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santana was leaving the hospital the next evening after going to see blaine she hadnt told him she had gone to dalton only rachel knows she had lied to rachel she told her the warblers were not their when she got there. santana decided to get a bottle of water from the vending machine in he lobby of the hospital. she picked up her bottle and headed out to her car she was looking in her purse for her car key when she was grabbed as tried to scream but a hand was placed over her m8uth prevenging her doing so. she was pulled into an ally way next to the hospital the hand over her mouth was removed and she turned and saw it was sebastian.

" what the hell do you think your doing" santana yelled

" sshh do you wanna be interrupted" sebastian said

" what do you mean" santana asked as sebastian kissed her again this kiss was intense of heat snatana kissed him back they were both lost in the kiss.

" what is this" santana asked as they broke the kiss for air

" what do you mean" sebastian said

" us" santana said

" i dont do us santana its just kissing" sebastian said

" what you doing here" santana said

" im talking to you " sebastian said with a smirk

" i mean here at the hospital" santan said

" well i figured you would come to see gay cyclops" sebastian said

" blaine is not gay" santana said

" kurt fancies him" sebastian said

" yes because kurt is gay blaine is into...a girl" santana said

" im bored" sebastian said smirking

" i dont understand."santana said

" i came here to get you underneath me and yet here we are talking about other people" sebastian

" wait you thought you could just jump me and i would shag you" santana said

" stranger things have happened" sebastian said

" you thought i would just sleep with you just like that" santana said offended

" no i never intended to sleep santana" sebastian said with a cocky grin

" you are unbelievable" santana said

"  i figured you would have said that afterwards" sebastian said

" really smythe" santana said starting to walk away from him but he grabbeď her and pushed her against the wall.

" let go of me" santana said but sebastian kissed ber again his hand going to the back of her neck as he deepened the kiss. then he pulled away

" until next time" sebastian  said before leaving her stood there breathless.

santana didnt kn8w what to think as she neaded to her car.


i know this chapter ia short but this story will get going soon. hope your enjoying it so far. please comment and vote thank you

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