Part 15

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*Next day*

I woke up to my alarm frantically buzzing waking Phil and I both up. "Morning" he yawned. "Morning" I whispered, not wanting to go to school but I have exams. I got up, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair and put on sweat pants and one of Gabriel's hoodies. I put my hair in a messy bun, put on my glasses and grabbed my book bag. "Done" I simply said. "Aw" he frowned. "I don't care what Dan says. I'm done" I sighed. He took my hand and we walked out. 

*At school* 

Phil and I were 10 minutes late after the bell rang. I ran to my locker, grabbed my book and walked to class.

"Ms. Jacobson! You've been late 3 times just within these last few weeks. I'm going to have to give you detention today from 4:15 to 6:00" he shouted. "For the love of god" I exasperated and took my seat. Luckily Dan wasn't here. Mr.Lee continued on with the lesson and of course Dan walked 20 minutes later. He got the same speech and was in detention with me at the exact same time. "See you at 4:15" he smirked at me, making the entire class look my way. "Mr.Howell, take your seat. Now." he ordered. He walked over and immediately went on his phone not even caring. All of this seemed fake. This can't be happening. (Almost like it's a fanfiction. Omg meta) 

That class took ages. When the bell finally rang I felt like I aged 20 years. I was about to walk to my locker when Mr.Lee said "Emma I need to speak to you for a moment." I looked over at him. "Why were you late?" he asked. "I was getting ready" I shrugged. "It doesn't look like it" he insulted. Oh hell no. "What the hell is your issue?!" I asked. "Language!" he exclaimed. "Whatever. Bye" I scoffed. This guy is making me late.

I walked to my locker waiting for Dan to come by and say something. I grabbed my history textbook. Once I turned around to start walking to class I came eye to eye with Dan. "Look I already have had an awful day. Just leave me alone" I sighed and shoved my him. Not even caring to look back, I ran to class. "Good morning Emma" Ms.Sugg said cheerfully when I walked in. "Hi" I said quietly and took my seat. "Everything okay?" Phil mouthed. "I have detention at 4:15 to 6... with Dan" I mouthed back. His jaw dropped. He mouthed "I'm sorry" and we continued listening to the lesson. 


I walked over to Coach Jack. "Hey Coach Jack, I left my clothes. Sorry" I said. "Aw okay! That's fine. Just be sure to bring them back" he smiled. "Will do" I fake smiled and walked over to what everyone called "The Wall" it's where everyone sits when they pretend to forget their kit. I sat with my back against it listening to music and thinking about what I'd do for 2 hours in detention. I texted my dad to tell him that I wouldn't be home. 

E- Hey dad. I won't be home until 6:30 or 7. I've got detention

D-What did you do?! 

E- I was late and my teacher was rude.

D- Sucks. See you later love.

E- Bye dad

He took that surprisingly well. Once that was over I walked to the office to ask which class to go to for detention. "Ms.Jacobson.. your detention teacher is Mr. Sugg" the administrator said and handed me a card. I nodded and walked down to the art room. "Hey girl heyyy" he smiled when I walked in. "Hey Mr.Sugg" I laughed."What'd ya do?" he asked, smiling with anticipation. "I was late" I shrugged. "BORINNGGG. I may have thought you stabbed Dan with a fork or something" he chuckled. "A fork?" I laughed. "Yep. Honestly he deserves it" He shrugged. "I know right. Don't take this the wrong way but how old are you?" I asked. "25" he said simply. I nodded. "You're 16 right?" he asked. "Yep" I said. "So Mr. Sugg-" I started. "You can call me Joe" he chuckled. "And you can call me anytime" I said to myself.That came out so much louder than I meant it to.. crap.  He laughed. 

We were having a nice conversation then Dan walked in. "Evil Mr. Sugg is gonna come out let's go" he whispered. "Daniel Howell! You are 15 minutes late to detention. Looks like Mr. Chapman will have to see you tomorrow" he reprimanded. Dan looked terrified. "Both of you. Take a seat now" he ordered. We did as he said. "Cas- Mr.Lee and I are great friends and I know he wouldn't give someone detention for nothing. I'm surprised Emma is here but Daniel, you're a regular in detention aren't you?" 

For the rest of that night Joe was being as scary as possible and I was trying to contain my laughter. Once the time was up Dan got out as quick as possible. "Joe that was amazing" I laughed and high fived him. "Was that good?" he asked. "It was brilliant! I haven't been this happy in ages" I smiled. Did I just admit that to my art teacher? Oops. "You alright?" he asked, concerned. "Yep, I'm fine" I smiled. He walked me over to a spot in the room away from the door. "I know what he does to you and it's really messed up. I've reported it loads but the dumb ass headmaster doesn't believe me" he sighed. "It's fine Joe, really" I said, taking his hands to calm him down. "It's not. He hurts you and no one does anything about it" he shook his head. "Joe, trust me. I'm okay" I said. I turned around and saw post it notes and a pencil. I wrote down my number. "I've really gotta get home. Talk to you later Joseph" I smiled and walked out. 

Best. Detention. Ever.

Hey loves! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This sounds so creepy but does anyone even slightly ship this. No idea why but I do. I was going to make the detention teacher Alfie but then I thought of Joe and thought it would be cool. And ya know #Zalfie ftw. Anyway! Tomorrow is gonna be a huge day for me. I'm getting my stupid braces off and dying my hair. Let's hope I don't look stupid. 

love you all♡

xx Lexi

Why Me?- Bullied By Dan Howell SequelWhere stories live. Discover now