Part 21

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*Next morning at school*

As I walked to my first class, I felt as if someone was watching me. I was too afraid to look back. I walked into class and took my seat. I waited for Mr. Lee to come in and start the lesson. Of course he walked in at the same time as Dan. "Good morning everyone" he yawned as he sat down. He walked around and gave us a notes page since we were starting a new subject. How fun.  

In the middle of class Phil came in. I looked at him confused. "Can I see Emma please?" he asked, out of breath as if he ran here. Mr.Lee nodded and I got up and walked out into the empty corridor with him. "Everything alright?" I asked. "No, there's a huge rumor going on in my class that's probably going around school" he huffed. My heart skipped a beat. "Everyone is saying you and Dan are a thing and that you stayed at his place all weekend" he said sadly. I stayed quiet in shock. He was about to say something else when the bell rang. I walked back in and grabbed my things and walked to my locker. 

When anyone would walk by they'd whistle or laugh. I grabbed my history book, slammed my locker and walked to class. I felt people staring, I ignored them. Alison came running in. She hugged me tightly. "Are you okay?" she asked. I shook my head, my face felt hot and I felt my eyes well up. "I'm so sorry love" she said quietly. The final bell rang and she had to leave. I sat back down with my head down. 

The entire class period I stayed silent,the sound of my thoughts blocking out everything around me. Once the bell rang after what felt like hours, Phil shook my shoulder and snapped me out of it. I stood up and went to my locker. Dan walked over and smirked down at me. "What" I snarled, getting my science book. "Bad weekend" A girl said walking by. "Shut up!" I exasperated furiously. Once again, I slammed my locker and walked to science, pushing through everyone laughing.

 As soon as I walked in Mr.White looked at me, I knew he could tell something was up. I sat down and started the project written on the board. I noticed him taking out his phone and texting someone. I ignored it and continued on the project. I could hardly focus, I felt like I was being everyone. That class went by much quicker. Probably because I had music blaring through my headphones the entire time. 

*Timeskip Art*

I walked into art, in need of an adult I could trust. Joe. I looked at his desk, he was no where to be seen. Great. I thought to myself and sat down. A substitute walked in. She explained everything we had to do. Once we started Dan was practically all over me. I pushed him away numerous times. I heard a whisper behind me. I turned around and saw Joe. I got up quietly and walked out. "Joe oh my god you have no idea-" I started. "Yes I do. Oli told me. I'm so sorry love" he said and hugged me. "even teachers know?" I sighed. He nodded. "Hey, it's okay" he said and pushed my hair back from out of my face. "You'll be fine" he said sweetly. "Thanks Joe" I half smiled. "Well I gotta go. Text me later?" he said. "Of course" I said and walked back in subtly. 

I sat back down.. or at least tried. As soon as I went to sit down Dan kicked over my chair, making me fall flat on the floor. "What a clutz" everyone laughed, not realized Dan kicked it. I got back up, picked up my chair and sat down. Phil looked over at me, hurt filled his eyes. "So babe" Dan said loudly getting everyone's attention. I ignored him and shook my head. "I was thinking I should walk you home" he said. "I'm fine thanks" I said through my teeth. "Whatever you say" he said and harshly nudged my rib cage. I rolled my eyes. He did it again..harder. "Okay!" I whisper yelled and pushed his arm away from me. "What I thought" he mumbled. "Oh please" I retorted and continued working. 

*Start of walk home*

I walked outside of the gates with Dan unfortunately by my side. I was silent halfway there. Then he started with the insults and trying to get me to react. Of course, something took over me and I yelled back. "What did I do to you!?" He just scoffed and continued walking. He took out a pack of cigarettes, this is the second one in 25 minutes. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, 10 awkward minutes later I was home. I walked in, he was about to say something when I slammed the door behind me. I walked up to my room. Well I ran.  I blasted my music and just laid on my bed. I got a text from Phil. 

Lion♡: Hey bear, are you home? Are you okay? Did anything happen?

Emma: hey lion, yeah i'm home. i'm fine. he just randomly started insulting me, trying to get me to talk. i got mad and stood up to him. 

Lion♡: Good job love, glad you're okay. 

Emma: thank you, me too

Lion: You seem upset

Emma: i am to be honest. that rumor will never die. no matter how much i deny it 

Lion♡: I'm sorry love :(

Emma: it's okay lion, i'll be okay.

Lion♡: I know you will. Love you. If you need anything let me know

Emma:  love you too. do you think you could come over?

Lion♡: I was hoping you'd ask that.  Be there in 10. 

Emma: thanks♡♡ see ya 

 I put my phone down and got under my comforter. I felt myself start to fall asleep. I tried to stay awake, but that didn't work out.

*Phil's POV*

I walked into Emma's house and heard music blaring. That's how I knew she was extremely upset. I ran up to her room and saw her peacefully sleeping. I sat on her bed next to her and rubbed her back. She's been through a lot. Poor girl.

Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to update. But hey, schools nearly out! Don't give up♡ Finals are coming up for most of you, I know it sucks but they'll all be over soon and you'll have a nice break (which also means more updates ;) )

love you guys♡♡ 


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