Part 1

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Hey loves! Welcome to BBDH Sequel! If you have not read the first book, please do so before reading this one! I hope you enjoy this book as much as the first one!

*After 2nd day of school (After Part 40)*

(Emma's POV)

 I couldn't believe it.. It was all a dream. What did I ever do wrong? I barley know him. My thoughts were interrupted. "Hey Em,  you okay?" Phil asked as he walked in with all my favorite foods and movies. "I'm getting better. Thanks Philly" I said, forcing a smile. "No problem. I'm sorry about your dream" he sighed. "It's okay. It happens" I said as I lay my head on his shoulder. "Lion King?" he suggested. "Sounds great" I whispered then kissed his cheek lightly. He smiled and started the movie. I slowly started falling asleep. I was absorbed into complete darkness, no dreams whatsoever. That was okay. I was relaxed. I was awoken by Phil carrying me to my room so I could sleep comfortably. He noticed I was awake when he laid me on my bed. "Thanks Philly. Goodnight" I whispered sleepily. "Anytime bear. Goodnight" and with that he kissed my forehead and climbed in my bed next to me. He turned off the lamp and rubbed my back slowly. I once again, fell asleep. 

 "Hey babe" Dan smiled as he kissed my cheek. "Hey" I smiled back as I made pancakes for Isabella, Dan, and I. Isabella came running down the stairs. "Morning guys" she smiled and hugged my legs as I cooked. "Good morning sweetheart" I smiled as I put everyone's breakfast on their plates along with various fruits. Once breakfast was finished I put the plates on the table. "Thank you love" Dan said happily. "Anytime" I smirked and sat down. "How'd you sleep mum and dad?" Isabella asked in a sweet voice. "We slept fine, how about you?" Dan asked. He looked up from her and winked at me. I tried my best not to laugh. "Good. I had a bad dream about daddy though" she muttered. "Aw I'm sorry Bell, what was it about?" I asked as I pushed her hair behind her ear. "I don't want to hurt daddy's feelings though.." she said. I looked up at Dan. He nodded, signifying I could take her to the lounge. I took her hand and walked with her to the living room. "So what was your dream about love?" I asked her. "Well" she sighed. I nodded to tell her she can continue. "Well he was really mean to you. He was hurting you really badly. But you two hated each other. He did really really bad things mummy" she said as a few tears rolled down her face. "Aw baby" I whispered as I wiped her tears and pulled her into a hug. "I love you" she said as she pulled away. "I love you to" I smiled. Once she went back upstairs to draw, Dan and I talked about her dream. "So she had a dream about you really hurting me.." I whispered. He lifted my chin and leaned in to kiss me. 

 "Emma, wake up. We have to go to school. I'm sorry love" Phil said as he lightly tapped me. "Okay. Thanks" I yawned as I got up and stretched. My back and eye still hurt from the first day. I walked to my bathroom and showered since I knew Phil wakes up early so he can drink coffee. Usually I wake up at about 7 but he wakes me up at 6:30. I showered as my music blared through my phones speaker. I finished showering and dried my hair. I put my hair into a tight fishtail braid and a red bow. I put on black skinny jeans and a red crop-top. Who cares about dress codes? I put on my red vans then did my makeup. The bruises on my stomach were fading so I doubt anyone will ask, pfftt like anyone cares. Once my makeup was finished I walked downstairs to find Phil drinking coffee in his lion t-shirt and black jeans. "Hey Em! You look great!" he smiled and washed out his mug then put it in the sink. "Ready for school?" I asked as I grabbed my book bag off the kitchen chair. "Yep" he smiled. He got his bag and we started walking to school. 

 We walked in the gates and I squeezed Phil's hand. "Hey, it'll be okay" he cooed and held my hand tightly. We walked to our lockers and got our math books. I was shoved into my locker. Luckily, it was closed. "Screw off Howell" Phil growled. "What are you gonna do about it?" Dan smirked. He just rolled his eyes and looked over at me. "Jacobson, meet me behind the school gym in the beginning of first period, got it?" Dan demanded as he pushed my back into the locker and held me there tightly. "O-ok.." I whispered fearfully. "Good girl" he smirked and shoved me harder into the locker and walked away. I looked over at Phil with fear in my eyes. "What did he say?" he asked. "H-he told me to m-meet him behind the g-gym" I said, trembling. His jaw dropped. "W-What's he gonna do to me?!" I asked while pacing. "Shhhh it'll be okay" he whispered and hugged me tightly. I was trying so hard not to cry.

 Alison walked up behind us. "Hey guys.." she said. Her tone was cheerful at first but it slowly became worried. I looked up and Phil mouthed "Dan" to her. "I'm gonna kill him I swear. I'm so done with this" she growled. "Okay so he told me to meet him before first period. I'm really scared because I have no idea what he'll do to me" I said. "Aw sweetheart it'll be okay. You don't have to go" she cooed. "Yes I do. If I don't he'll probably kill me or something. Actually, that would be better than going through all this everyday" I mumbled the last part. Alison was about to say something then the bell rang and she had to get to class.

 "Phil, go ahead. I'll go by myself. I love you" I sniffled. "I love you to. I hate him so much" he said as a singular tear fell down his cheek. "Don't cry, I'll be fine. See you later" I forced a smile. "I love you so much" he whispered. "You to" I said and lightly kissed him. "Bye" he said. I waved goodbye. I took a deep breath and started walking back to the gym. 

A/n: Hey loves! Welcome to the sequel to BBDH! I really hope you enjoy this book. So far, I really love writing it. Ps.. Sorry about the cliffhanger and making you wait so long for the sequel :)

love you!!

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