all better than ehe recalled.

they made love for a long time altering between slow and senual to fast and rough. afterwards rachel was laid in his arms with no regrets she felt amazing her bodt was still tingling she felt beautiful she felt loved. sebastian was stroking her arm.

" rach" he said

" yeah" she answered

" i love you"- he said

" i love you too"rachel said

" i mean i really love you ypur it your the one for me" sebastian said before kissing her.

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