Part 28

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*Next Day School----- Lunch*

 All day I've been getting weird looks, people have been whispering when I walked in, and Dan has been acting really suspicious. As Phil and I took our seats at lunch, Dan came over and sat to the left of me. "How's your day been" he smirked. "Great, how has yours been Daniel?" I asked. "Super. Notice anything.. different?" he asked. I shrugged. He took out his phone and showed me a picture of Joe and I. I tried to play dumb. "I don't know what that's supposed to be" I said sternly. "Oh don't even try it love" he laughed. "So, give me the details. Are you guys really dating!" He joked. "Piss off" I spat. I felt his anger rise. "Alright. Ever wondered why people were whispering, or why they stared? Yeah, that's because everyone knows about your little secret" he barked. My heart fell. "Whatever Dan" I said, I tried to turn away but he pulled me to face him. "Don't try to turn away when I'm talking to you" he warned. "Oh please" I glared. 

 "Dan, please do yourself a favor and f- screw off" Phil said, trying not to swear. "Shut up Lester" he said and Phil just glared at him. "See ya Em" he winked and stood up. I stood up as well. "Look Dan, one second you're leaving me alone, and the next you're attempting to ruin my life. What the hell is your problem?! What did I do to you?!" I yelled, grabbing him by his shirt. His eyes were filled with anger. "You don't ask the questions. I do. You don't make the accusations. I do. Don't even try that with me Emma" he growled. "I'm done with taking this from you. If you have something to say, say it! Right here, right now! Let everyone know what a coward you really are" I fought. Phil tried to pull me back, but my grip was to tight, I saw my knuckles turn white. 
"You keep digging your grave" he warned, his voice was shaking with anger. "Okay I will. Why do you think that you can run my life? Why did you start on me in the first place? Are you really that shallow? Or are you just hiding something?" I said, at this point both of us were ready to kill each other. 

 By now, everyone was staring. He just walked off so he didn't ruin his reputation. "Wuss" I said and sat back down. "That was badass" Dan's friend Hunter said walking over to me. "Thanks" I smiled. "Dan can be a jerk, but he's bearable" he said. "Oh trust me, he's always a jerk" I said. "To you" he shrugged. "Don't know why" I said. "Me either" He said and walked off. I looked over at Phil. "Good job Em" he said and hugged me. "Thanks Philly" I smiled. It felt great to get that out. 

Throughout the day I got a lot of questions about Joe and I but I denied them. As I walked into art I was prepared to see Joe waiting for me to explain, but when I walked in there was a sub, and a lot of Joe's things were gone. I walked up to the sub. "Hi Miss, I was wondering where Mr.Sugg is?" I asked. "Oh love I'm sorry, but he um.. he doesn't work here anymore. My names Ms. Burr" she said. "Oh alright. Thank you" I fake smiled and walked back to my seat to find Dan at his next to me. I sat down and tried not to let him know I care. "Ooo Sugg isn't here!" Dan said and nudged me. "Okay, and?" I said, there was a shake to my voice that I couldn't stop. "Someones mad" he smiled devilishly. 

 The rest of the day went by extremely slow. Ms. Sugg came running up after me. "Emma" she called. I turned around. "Yeah?" I said, still shaking. "Love, can I please give you a ride. I'm so sorry" She said. I nodded. She lead me to her car and started to drive me home. When we got to my house I thanked her and walked in, closing the door behind me and walking up to my room, heartbroken. I got a text from Joe. 

J- I'm sorry Emma

E- joe, please don't be. it wasn't your fault it was dan's 

J- Thanks Em. 

E- anytime. i'll miss you

J- I'll miss you too

E- gotta go. bye joe

J- Bye Em♡ 

I put my phone down and changed into some sweat pants and a hoodie. I turned on Titanic since it's one of my favorite movies when I'm upset. Before I started the movie I ran downstairs and made popcorn. Before I knew it, I was asleep. 

*Dream* (Slight trigger warning)

 "Joe!" I called. I shivered as I walked cautiously through his empty house. I heard him yelling, I couldn't find him anywhere. "Where are you?!" I yelled back becoming scared. "Emma" he called, he sounded in pain. I finally found him. "Joe!" I exclaimed running over to him. I put my hand on his chest, blood. "It'll be okay Joe" I cooed. He didn't have a shirt on. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around him. I turned around to come face to face with Dan. "What the hell did you do?!" I yelled. "Stay with me" I cooed, running my hands through his hair, holding tears back. I felt something sharp in my leg. I cried out in pain and collapsed next to him. He started to go unconscious. "Joe, please" I cried.  I turned around and faced Dan. "Why did you do that?!" I shouted. He didn't say a thing, he just smirked. I went back to Joe. I started to attempt to aid his wound as my leg throbbed.

  "Let's have some fun shall we?" he laughed. "You've caused enough damage, now leave me alone!" I said through my teeth. It took all my strength just to shift myself, I wasn't at all ready for what was to come. Dan picked me up by my hair and pulled me into an even darker room and tied me to a chair, he turned on a lamp in the corner.  He had a tray full of different sharp objects arranged. I proceeded to swear at him and call him every name I could think of while attempting to get out of the chair. He walked over to me with a large blade and held it to my stomach. He slowly cut me. I bit my lip to stop myself from crying. 

 "Emma wake up!" Phil said, shaking me. I sat up and ran my hands through my hair. "Are you okay? You were screaming. We only have 10 minutes until school starts" he said. Crap. I got up and ran upstairs. I put on leggings a tank top and a jacket. Quickly I brushed my hair. "What were you dreaming about?" he asked. "Dan" I said. I took his hand and we went to school. On the walk I elaborated on the dream. Just talking about it made my eyes swell up. 

Hey loves! I've really enjoyed writing recently, hence the quick updates. Next chapter should be much more interesting! 

Love you all

xx Lexi

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