Part 27

220 9 4

*Back at school*

Hey guys I just have a quick question . I was wondering if and of you remember what Emma's birthday was. I've been through BBDH and I haven't found it but I may have skipped over it. If you remember please let me know.

 I walked into the gates smiling like crazy, this weekend has been amazing. "Someones happy for a Monday" Phil laughed and put his arm around me as we stood in the courtyard. "I spent the weened with Joe" I explained. "Oooooo" he smirked. I laughed and stood closer to him when I saw Dan looking in our direction. "How's your arm?" he asked. "Good, still bruised but it feels a lot better" I said. "Good" he smiled, the warning bell rang and we walked to our lockers, got our books and went to class. I walked into Math and Mr.Lee pulled me aside. "So Joe came home happier then ever. I'm guessing it went well" he asked quietly. "Yes, it went great" I smiled. "I haven't seen him this happy in ages. Thanks" he smiled back. "Anytime" I said and walked to my seat. 

 I was in such a good mood, and I was determined to not let anyone change that, not even Dan. 

( Time Skip Lunch)

 When I got to lunch Dan grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the darkest corridor he could find. "We're gonna talk" he growled. "About?" I asked. "What you did Friday. Everyone had been giving me so much shit because of it" he said, way to close to my face. "Like you haven't made my life shit? Come on Dan, don't play the victim" I glared. "Wow you're confident today" he said. "No, I'm just done" I spat. "Yeah well I'm not" he said and slapped my cheek as hard as he could. I'll admit it hurt, but he will never know that. I turned my head back and looked directly at him. I didn't say or do a thing. He did it again, harder. I bit my lip trying not to say anything that would just make it worse. 

 He pulled out a sharp piece of what I presumed to be glass and cut my shoulder slowly, trying to make me to make a sound so he'd have an excuse to practically break my jaw. "Screw. You" I said and glared at him. He laughed and put the glass back in his pocket, I felt as the blood trickled down my shirt under my hoodie. He then proceeded to call me every name in the book and insult me in every way possible. To be honest, some of them really pissed me off. I kept my cool the entire time. When he finally decided he was done with me he shoved me to the ground and left me there. I was already weak from blood loss. Even getting my blood drawn could make me pass out. 

 I used all the strength I had and applied pressure to my shoulder as I picked myself up and almost immediately fell back down. I stood up again and walked to the cafeteria slowly. I was extremely dizzy and the room was spinning. Considering I haven't eaten yet, that just made it worse. Phil stood at the doors nervously waiting for me, with Alison by his side calming him down. "Emma!"Phil cried and held me tightly. I moved my hand and he saw my bloodstained chest, luckily my hoodie was fine. "Alison cab you run and get her a bar or something. The blood has stopped but she just needs to eat" Phil explained. "On it" Alison said and quickly ran to the line and got a granola bar and a yogurt. "Eat" he said and hands me the food. "Thanks Phil" I said, that took half of my energy. Finally after a while my sight was restored and I felt okay.  

 *Time skip Art*

I walked into Art after a pretty long day. Of course I was the first to walk in considering I nearly ran here. "Hey Emma" he smiled as I walked in. "Hi" I smiled back and at down at my seat, which conveniently was close to his desk. He noticed the blood on my shirt and gave me a confused look. I mouthed that I'd tell him later once everyone started coming in. He explained the assignment and started. "Glad to be in the class" Dan said looking down at me. "What?" I asked. "Oh love, you think I don't know. How sad" He laughed. "I don't know what you mean Dan" I said, becoming nervous. "I know about you and your relationship with Sugg" he said. "Do you need to see the nurse?" I said. "Okay, play dumb. It'll be even harder to avoid when the whole school finds out" he whispered, way to close to my neck. I could feel his breath on my skin. I shivered. I continued to work but his words repeated in my head over and over. 

*End of Day*

They dismissed everyone and I finally walked out. Sweet, sweet freedom. As I walked out Joe came running up behind me. "Want a ride home?" he asked, walking with me. "I don't think that's a good idea" I sighed. "Why not?" he asked. "I'll explain later. See you Joe"I said sadly as we walked to the front of school. He then walked to his car. 


I got home and texted Joe. 

E- skype?

J- yeah

I took out my laptop and instantly got a call. I answered. "Hey Joe" I said. "Hey love, so what's wrong?" he asked. I could tell he was extremely concerned. "Well, this" I said, taking off my hoodie, revealing the cut. "Was from lunch. The reason I denied your offer of a ride home is that Dan was talking today. About.. us" I explained. He went pale. "Yeah.." I said. "Wow.. okay" he said. I started to get worried. "It's okay, we just have to lay low for a while" I said. He nodded. "You okay?" he asked. I must have looked worried. "Yeah, I just don't want whatever is going on with us to end because of him" I said, being completely honest. "Emma, that would never happen" he sighed. I nodded. "Joe!" I heard Caspar say in the background. "Guess I gotta go" he sighed. "Alright. Bye" I said. "Bye love" he said and we hung up. 

Well this should be great. 

Hey guys. Sorry I haven't updated this weekend, I was at my friends house and didn't have much wifi. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. It was mainly just a filler chapter, sadly this book is coming to a closing. I'm definitely not ready. 

Love you all

xx Lexi

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