Part 30 (Triggering Chapter)

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Hey loves! Sadly, this is the final chapter... this will be quite triggering so if you're easily triggered I have written an alternate ending. Please please please don't read if you get triggered easily. I'd hate to upset anyone. Love you all so much♡ 

*3 months later*

 Each day has gotten worse, by now it hurts to even breathe. Dan gets more and more violent by the week. Everyday at school has became hell. I honestly feel alone. Joe and I have continued to talk but even he couldn't make me happy. I've been to so many doctors and nothing helps. Everyone in school including the teachers refuse to do a thing about Dan, they just let it go as if nothing happened so they didn't ruin their prestigious reputation. 

 Finally, I had enough. I stormed up to my room slamming my door behind me. I sat on my bed and took out a notebook. I wrote my final goodbyes. 

 Dear anyone who may be reading this, 

                                                                                 I'm sorry. I truly, truly am. But I've had enough with this world and there's nothing left of me. I'm without a doubt broken. I have lost the ability to feel anything. This is my final goodbye. 

Mum and Dad, thank you for being there throughout my childhood. I wish you could have been around more in my teen years. Even though I may not act like it at times, I really love you and I'm extremely sorry. 

Phil, I love you so much. I hate to do this to you. You've been with me through it all, keeping me alive. I really appreciate you. Please don't worry about me any longer, and go and live your life happily. I know I'm just weighing you down and I don't want to hurt anyone anymore. I would go on forever about you. I just love you so much, lion. I'll see you again someday, I promise. 

Alison, I really love you. Although we've had our ups and downs you stayed with me and you were always there to kick some ass when I needed you to. You were such a loyal friend and I can't put into words how grateful I am to have had you in my life. 

Gabriel, meeting you is what kept me from doing this a long time ago. Your kind smile and actions completely took me by surprise and made me have hope. Please don't be upset because as you always told me, life's to short to worry about the small things. Love you so much. 

Finally, Joe. Joe please don't be sad. I'll see you again. The past few months with you have been phenomenal. You stuck with me through so much and I could always tell you really cared. I would have never admitted this but now it's time. I love you. I really do. You're such a kind person with a generous heart and you're amazingly talented. 

Well.. that's it. I'm so so sorry. I love you all so much

   xx- Emma Alexis Jacobson

 I tucked the note away on my bed and walked into my bathroom leaving the door open. I poured a bottle of painkillers in my hand. I downed them quickly and sat against the wall, slowly becoming dizzy. I felt my heart speed up. My vision faded, and my breathing steadied. I knew I was gone. 

*Hours later Alison's POV*

 Emma hasn't answered her texts, or calls in hours and I was beginning to get worried. I quickly ran to her house, my heart beating quickly in my chest.  When I got to her house I steadied my breathing and grabbed my key and walked in. "Emma!" I called. No answer. I called her name repetitively. Still nothing. I ran up to her room. Locked. I shoved against the door as hard as I could. I then remembered she left a key on the trim of the door if she ever got locked out. I quickly grabbed it and opened the door. She wasn't in her room, but there was a piece of paper on her bed. 

God no Emma. I thought to myself. I looked behind me in the bathroom and saw her on the floor, not breathing. "Emma!"I yelled and shook her. Tears flowed down my cheeks. I called 999, Phil, and her dad. Soon Phil was running in with Mr. Sugg behind him. I sobbed against her and waited for the medics to arrive. Phil bent down and sat by her side and I saw tears fall from his eyes. I hugged him and he held me close. This can't be happening. This can't be happening. Wake up, wake up, wake up! I turned around and saw Mr.Sugg. His face was red and tears streamed down his cheeks.

  I ran over to her bed and picked up the paper. A suicide note. I read it aloud as Mr. Jacobson walked in and wept over Emma's body. The medics arrived and pulled her into an ambulance. We followed in Mr.Jacobson's car, we were all silent. We were all petrified. 

*At the hospital*

 As we all waited in the sitting room Mr.Deyes,Mr. Lee, Ms.Sugg, and Mr.White all walked in with tears in their eyes. They all said hello and took their places next to Mr. Sugg and comforted him. Mr. Jacobson was in absolute shock and he wouldn't say a word. "Jacobson" A doctor said walking in. We all stood up. he lead us to her room where she laid on the bed, lifeless. Her body was paler than ever and she just laid there. Still. "I am truly sorry for your loss. But there is nothing we can do. It's been hours since the overdose and it's made it's way into her blood stream. She suffered from cardiac arrest shortly after the call" he said, his eyes watered as well. She was gone.  

*Days later. Funeral*

All of us gathered around Emma's casket, wishing we could have said goodbye one last time. Two people walked in that we all didn't expect. Dally and Gabriel. We gave them a quick hug and explained everything that happened. We went up to pay our respects and say a few words about Emma. After the funeral, we saw a very familiar face. Dan. He stood in all black with bloodshot eyes. "I'm sorry, truly. I never expected this. I know an apology means nothing to you but I just felt like I had to. I'l have to live with this the rest of my life, and that's something I'm ready to face" he choked out. Anger rose inside of all of us but we nodded, knowing violence isn't what Emma wanted. 

We all went back to Emma's house to talk and remember all of our good memories. Even though she was gone, she'll always be with us in spirit. 

Thank you all so so much for reading. All of your support means so much to me and I wouldn't be where I am without you. I know this wasn't an ideal ending for some of you but as we know.. all good things must come to an end. I honestly don't want this series to end because I've built such a strong connection with these characters. But all in all, thank you. If you have any suggestions for future books, please please please feel free to DM me at any time. Or if you just want to be friends! For a final time..

Love you all!

xx Lexi

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